God sent a dream

God sent a dream …

I was walking around a dead post apocalyptic lifeless world of broken concrete fires and thick smoke.

And then suddenly i noticed something white and shining and the more i walked towards it the more it seemed it moved towards me.

And indeed it turned out to be a brilliant white rabbit coming my way.

So I kneeled and the rabbit jumped right into my arms.

So i hugged it and started petting it and i could feel his warmth warming my heart and i felt comfortable for the first time in this world.

Then suddenly the rabbit spoke in my head with the voice of god, a beautiful joyful ringing voice.

Do you want to come to a place where you could always feel this love in your heart?

Yes Yes Yes, as if my body mind and soul responded simultaneously.

Come follow me into my rabbit hole

Where is it?

Anywhere you imagine for example right here

And magically a rabbit hole appeared next to us.

But I am afraid I am to big to fit

Then become a child again

How do I do that?

Just leave anything that doesn't belong to the child in you behind, imagine you were again a Child and you'll see what you don't need for this journey.

So I closed my eyes and imagined I was a child again and remembered my pet guinea-pig and how much I loved him. 

So I opened my eyes and smiled at the rabbit, then i took him in my arms I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the head and jumped right into the rabbit hole.

It was a funny feeling it felt like you are falling and twisting around and then suddenly I popped out on the other side as if I was gently jumping out of the hole and landed next to it.

And what I saw was that very same place but now with crystal buildings brilliant sunshine pink clouds and huge majestic ships in the clouds shining in gold and green and pink and everyone joyfully laughing, singing, playing in the sunshine all kinds of races alien and human together. And parents playing their children's games and the children teaching them.

See this is your future where the laws of peaceful co-creation are the only ones and you only carry them in your hearts there is no legislation, no money everything is free as there is free energy and you are able to express your imagination freely and create what comes out of your heart every day.

Your children will bring you this knowledge I have sent you Children that are very very wise souls you cannot even begin to imagine the wisdom they carry with you.

Learn from your children ask them what they see wrong and in what world they want to live in and work to create the world that your Children want not the one that you want for you don't have that imagination. The world your Children envision is much better than anything you imagine. Trust the pure hearts for you have stumbled in darkness so long you have become blind to the light of my love.

I was always showering you with my love you were never alone but you refused to see. You have the infinite power of my divine love in your hearts when you put your focus - your power there. But instead you choose to focus of negative things and thus empower them. When you look upon the world with fear in your hearts you focus on the negative and thus you make it real. Your belief creates all the suffering in the world. If you embrace divine love and realize that I will always provide for my Children, as I always have but you looked away instead, you will start carrying and providing for others and it will come back to you tenfold for this is how the universe works but your science too is still to blind. Your Children will show you the way and will give you the courage but you should follow the lead of your heart not your brain. Learn to hear the voice of your hearts again. You have forgotten the 11th commandment, which is "Don't take it all too seriously :P" Don't you remember Child this is the game the temporary incarnation of the soul, your soul is infinite so enjoy the game don't struggle with it.

So our children will bring the knowledge of this world but I am afraid we don't have much time I have the feeling that Gaia is dying.

She isn't dying my Child but she is in a lot of pain because of your destructive ways.

Humanity is inhumane.

You have created a world where you don't appreciate the miracle of life. You use and abuse each other, kill each other in the name of things that are nothing but cultural beliefs instead of enjoying the diversity of views towards the universe that your different cultures create you clash them and destroy them. You don't honor life and you abuse all sort of species animal, plant and mineral but mostly your own. You wait for change to come from outside you don't honor others and wonder why nobody honers you. Change is a very intimate process and is between you and you, change comes from within, everything comes from within you, you cannot even begin to imagine the power that is in your hearts. For your reside in the confusing hall of duality that is your brain. You have lost sense of the golden mean you sway from one polarity to another you live in a yes and no world and you don't honer the truths of others.

Yes Yes but the more you speak the more i fell I cannot stand another minute of this i can't go back.

Oh silly but you must go back, can't you see it's this type of thinking, I'll save myself I don't care for the others, that got you in this nightmare in the first place. You must go back and share, learn to share your resources, information above all should be shared freely,  don't hold your knowledge to yourself so that you can make money and feed your ego out of this, provide it to the world and you will see it blossom into form you couldn't even imagine and come back to you tenfold to make your life 

better. So now go my Child.

But wait if this is a game can't i cheat. I don't want to wait a generation for this world I want it now if you are the game master you should now a way to cheat time :)

:) Indeed you can my Child this is a free will universe and anything you wish will come true :)

Now tell me child what would you do if you were a little Child lost in the Woods?

Cry for help?

Exactly call for my help and I will send my legions of light through the skies to give you the knowledge and the technologies needed for the laws of peaceful co-creation to set in place in your hearts.

How do we do that?

You underestimate the power of your collective belief, it can re-shape your world in an instant. If you all sincerely as Children turn to your heart and admit to yourselves that you have lost your way in the darkness  and wish for my light to shine through the skies and show you the path to freedom your wish will be granted.

What you don't realize is that the power of the inner Child within you is so great it only takes a small percentage of the population to ignite the event. 

Don't forget the 11th commandment Don't take it all to seriously :P

Be playful and joyful as Children when you say

"I believe that humanity is inhumane and help will come from the skies to restore the laws of peaceful co-creation."

Say that around people, spread the idea. Say it to yourself each night before you go to sleep and each morning you wake up.

And do it collectively at specific times like 11:22 AM and PM you still don't know the meaning of the frequency but it will be revealed to you when my legions of light land. And when that morning comes that you wake up and find the skies full of my magnificent ships you will know with your hearts it's the legions of light for the ships will shine in colors never seen before. Your governments might try to trick you back into the illusion of scarcity and survival just follow your hearts you will know God's true light with your hearts not your eyes.

I love you my dearest Children now find your way back to me with joy and grace not with fear that you have to pay and struggle for your sins, you have no sins, the ways in which you have been unkind to you and the rest of my creations has been the perfect ground for light to learn to penetrate the dark in ever newer ways. Even in your wrongdoing you have contributed to the expansion of the universal consciousness that is me. To me you are all forgiven at all times for I am All that is and so I have no wrath for all is me and I love me :)

And then I woke up

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  • Very nice message!  :D

  • What a beautiful dream!  

    Sounds very similar to people's Near Death Experiences!

    Thanks for sharing!

    • I guess it's the near death experience of the ego :)


      Don't take it all too seriously you can always cheat the game :P

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