Greenpeace To Global Warming Skeptics: “We Know Where YouLive"

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, April 5, 2010

Greenpeace To Global Warming Skeptics: We Know Where You Live <br / 050410top" border="1" height="333" width="500"">

An article carried by the official Greenpeace website written by a Greenpeace member urges climate activists to resort to criminalactivity in an effort to reinvigorate momentum for their stallingglobal warming agenda, while ominously threatening climate skeptics,“we know where you live”.

The article, written by Greenpeace activist “Gene” from India, callsfor “mass civil disobedience to cut off the financial oxygen fromdenial and skepticism”.

“Gene” then has a special message for roughly half of Americans who, in the wake of the climategate scandal, arenow skeptical of man-made global warming – “We know who you are.We know where you live. We know where you work. And we be many, but yoube few.”

“Gene” quotes another climate activist who calls for an army of greenies to break the law and take retribution against anyone whostands in their way.

“The politicians have failed. Now it’s up to us. We must break the law to make the laws we need: laws that are supposed to protectsociety, and protect our future. Until our laws do that, screw beingclimate lobbyists. Screw being climate activists. It’s not working. Weneed an army of climate outlaws.”

Greenpeace has not issued a retraction of the comments, preferring instead to buffer the blog at both beginning and end withdesperate-sounding explanations insisting that the author has peacefulintentions. The organization has obviously been taking a hammering forthis as it worsens into another public relations disaster.

This is by no means the first time global warming adherents have resorted to physical threats in an effort to bolster their rapidlycrumbling credibility on climate change issues. In June last year, aglobal warming activist posted an article on the Talking Points Memowebsite entitled “AtWhat Point Do We Jail Or Execute Global Warming Deniers?”

Shortly after the article was retracted, a comment traced back to another prominent global warming activist whichappeared on the Climate Progress blog threatened Skeptics that “anentire generation that will soon be ready to strangle you and your kindwhile you sleep in your beds.” Website owner Joe Romm defended thecomment as “clearly not a threat but a prediction”.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

For years, climate Skeptics have been the target of campaigns to denounce them as criminals and traitors on the scale of the Nazis, withcalls for Nuremberg trials. A July2007 Senate report detailed how skeptical scientists have facedthreats and intimidation.

“Is this really the kind of caring, sensitive message this charity ought to be conveying to the world?” asksJames Delingpole. “Not to judge by the comments below. HappyEaster, Greenpeace PR department! I think you’re going to have a busynext few days…”

As a recent Psychological Science study highlighted, warmists tend not to adhere to the caring, sensitive image they portray when it comesto their own private lives.

“Those who wear what the authors call the “halo of green consumerism” are less likely to be kind to others, and more likely tocheat and steal,” summarizesthe Telegraph’s Iain Hollingshead. “Faced with various moralchoices – whether to stick to the rules in games, for example, or topay themselves an appropriate wage – the green participants behavedmuch worse in the experiments than their conventional counterparts. Theshort answer to the paper’s question, then, is: No. Greens are mean.”

Despite Greenpeace’s efforts at damage control, there can be little doubt as to the true context of the article. By first encouragingclimate activists to “break the law” in pursuit of their stallingpolitical agenda, “Gene” has greased the skids for criminal activity.Concluding with the threat to climate Skeptics that “we know where youlive,” is clearly a form of intimidation and an invitation for “an armyof climate outlaws” to take physical retribution against people whodisagree with them.

Imagine if Infowars put out an article urging its readers to break the law in order to combat the IRS, imagine if we told IRS agents, “weknow where you live”. We’d be raided quicker than a heartbeat and AlexJones would be demonized all over the establishment media as adangerous extremist. Indeed, amere peaceful letter-writing campaign urging governors to resign wasleapt upon by the media and the federal government this past weekend asa concerning portend of the “extremist” threat posed byconstitutionalists despite the fact that there was no indication ofviolence.

When so-called “right-wingers” or libertarians merely write letters urging peaceful political change, they are demonized as terroristhate-mongers, but when greenies openly call for criminal behaviorallied with thinly veiled threats of physical violence, it’s no bigdeal.

Will CNN and MSNBC devote weeks of endless coverage to Greenpeace’s threats towards people they disagree with? There’s more chance of KeithOlbermann awarding Rep.Hank Johnson (a major global warming adherent) his “worst person inthe world” gong for hilariously warning that the island of Guam couldcapsize like a boat due to overpopulation.

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