Did you ever stop to wonder that there are evil lightworkers?
Their goals are actually very similar to the goals of good lightworkers, except they come from a bizarro universe where down is up and left is right. They want to create a system of government that establishes their right to rule over everyone in perpetuity.
The average evil-doer is so busy trying to take advantage of people in the workplace, in the stores, on the streets, in the courts, and in the voting booth, that they also have time for little else.
The problem for evil lightworkers is that good lightworkers have this nasty habit of not being happy while being oppressed and exploited. Where the two diverge, and why evil may eventually triumph over good is in this: Good people want to do more things than evil people.
Good lightworkers want to enjoy life, and take their enjoyment from creative endeavors, like art and science. Evil lightworkers want to oppress good people. That is what they work day and night towards. All forms of enjoyment for evil people center around the exploitation of good people as a form of entertainment or slave labor.
You're either a gladiator in the ring, a whore on the bed, or a servant in the kitchen. Good people want to do things, and evil people want things done for them. I think that Good lightworkers are too busy. They are fighting a battle on multiple fronts, and are stretched too thin.
The goal of good people is to create a society and government of peace and goodness so we can get along with the business of living. What are your feelings? Do you think lightworkers are more intelligent over average good or evil people?
* CoMdr * LightSpeed *
I think that there are 'good' (if we're still playing that game ;) ) lightworkers trapped by layers of hidden knowledge in what would typically be seen in 'dark' institutions.
Cat xxx
doesn't matter, just a curious thought.
try some oolong tea and exercise-then go and take a short nap-you'll feel great
there is no such thing as evil lightworker, its only a perception that you either resonate with or not and since one does not get the vibe does not not mean evil. its only evil to those who are still stuck in that 3rd dimentional judgment and narrow mind.
does it really matters?
Light Worker; A person who sits comfortably and prays, asks the Masters of Light to direct Light into 3d 4d to attempt peace and balance in a given area.
It's my beleif that people like those we call the cabal and their puppets in positions of authority , in many cases, come from a spiritual real that is located within the Earth called 'the Core' while not all are bad there is a faction only interested in Power and that world tends to be upside down and backward-something like- nonsense makes sense-watch the film called 'Brazil' from the 1980's, it's an otherworldly story about a guy who suddenly gets sick of upside down and backwards