http://Grateful Cards
Introducing a new wonderful way to focus on your gratefulness!
Grateful Cards are cards that have images drawings and art messages of things we are gratefulfor. When you feel blue or just want to be grateful you we now beable to pick up your grateful cards and go through them. Lay them allout to create beautiful grateful collages that will inspire and liftyou up any time you wish!
We have created a website that allows everyone to log in and upload photographs drawings andmessage art of things that they are grateful for. We will then askthe grateful community to vote for the things they are most gratefulfor and we will assemble those choices into sets which will bydonation be sent out to our members or gifted to our friends andfamily to enjoy.
We are a brand new collective so we can use all the help you can give. If you are a agrateful Photographers or Artists, we need your help tocreate and design cards to go into the grateful packs. Theme sets arevery welcome. This is a donation opertunity as we are a not forprofit group. If you know of completely free image websites pleasestop by and add to our list of recources.
If you are in a social profession, we would love to have your help as well in creatingmessage card sets using wisdom from your specialization.Psychologist, Ministers, Councilors, Naturalpathic Healers,etc... we would love to create special conversation affirmationcard packs. These would be tailored specifically on communication,and would be made up of possitive things to say to each other ontopics like Parent to child conversations and loving relationshipdiscussions.
We would also love to create theme packs for all the many cultures andsubcultures in the world. So any of you who are creative withinyour cultural or subcultural area are invited to create a group onour website and help us outline the gratitude's of your nitch.
Finding a sutible website to handle art groups, artwork voting, donations, and cardordering pages would be a big help to us as well.
Join in the gratitude today!