Hi everyone, I have a loose collection of dreams I had last night and I am having trouble making sense of them. any help would be very much appreciated!
1.I was walking on a shopping street in Munich where I used to live. I met this person from my school days and we went into a nearby apartment for a party. he started making food, I sat down and all these guys from my high school days came in with their uniform on. I commented as they came in, "everyone is in uniform!"
I have to mention that high school was a deeply depressing and damaging time in my life, and almost ended me.
2.I had another dream which was hard to remember but I seem to remember me holding an animal and my grandmother(who I never met) was trying to or had spoken through the animal(I think it was a dog.) again, this dream is vague but I feel it had some meaning.
3.I had another dream where I was I think in a office building in New york, I was told there was an impending disaster and I had to leave, so I left and started running through the streets with who I think was a teenage boy, then I told him I had to go back to get my things that I forgot, and that is all I remember.
Well if anyone has any views on these dreams please let me know!
thankyou so much!