Good explaination by Roberto Shap
Planetary Balance and Dying Animals
Grandfather Through Robert Shapiro
January 6th, 2011
Greetings. Now, you all know about the deaths of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of animals all over the world. "Spontaneous," it's called, but you know that this has to do with imbalances in the world's genetic and harmonic energies. "Genetic," because there has been pollution and, to a degree, radiation which has caused some mutations and harm in that fashion. But also "harmonic," meaning energies. I'm not talking about a device, but rather energies of creation that are being used in ways that are not helpful. Everyone on the planet right now is so close to being able to do what Creator does, but they are really, for the most part, unconscious about it.
So I'm going to suggest that you do something about that magically. Of course I know many of you are saying your prayers and doing things to help support the animal populations as well as the human populations, and I'm sure you can do that on your own. But what I'm going to encourage you to do is something else, and that has to do with helping to balance the population in their capacity to create. For starters, ask for all the most benevolent energies that are available for you to be all around you and all about you wherever you do these things. Then, after you feel the energy come up, kindly do this. Say these words exactly:
"I am asking that all human beings on Earth now become immediately aware of their own creation energy capabilities as a conscious awareness on the basis of what they say, what they do, and how their world changes around them as a result. And I am also asking that this happens in the most benevolent way for all beings."
That last part is the most important, because many people have violent thoughts or resentful thoughts or revengeful thoughts and so on, and sometimes you say things without thinking. I grant that in the past, some of that could have been done, and not much would happen, but now things are different. So do what you can gently; don't go out on the street "sound trucking," so to speak, or wearing signs saying, "Repent, the world is coming to an end." (Others will be doing that, however. Be tolerant if they do.) Rather, when you feel an opening in conversation--and not otherwise--mention what you feel is of value, whatever it might be about anything.
You can talk about this; you don't have to. Just think about what is of value. Utilize--this is what I recommend, eh?--utilize magic that you have done, for which you have seen and know about results that were a direct conclusion of what you have said or done. Do this only if you believe it, and you can then speak with the certainty that comes from knowing. Knowing based on certainty is also a portion of faith, but in this case, for you students and other practitioners, kindly make it an aspect of your own personal knowing. That's what to talk about, now and in the future.
We can stabilize the world for a time. Be aware that pollution is having a great deal to do now. Fully 90 percent of these sudden deaths by the animal populations has to do with pollution, and the animals are all conscious, you see, of interspecies relatedness. So different things get broken in the chain; things happen. That's a clue for you on what to work on yourselves.