Our energetic circulatory system consists of meridians, axiatonal lines, chakras, nadis, energy centers. The primal life forces from source enter continously into our fields (called "kshetra"). Any energetic blockage in our fields will prev......ent flow of life sustaining currents from the source and manifest as physical dis-ease. Eg a blockage in the 5th or throat chakra may manifest as thyroid problems and blockages in 4rth or heart chakra may manifest as heart disease unless energetically removed.
Golden DNA healing leads to an upgrade of your existing DNA template to one that has been untouched by auric/karmic imprints and is the original divine DNA template as intended by source.
Golden DNA strand healing leads one to accrete more frequency and is one requirement for the ascension process. It leads to attracting a higher grid of person, places, things and events in your life.
Using certain sacred geometry codes we ...can activate the divine primal life force currents (Kee-ra-sha and Khundaray) and bring in more frequency in our 3 dimensional incarnate bodies. The ancients knew of this and more. Golden DNA healing process does this and helps accrete more light in our bodies attracting us to a higher grid of people, places, times, things and events.
Register for an excitng webinar on how to heal your Golden DNA on Feb 28, 2014 at 7:07 PM PST. Hurry only 100 spots available! The investment in your self is only 21 USD.
In this fantabulous exciting webinar you will:
1. Learn about our multidimensional anatomy
2. Learn and activate the sacred codes of AH (Absolute Harmonic Universe)
3. Activate your DNA strands with golden liquid light
4. Attract a higher grid of people, times, places things and events
5. Restore your original divine blueprint of health as intended by source and much more!!