
  • Being, thank you sooo much for posting this discussion.
    I checked out, and took the liberty to copy the following from:

    Earth Council 2012

    Wisdom which has inspired EC2012

    “There is no greater power than that of an idea whose time has come” - Victor Hugo.

    “The human species has reached a defining moment of choice between moving ahead on a path to collective self-destruction or joining together in a cooperative effort to navigate a dramatic turn to a new human era. The profound cultural and institutional transformation that is needed goes up against the short-term interests of the world’s most powerful people and institutions. The barriers to what we humans must now achieve are daunting. By any rational calculation, the needed transformation is not politically feasible. Yet it is essential to human survival and prosperity, which means we must set ourselves to the task of figuring out how to make the impossible into the inevitable.” -David Korten.

    “The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle, pleasure without conscience, wealth without work, knowledge without character, business without morality, science without humanity and worship without sacrifice” - Mahatma Gandhi.

    “When the earth is dying there will arise a new tribe of all colours and all creeds. This tribe will be called The Warriors of the Rainbow and it will put its faith in actions not words” - A Hopi Prophecy.

    “A great change in the stewardship of the Earth and the life on it is required if vast human misery is to be avoided and our global home on this planet is not to be irretrievably mutilated… If not checked, many of our current practices may so put at serious risk the future that we wish for human society and the plant and animal kingdoms, and may so alter the living world, that it will be unable to sustain life in the manner that we know. Fundamental changes are urgent if we are to avoid the collision our present course will bring about.” - 1,600 scientists which included the majority of living Nobel Prize winners in the sciences.

    “We need a radically different way of relating ourselves to the support systems of the planet. My experiences with aboriginal people have convinced me, both as a scientist and as an environmentalist, of the power and relevance of their knowledge and worldview in a time of imminent global ecocastrophe” - David Suzuki [Scientist].

    “The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found but made, and the activity of making them changes, both the maker and the destination” - John Schaer.

    “Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children” - A Kenyan proverb.

    “Future generations, if there is a livable world for them, will look back at the epochal transition we are making to a life-sustaining society. And they may well call this the time of the Great Turning” - Joanna Macy.

    “Those of us who inhabit the affluent world bear the greatest responsibility for refashioning the ways in which we live. As individuals we consume much more than we need and pollute more. Therefore we have the greatest scope for decreasing our consumption and sharing our resources, knowledge and skills with the less well-off in the world…But so long as the power-brokers make it difficult for the majority to change, change is only likely to come when this power system is replaced.” - Bernard Lietaer.

    “The Earth, so far as we know, is the birthplace of our species and our only home. We are close to committing – in fact many would argue that we have already committed – what in our language, could justifiably be termed “Crimes against Creation!”” - “Wisdom of the Elders” by David Suzuki and Peter Knudtson.

    “Now we see ourselves as the products of cellular cooperation – of cells built up from other cells. Partnerships between cells once foreign and even enemies to each other are at the very root of our being” - Lynn Margulis, Evolutionary Biologist..

    “In Native societies genuine wisdom is attributed to those with the capacity to feel, to exhibit compassion and generosity toward others, and to develop intimate, insightful, and empathic relationships not just with fellow human beings but, in some sense, with the entire membership of the natural world.” - “Wisdom of the Elders” by David Suzuki and David Knudtson .

    “When the power of Love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” - Jimi Hendrix .

    “The great arises out of small things that are honoured and cared for. Everybody’s life really consists of small things. Greatness is a mental abstraction and favourite fantasy of the ego. The paradox is the foundation for greatness is honouring the small things of the present moment instead of pursuing the idea of greatness. The present moment is always small in the sense that it is always simple, but concealed within it lies great power” - Eckhart Tolle.

    “Now I think we must strengthen the genuine force of peace. Real peace – not just the absence of war. Mere absence of war can be produced by weapons – like the nuclear deterrent. But the mere absence of war is not genuine, lasting world peace. Peace must develop on mutual trust. And since weapons are the greatest obstacle for development of mutual trust, I think the time has come to figure out how to get rid of these weapons. That is very important. Of course, we cannot achieve this overnight. I think the realistic way is step by step. But anyway, I think we must make our ultimate goal very clear: The world should be demilitarized. So, on one level we should be working toward developing inner peace, but at the same time it’s very important to work towards external disarmament and peace as well. Making a small contribution in whatever way we can. That is our responsibility.” - Dalai Lama..

    “Equalizing economic power and rooting it locally shifts power to people and community from distant financial markets, global corporations, and national governments. It serves to shift rewards from economic predators to economic producers, strengthens community, encourages individual responsibility, and allows for greater expression of individual choice and creativity.” - David Korten.

