At the moment the Mobile Phone takes the top spot for everyone as their best friend and next the Laptop but we are still playing with Toys compared to the Advanced Golden Age Technology we will have in the near future.

Inner Earth beings are miles ahead of us in the Technology Field. The Telosians have their advanced Spacefleet called the Silverfleet and the Amethyst used for Multidimensional Travel and the Galactic Federation of Light have their base in Inner Earth.

Inner Earth beings use Amino Acid computers, Multidimensional Communicators, Regulators and have the power of Mind over Matter besides having other Psychic Powers like being Telepathic.

Inner Earth beings and beings from other planets that have reincarnated here will bring in this knowledge and put it to practice for all of us to use.

So soon..ish you will say Goodbye to your Mobile Phones and Laptops.


MIRACULOUS TECHNOLOGY that we will have in the near future:

We will have technology that can interface directly with our minds to amplify these 'miracle' abilities to an even greater degree -- such as to levitate giant blocks of stone and build sacred structures with them.

Limitless free energy. Non-polluting, unending and completely clean. No more power lines. No more blood for oil. No more coal. No more nuclear. Never pay again. Obliterating the need for a money system. Greening the deserts. Ending poverty, famine and homelessness.

Gravity-shielding technology. No need for roads. No need to ever buy a new 'car' again. Go wherever you want. Never fill the tank. Cities that hover in the sky. Pop over to the Moon or Mars to visit friends and family. Build majestic structures considered impossible by today's standards.

Healing devices. Nullify cancer. Cure diabetes. Eliminate heart disease. Conquer depression. Regrow limbs. Effortlessly restore perfect health regardless of the condition. Feel 100-percent alive, 100-percent inspired, all the time. Live for hundreds of years.

Stargate travel. Use naturally-occurring traversible wormholes to travel impossibly vast distances. Move through time as effortlessly as you move through space. Go wherever you want, whenever you want, using natural physics laws not yet discovered in mainstream science 

Besides these there will be others that will come to the surface when the Golden Age is at its peak.

They say all of these technologies already exist but will come to the surface in the near future and Planet Earth will be one of ther best places to live in this Universe.

As we are getting more and more into the Golden Age we will all play a part in creating Heaven on Earth.



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  • The Inner Earth Beings have already conquered death, old age and disease and are immortal beings and soon in the near future they will teach us how to become immortal Divine beings following the True Teachings of Christ.
  • Love your perseverance Ravinder :)

    I do believe there is a new Earth being created and advanced technology will definitely be a part of it and will also help to create it. Technology is something that alot of people seem to fear and love at the same time, like other "things".

    I am always trying to do my part to assist in this process, I'm always hoping that something amazing will happen so others can experience and understand more about the coming changes, including myself. I have had visions or "feelings" about the future... and it feels good.... after everything we've been through it's nice to see something better on the horizon.


    Thanks for passing along the info :)
    • We are in the beginning part of the 7th Golden Age and everyday in everyway we will get more and more into it till it peaks and and then we will be living in Heaven on Earth. Lord Chatanyia has stated that we will have a Mini Golden Age in Kali Yuga which will last for 10,000years and we are very lucky to play our part and be part of it.
  • The technology is HERE and has been HERE for ages! Its time to demand it and stop being docile.
    • Hear, hear!
      "stop being docile"
  • thanks for the reminder. love light and perseverance!
  • Hi Ravinder,

    Nice one.....

    But there are many more to come As I have read in "Prophecies 1998 - 2100" By Swami Dattavadhut We can also have communications with our departed souls and listen to their needs so accordingly we can act here on physical earth and do some good deeds in order so that their lives in the neither world becomes more and more comfortable.

    But its gonna take some time .....

    I really wish I was here at that golden age ...................

    Let Love, Light and Divinity fill us all .................
    • Dear RajeshY.. Please tell us more about the Prophecies 1998-2100 by Swami Dattavadhut and do not worry as you will be there in the Golden Age as it builds up more and more by day.
    • MOTHERS BLESSINGS is a beautiful song sending Mothers Blessings to All... to even those who are harming nature and harming living entities hoping they will change their ways. This is Mother Earths COMPASSION AND GRACE to all so what can you give her in return....YOU CAN ALL TRY AND GET IN THE MODE OF GOODNESS.
This reply was deleted.

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