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HEAVEN #3450
What Your Life Is About
May 6, 2010

In life, you are looking at the lay of the land. Theterrain is laid out for you. Where you go and what you seek is yourdecision tomake. What happens is not altogether up to you. You have some say, butyou donot have say over everything that happens in life.
And yet you have wanted to control everything in life.Beloveds, whatever may come, you have to deal with it. Whatever lands atyourdoor, you have something to do. Sometimes you let it in, and sometimesyou stepaside. You do not have the say. You have the say over where you will gofromthere, yet you are not the total dispenser of the Universe.
If you find yourself in a landslide, you are in landslide.Where you land probably isn't your choice. Wherever you find yourself,yourchoice begins. You go on from where you find yourself. Even if youcannot walk,you have choices. You have the choice to despair. Perhaps you have thechoice tocrawl.
No one likes waking up in a strange place, yet, if that'swhere you find yourself, the question isn't how, when, why. The questionis whatdo you do now? And if you can do nothing, how, then, will you accept it?How doyou move on in your life, or how long do you stay where you are andmoan?
You find yourself in a situation that may not be of yourmaking. Certainly not of your making in a deliberate way. Yet consciousor not,you have to decide to go east or west now. Perhaps this is the time toroll withthe punches.
If you find yourself in a landslide, it is possible thatbeing in the landslide was a choice you made. Maybe you made the choicelongago. Maybe you will never know. It's hard to believe you would choose tobe in aspot you never would want to be in, and, nevertheless, you find yourselfthere.
Even if you are entirely an innocent victim, your choiceis to cry or to get up and start anew.
A seed may not have choice over where it is planted, yetit can choose to grow there and even blossom.
A hat may not ever choose which head it goes on, and yet ahat continues to do what hats do.
Hats serve. Seeds serve. And you serve.
You have will, and choice as to how you will use yourwill. Do you use your will to protest and fight or do you use your willto moveforward?
Do not equate will with stubbornness. Will does not haveto hold on to where it has been. Will does not mean getting your ownway. Lifehas already taught you that you don't always get your way.
The thing is that you have to make decisions withoutknowing what the outcome will be. Somewhere along the way, you may havehad theidea that you have to know the results ahead of time. That's where theidea ofodds came in. Yet playing the odds doesn't always come out the way youwant.Sometimes you go against the odds, and all is as you want or it is not.
Along the way, it is necessary to let go of the idea ofwinning or losing. Life is not a question of winning or losing. Life islife.And you do not always know when you have won or when you have lost.Frankly,your life is not about either winning or losing. Your life is aboutbeing a goodsport.
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  • HEAVEN #3451
    The Joy of Creating
    May 7, 2010

    God said:

    When you are creative, you feel good. The reason is that there is flow from you to the Universe. As you are creative, you get yourself out of yourself and into the Universe. Flowing from you, creativity stirs the Universe. Your joy in creativity does this. The measure is not of what you create. The measure is not of the perfection of what you create. The measure is in your giving, for that is what creativity is.

    The young child's painting has an effect on the Universe even when the child's work looks like scribbling. Why? It is not the outcome of events that make anything meritorious. It is the heart put into it.

    Bake a cake with joy, and you are serving the Universe.

    This is why it is so vital for you to be joyful.

    When you worry about the world, you are not helping it. When you worry about the world, you are rubbing salt into its wounds. When you say to the world: "You are looking a little pale today. You have a lot of problems. You are not doing so well," then the world starts to feel squeamish, and doubts itself and its ability to renew itself.

    We are talking about the health of the world. Pay attention to what is healthy in the world, and the world will have more health. Love the world, and the world will take care of its own problems. Love the world, and the world grows strong, and problems dissolve. Your hitting the world with your fists doesn't dissolve anything. Stop complaining. Start loving.

    The overt is nowhere near as powerful as the unseen.

    You can't talk about the world behind its back. It hears you. It grows weak, or it flushes with vigor, depending upon what you say. You are always in hearing distance of the world. You have no secrets from the world, beloveds.

    Odds are that how you treat the world is how you treat yourself. It may be that you are always picking on yourself, telling yourself how you could have been smarter or earlier or better in one way or another. In other words, you may be telling yourself how you have failed, and failed yet again. You may even be always telling yourself how you are not quite up to muster. You may demoralize yourself. Your intentions may be fine, but not your practices. How far do you think you can go when you do not even befriend yourself? You may be a harridan to yourself. How can you be happy with a harridan harping at you?

    I am talking about common courtesy, beloveds. Treat yourself genially. Be a king or queen to yourself. Royalty knows how to be courteous. And in courtliness, royalty uplifts. If you have failed in good manners to yourself, change your tactics. Get off your back.

    You may ask too much of yourself at the same time as you do not ask enough.

    Give yourself a break and give yourself directions you can follow. Ask enough of yourself, but don't be a nag. Be an agreeable person who inspires yourself to go higher with encouragement rather than with disdain.

    This is how to treat yourself, and this is how to treat the world.

    The world is your child, beloveds. It is of your making. Do not make a feud with the world. Don't take pot shots at it. Encourage it instead. Smile at it. Pat it on its head. Point out to the world how splendid it is. Point out to yourself how splendid you are.
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