    “Current Corporations are sociopathic institutional forms. We need to make community-based economies the norm, and create public consensus that predatory economic behaviour now taken for granted as “just human nature” is actually aberrant and immoral. Responsible citizenship may then become the expected business norm. There will always be a need, however, for rules and governmental oversight to deal with what hopefully will be a declining number of sociopathic individuals and institutions who seek profit at the public expense.” - David Korten.

    “The harsh reality is that the post-industrial global economy does not need- and therefore cannot and will not provide jobs for the six billion people on the planet today, not to speak of the eight billion forecast for 2019. The extent to which the writing is on the wall can be comprehended from statistics quoted by William Greider; the world’s 500 largest corporations have managed to increase their production and sales by 700% over the last 20 years while at the same time reducing their total work force.” - Bernard Lietaer.

    “Consumer confidence is actually considered a measure of a country’s relative economic strength. When a load of poor deluded sad-acts are down at the shops running up debts on their credit cards, finance ministers claim the economy is ‘growing’ and start celebrating. Recessions are deemed to be over the moment people start spending money which they don’t have on things they don’t need. Consumption is synonymous with ‘growth’ and growth is always good. It is always good, whenever and wherever. Hence, clearly consumption is good, all consumption, anywhere, anytime. Judged by the logic of world economics, the death of the planet will be the zenith of human achievement, because if consumption is always good, then to consume a whole planet must be the best thing of all” - Ben Elton.

    “Eco-identification with things creates attachment to things, obsession with things, which in turn creates our consumer society and economic structures where the only measure of progress in always more. The unchecked striving for more, for endless growth, is a dysfunction and a disease. It is the same dysfunction the cancerous cells manifests, whose only goal is to multiply itself, unaware that it is bringing about its own destruction by destroying the organism of which it is part. Some economists are so attached to the notion of growth that they refer to a recession as a time of ‘negative growth’.” - Eckhart Tolle..

    “Eventually I came to realize that conventional economic growth indicators rarely measure growth in human prosperity. Rather, they measure the rate at which the rich are expropriating the living resources of the planet and converting them to products destined for a garbage dump after a brief useful life. The process generates profits for people who already have far more money than they need while displacing people from the resources they need for their modest livelihoods. In summary, the primary business of the global financial system and the corporations that serve it is to increase the wealth gap. It works well in the short-term for the privileged few, but is disastrous for the society.” - David Korten.

    “Prestige and honour among British Columbia’s coastal Indians came not from accumulation of wealth but by giving it away, from sharing it with the community.” - Wisdom of the Elders.

    “Those who make a peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable” - John F. Kennedy.

    “Wealth does not mean that one owns many cars. True wealth is community stability. Consumerism, which has trapped villagers in never-ending debt cycle, is destroying this stability.” - Sulak Sivaraksa.

    “Everything on the planet is interconnected and to function properly our culture, education, government and economic system must be unified, not compartmentalized, and we must recognize that every decision has environmental and health connotations. Human intelligence and inventiveness, which know no bounds in the world of technology, can be harnessed to examine our predicament and to evolve new structures to lead us away from the inevitable destruction that will result from everlasting “growth”. We speculate that these ideas and solutions will not evolve from more science and technology, but perhaps from the philosophers, the religious, the humanists or the environmentalists.” - Green or Gone by David Shearman and Gary Sauer-Thompson.

    “It is abundantly clear that we have not achieved a technological utopia. Instead, the planet is beset with a staggering array of problems that have been created or exacerbated by modern science and technology- from overpopulation and the mass extinction of species to global warming, to soil loss and pollution, to the proliferation of deadly weapons of mass destruction.” - “Wisdom of the Elders” by David Suzuki and Peter Knudtson.

    “Modern man has foreclosed the possibility of experiencing life in favor of explaining it. Even in explaining the world, Western man has misunderstood it” - Vine Deloria.

    “All happiness in the world comes from thinking about others, and all suffering comes from a preoccupation with yourself” - Shanti Deva.

    “We don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are” - Anais Nin.

    “The change in the collective consciousness we are working on at this time is; “It will not work. It is shameful to fail and therefore save yourself the embarrassment” to “It could work. It’s fantastic to succeed and therefore go for it”.” - Yogananda.

