I simply wanted to say hello to all in this wonderful group, express my thanks for being able to be with you, and to concisely explain why I am interested in being a part of your community. I welcome any greetings, questions, and comments.
I consider myself a philosopher of experience, and thus I am doing my best to reach out and join communities, groups, and individuals that/who are attempting to further the actualization of this new age in a well to do manner. I mean this in a very inclusive way, and also in a way that takes into account the multitudinous aspects of these days and times. In my humble opinion, it is not enough to look at the new age in strictly minimalistic or limited contexts such as personal enlightenment, "first" contact scenarios, UFO activity, spiritualistic endeavors, etc. Rather all of these genres of phenomena, experiences, and realities must be viewed by the individual in a integral holistic way. I, like all of us fail to do this all the time, but I understand that the best we all can do is try. If anyone wants to connect to share and/or discuss what lies "ahead" please don't hesitate to message me.
I look forward to working with you all in any way that can uplift and educate those in need, in the ultimate hopes of bringing the collective here new ways of living, thinking, and being.
Thank you and all the best.
Hello back to you,!