Greatest advice

This article by Stuart Wilde holds the best advice I've read.  For those (they know who they are) who are looking for the right way to be in the everyday world without hours of meditation and fasting and study and trance channeling and energy healing and ...... well, you get the idea.  Stuart is the absolute best at putting it simply for us everyday people.

Processing Fear Easily

One of my readers told me the most impacting thing he read in my books was where I said, “Refuse to be scared in this lifetime”.

Fear is a terrible affliction, it cripples your ability to think clearly and act decisively. Some low-level fear is ok, it acts as a warning signal but constant fear turns one into a zombie, an automaton easily manipulated. Here’s how you fix it.

All fear comes from loss or the perception in the mind of a possible loss: fear of change (loss of the status quo), fear of a loss of health, fear of a loss of money, loss of a relationship, loss of status/importance, loss of control etc. The ego reacts to loss usually with anger, that emotion is very strong it collapses the holographic fields around you putting you in a tight tube, it’s not good.

First, realize most of the stuff you were scared of in this life never came to anything. Second, change is often a gift, so your husband ran away with Darlene from the Dog and Duck, it was shock, you got angry then a month later you realize what gift it was, you felt free for the first time in years, your soul was liberated. Yippee!

Change is fine never resist it. Keep telling yourself change is normal.

In my books I say “Be nothing” it’s the antithesis of the New Age teachers that say struggle to become something. But if you can realize your presence on earth is irrelevant, it frees you from the ego-prison of specialness, and the effort involved in holding up all your illusions. Your illusions often scare you.

You don’t need much to survive and be happy, a roof over your head, some warm clothes, love, friendship, food. A friend of mine only eats at night and he has three or four table spoons of food on his plate nothing more. No desert, no seconds, no piling the food high, no snacks during the day, he has lived like this for years. Four spoons of food are less than a dollar a day.

Most of the stuff you think you need you don’t actually need. Downsizing is calming, consumption sometimes creates fear. Transcending not trans-spending that’s the way.

If you worry about your health take action, improve your life style, reduce stress, the more alkaline and calm you become the more healthy you are.  If you are over weight fix it now—fat inhibits blood into your cells and so it inhibits oxygen—fat and fear are very closely linked, most people don’t know that.  A meat diet will make you scared as you ingest the animal’s fear—their torment, try to be a vegetarian, if not already so.

Keep your water intake up at all times, when you get dehydrated fear will creep in. Sometimes you need two lethicin tablets a day with your water that helps carry the liquid into you cells. Try to sleep properly and not drink coffee beyond mid-afternoon.

Stay away from people that have scary energies and stay away from dangerous places, like the red-light district say,  where the black fractal codes people emit can jump on your crown chakra and carry you down. Stay away from pot and porno as it brings in the ghouls and avoid people that suck energy and drain you.

Fix interpersonal problems, make peace, usually it will cost you, but often it’s best to pay the rip off and get free. Humans emit a black fog or mist that I named the ‘black attention’, the less of that you have around you the better it is.

I evoke the black attention deliberately, it’s part of my job getting the ghouls to chase me. That is why I drop m’ pants when I see the UFOs, and show em m’ lilywhite ass. But most people need as little of the black attention as possible.

Blow love at all the antagonistic people in your life and blow love in the street when you pass someone that is devilish or angry. Don’t stand next to that sort of person on the bus going to work. Take constant evasive action. Make that part of your modus operandi.

Pray for help, often it comes as an energy burst of light from the inner worlds that makes you feel better. If you are depressed take 5HTP, it fixes the serotonin levels in your brain. Try to mediate every day at the same time for twenty-four minutes, it builds a deep calm.

Try to spend a little time in nature every day with the tress, even if it is only ten minutes. They process fear for you and offer a celestial peace. Put your crown chakra against the trunk of a tree for a minute or so, that allows you to enter a special world. It helps.

Try to stay legal as best as possible as it can wreck your energy if you are doing stuff that is illegal, or if your paperwork is not in order. The fascist state is all around us and it’s getting worse—their world is dying—they will become ever more ugly, stay under the radar.

Be nobody, be humble, it’s safer. I often shuffle about dressed in scruffy clothes when I need to get in and out of dodgy places frequented by the criminal classes, melting into the scenery is an art form. ‘Smiley country’ if you know what that means.

Lean towards love at all times, cut people slack, forgive and forget, and be kind, very kind, the more you do that the less fear you will have. People rise up to support you. Refuse to be scared in this lifetime. Okay bye for now. (sw)

© 2012 — Stuart Wilde.

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  • Great advice there!


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