    “What is arising is not a new religion, spiritual ideology, or mythology. We are coming to the end not only of mythologies but also ideologies and belief systems. The change goes deeper than the content of your mind, deeper than your thoughts. In fact, at the heart of the heart of the new consciousness lies transcendence of thought, the newfound ability of rising above thought, of realizing a dimension within yourself that is infinitely more vast than thought. You no longer derive your identity, your sense of who you are, from the incessant stream of thinking that in the old consciousness you take to be yourself. What liberation to realize that the “voice in my head” is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees that. The awareness that is prior to thought, the space in which the thought-or the emotion or sense perception-happens.” - Eckhart Tolle.

    “When a great innovation appears, it will almost certainly be in a muddled, incomplete, and confusing form. For any speculation which does not at first glance look crazy, there is no hope” - Freeman Dyson.

    “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” - Helen Keller.

    “Be a light unto the world” - Christ.

    “In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete.” - Buckminster Fuller.

    “Be realistic. Plan for a miracle” - Osho.
    • thanks for your reply.... some of the dreamtank gateway members are travelling to the USA in 2010 to meet with some hopi elders.... we need a guide.... can you help or can you recommend someone...

      making the call for the worlds first vote.... the UN or the EC yes/no?

      lots of love

      Be Ing
      • Being,
        I highly recommend William Gammill, who has a very close (spiritual) connection with Hopi elders in the Old Oraibi area south of Tuba City, Arizona. I urge you to read his book 'DANCING IN THE QUANTUM' (c2005; ISBN: 0-9720151-6-7). You'll find lots of amazing insights about the Hopi from this book. He tours the USA and overseas, e.g. Costa Rica to conduct seminars, retreats, and lectures.
        William's website is:, where you may buy his books directly from him at the best price (autographed, if you ask him).
        William's email:

        Regarding UN or EC, I vote for neither.
        This domain may be for sale!
        • Jazmin...

          Thankyou for this connection i will find his book and read it.

          Why would you vote for neither the UN or EC in 2012?

          Do you think basing power with Sovereign Beings and Community Councils i.e. the inversed triangle or symbol of the divine feminine principle. [framework on] ?

          Do you think Earth Council could not be a way we humans stop killing each other and destroying the planet?

          A 24 seat Council [12 males and 12 females] from the 12 bioregions [nations of an area; refer map on ?

          ...and yes the himalyas...
          • Being,

            We, as humanity (including all members of the EC, UN, EU, etc. etc. etc.) need to first change our collective consciousness so that we can work together as one, i.e. not 'us and/against them', but united with a single purpose. Yes, I applaud the noble visions of the Earth Council. That was how the UN, EU, and most other world organizations started: with noble ideals and visions for the benefit of humanity and the earth. But then the selfish egos and personal agenda typical of the human leadership began to creep in; followed by infiltration, manipulation, and/or outright abuse and tyranny by the 'dark forces'.
            Despite everything dark and oppressive happening on earth at this time, I'm optimistic that the collective consciousness of humanity is being transformed, in preparation for 2012 and beyond. But before this transformation manifests, the earth and everything/everyone on/in it have to first complete the purging process, so that we can start all over again on a clean slate. The darkest hour is just before dawn.

            About the Himalyas, the mountains behind you look familiar. I went to several areas in Nepal decades ago. One question: do you think Shambhala is nearby?
            • It is up to those who already have raised their consciousness to be catalyst's for the wider collective shift... the united single purpose is for peace on earth... simply... acheiving is possible through Earth Council. As the EC keeps power with the people and community councils ego's and personal agenda will be recognised early by other community members... and we need the EC Earth Council to acheive a planet wide ceasefire and planetary ecological standards....

              Shambhala is always very very near by.... it is within and then without and there really is no inside or outside...

              question? are you willing to assist this dreaming?

  • I checked it, I read most of the pages...
    but the website gives info, I couldn't sign in or put myself in an emaillist... so what more could I do? except hoping
    • the enquiry page will work to get on mailing list.... we will update site though to make it easy to get on mailing list.... Thankyou for the response and reply... it is together we can acheive so much....
      • sorry for the later response (I still seem to need to sleep, dunno why lol but someone has told me it isn't a waste of time to close your eyes and relax)

        I'll check it out, Being... The idea looks positive
        • this is their answer, and I didn't see a mail-adress, so I guess the sites needs another update before I can?

          Our anti-spam form abuse measures have been activated this enquiry cannot be sent from the server.
          You can still make your enquiry using your email software: You can copy your enquiry and then paste into your email window once you opened it with this link:
          I apologise for any frustration this has caused, I hope you can understand that this is an automated defense against the increasing abuse websites are suffering from unscrupulous spam merchants and is not in any way intended as a personal affront,
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