Hi folks, John Jancar here. I want to ask you guys if you can help me out here. Because...these past 2 days or so...I've been going through an inner crisis of some sort. About the idea of greatness. I need to express this to someone and I only trust you guys really to do that with, because I feel like only you guys would understand and could offer any real advice and counsel. So here goes.
I've always felt myself as great...even when everything in my outside world reflected the opposite, I still had an inner sense, an inner feeling, that there was something great about me. But there were periods where I would fall into the old human issues of feeling not great, like some small nothing, feeling unworthy and unimportant and without value. And I've worked hard at clearing those issues, and I thought I had cleared it, but now it seems to have crept back up again, in a real way.
I find myself now, completely doubting myself, and everything about me. I mean maybe I'm not really great, maybe greatness is just an ego thing and doesn't really exist, maybe nothing and nobody is great, maybe everything and everyone is just kind of ordinary and...not so great. Which is weird, because I've always viewed myself and others as great, and everything in life as great, and it's awesome, awe inspiring, the grandness of life. But is it really grand? Or is it just me making it grand, when really it's not? I mean, I'm confused lol
And now, like I said, this crisis has brought up all those old issues, where I feel worthless, insignificant, unimportant, like I'm not anybody. And it's making me doubt everything about me, from my talents and intelligence, to whether my hair looks good lol I mean just everything. And I just need some counsel, because this is driving me up a wall lol
So I ask you guys....what do you think about the idea of greatness? Is greatness real? Is it an ego thing, or a soul thing....because I always felt that for me it was a soul thing, but maybe it isn't. And if you can share maybe some links to some channeled message or something lol Or share your own experiences and ideas on these human issues like unworthiness, insignificance, smallness...and how you overcome them, I would really appreciate that.
Thanks guys, you have my love as always, thank you for listening!
Well my love to you too Aly, and sure...I know it's just a phase, I think that phase is ending right about now lol It only lasted like 2 days or so lol And well...I don't usually have a problem with expressing myself, and being honest and real...so...no surprise there lol I'm thankful that you guys are so open to me, and take the time to read and respond and offer your advice, it really means alot to me, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you!
Well Kelly, greatness is more than just a word for me, it's a feeling, it's part of divinity, it's something that moves my heart and soul. And there's an ego greatness, and a spiritual greatness, and I'm talking about spiritual greatness, which is closely connected to beauty, and amazement, wonder, magic, magnificence, splendor, grandness.....how do I describe this...it's just seeing something that moves your heart and brings tears to your eyes, because you get a sense of divinity, a sense of Godliness, and a sense of your own divinity and Godliness by seeing it.
It's like how I felt when I first saw that Barcelona video, I thought it was so beautiful, and so great...it was divine...and I think Freddie Mercury was great, it was a great piece of art! And that's what I mean by great, where something is so great, that you see God in it, and Godliness, and gives you a sense of divinity!
That's the greatness I always wanted to be, for me so I can feel divine and Godly, and for others, so they can get a sense of their own divinity and Godliness through me! I'm really understanding it now. And I think it's a great service to people, there are few better ways to serve others, than to give them a sense of their own divinity and godliness! It's not an ego thing. It's only an ego thing if you think, well I'm so great, and your not, I'm greater than you. And I can name some people on this site who seem to think like that, cough HappyKelly cough lol But that's not real greatness.
I appreciate that Marianinia, thank you. It's really making me think. Is God great? If God is great, then we all must be great, because we all are God, right? lol I had been in a mode today of not viewing anything as great, and....your words are triggering something in me...it really would be a big dishonor to God and all of life, to say it's not great. That would be lessening the value of God and life, when really....it is a treasure, as you said. And I'm a treasure too. Wow. Well I'll have some thinking to do after this, thanks Marianinina! I love you!
Hey Mayir, thanks for commenting, I get what you're saying, and if it works for you, well more power, or greatness, to you lol For me, today, I don't know, I just feel all the greatness sucked out of me...like nothing is great at all, why even want to be great, or do great things, what's the point. Service, what's so great about service....divinity, what's so great about divinity....ascension, what's so great about ascension, Golden Age, big deal.....even creating anything just to share it with others and have them enjoy it and love you for it...what's so great about that. What's so great about life itself, we just kind of are here living, no big deal. And I know this isn't the way to feel, but...there's something liberating about it.
One things for sure, either everything is great, or nothing is great. I know I'm just in a phase now, probably the last phase before I truly step into greatness...but until then...oh well lol Greatness, no big deal really.
Thanks Lea, by the way..I don't know what's going on with the triangle with Kenya lol Do you plan on going to Google + and doing it with us? lol I haven't really talked with her about it much, we had the plan to do it, that day when you were on board, but since then....we haven't talk of it at all lol Well it would be neat to try it...and I hope that one of these days it'll happen lol
Thank you dazzleday, and I know it's part of growth and part of expansion, and is part of the path that will lead me where I want to go, and I already feel it coming on. It works that way for everyone I guess, if you have a goal...and you set your intention to it...you then draw to you all that you need to experience to achieve that goal...people might see them as obstacles, but it actually helps you get there. I think we all have soul urges...for what our souls want to experience and be....and they usually get mixed up with the ego, but that's okay. The key is not to give up on the process and just go with it and trust that it will take you there, and to do what is necessary in terms of practice and ego purging along the way.
Thanks Traxiss ~
I think it's really good that we all share what's happening during our transformation process. It's an honest way to help others, because we have all dealt with these things - and can help each other through what we are Experiencing.
If we put our Energy on what we want to create in our life, our higher self will help us manifest that.
We have our mind for our beliefs - and it's all ally to fuel our transformation.
We should work together with all aspects of ourself to reach the highest potential in every moment.
there is a saying: "the deepest discoveries are within you .... without reaching the bottom" as knowledge is just a fragment of the Whole Truth.
Within humbleness and modesty there is greatness, at least to me.
Thanks Jancar ...
peace .... ;)
Well again Ara, I really understand now what greatness really is. It's like what I read on the lightworker.org site the other day, in an article titled "Great works are the by product of unified mind and soul." Which basically said all great works of art, or great works period, all masterpieces are encoded with the essence of spirit....and serve to open doorways of consciousness and soul, to deeper and more expanded levels of being....and it's true.
That's what I want to be for people, for them to get a sense of expansion and to see divinity and God through me, and be an example of greater expansion of being that's possible for them to have. It's the same thing that I feel when I look at great people like Michael Jackson, or Michael Jordan, or Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I see divinity, I see Godliness, I see within them, expanded and deeper levels of being, of self, which ultimately helps us evolve and get closer to God and our true self. So...that's my idea of greatness, I didn't really understand it until like the last hour or so lol
And it's not the same as ego greatness, which thinks, oh I'm so great, because I'm better than you, because deep down you actually feel small and not so great. And yea obviously that kind of ego greatness is false, and needs to be humblized and modestized lol I know those aren't words but oh well lol And within true greatness, there is humbleness and modesty, I agree.