(Full article here: http://recreatingbalance1.blogspot.ba/)
When we use the word Goddess, different people will have different views, feelings and thoughts behind the word, about what a Goddess is for them. There are many archetypes of the Goddess and of feminine energy out there, some healthy and some not, some in tune with the Source/Creator and some not. These various archetypes correspond to actual existing energy fields and frequencies.
When a group of people meditate on Peace together, they create an energy field of Peace, which will circulate out there and fuel more manifestations of Peace in the future, based on these people's ideas of Peace.
When the cabal creates a false flag and then bombards certain ideas about it all over mass media, many people start having the negative emotions and thougts engineered by the false flag, which will generate an energy field of fear for example, which will then circulate out there and fuel more manifestations of fear in the future.
When a group of black magicians do a ceremony using a pentagram for negative intentions such as suffering and manipulation, they attach a certain energy field onto that sacred geometry, which will circulate out there.
The same principle applies when a group of people do a ceremony for the Light using a pentagram for positive intentions such as harmony, divine will, balance, etc.
Using sacred geometry is especially powerful because it is everywhere out there, for example all the fruits humans can eat have flowers with 5 petals on them. So, through resonance principles, pentagram energy fields will connect with the pentagrams that exist out there. When we look at a pentagram, we can feel all kinds of energy fields associated with it. Then, as creators we can transform, clear things, and choose which energy field we tune into.
The same principle applies for women/goddess/divine feminine.
There are natural archetypes/energy fields, for example Venus : there is the planet Venus, and the goddess Venus, and many other women and goddesses in the universe which are representations and incarnations of that archetype. There are others, such as the Moon, Ceres, Sekhmet, etc. These archetypes are universal. As diverse as the universe is, it actually always reproduces the same archetypes in many different variations : star and planets, water fire earth and air, etc. All natural archetypes are positive, because Source only creates harmony.
Then the dark forces have manipulated these archetypes just like they have manipulated the pentagram. So, just like with the pentagram, it's important to make conscious choices about which energy field we tune into when we are talking about the Goddess.
In popular culture, there is a very common distorted archetype of the Goddess which we could call the evil queen. She's the evil queen in 'Snow white', the witch in the 'Wizard of Oz', the evil queen in 'Alice in Wonderland', etc. You can find her in countless other popular stories and movies because these are actually esoteric stories created by members of esoteric groups. They tell different stories in different contexts that are actually about the same characters, because they're not characters, they're archetypes.
For example in Alice in Wonderland, the main character Alice follows the white rabbit, goes down the rabbit hole, chooses between two cakes, one that makes her small and one that makes her tall, and has a bunch of adventures leading her to the final battle against the evil queen.
In the movie Matrix, the main character Neo follows the white rabbit (tattoo) at the beginning of the movie, leading him to have to choose between two pills, red and blue, and has a bunch of adventures leading him to the final battle against the Matrix, and matrix means womb. The Matrix is the evil queen.
Of course this evil archetype is not a natural part of Source's design, it's an invention by sick psychopathic people in order to misuse the powerful feminine energy for their insane intentions. However, just like with the pentagram, these groups have done a lot to create a strong energy field of that evil queen, and plaster it all over society, so she has become very present on this planet and the majority of the human population actually tune more into her than into true healthy archetypes. All the women used in advertising selling the shiny poisonned apple, all the mk ultra victims singers and actresses, all the prominent women in black nobility such as european royals or italian archon black nobility (palaviccini, aldobrandini, etc) are all connected to the evil queen one way or another. All these pictures of women we see in streets of big cities and media are the carrot on a stick driving the whole system, the only motivation for people to keep going to their slave jobs, the promise for men that if they work hard then these women will receive them, and the promise for women that if they become like that then they will get what they desire. This is magnetic energy, which is feminine nature, mis-used for evil purpose.
You can also see various representations of the evil queen in public occult, the most striking example being this recent statue in London :