People with addictions should not be allowed in hospitals but admitted to Rehabilitation Centres and they must pay for treatment freebies for those who have evil addictions. The point here is to teach them a lesson so that they give up their addictions and not encourage them by letting them admissions in hospitals.
Rehabilitation centres can have medical care teams.
Now if the people with addictions like alcohol know that they will end up in Rehabilitation centres and have to pay for treatment then they will do something to stop their addictions.
Here the problem is not to encourage them but send them for treatment of their we all know most crime, violence and abusive language/ shouting is by people with addictions like alcohol related.
1 in 5 and some places more are people in hospitals due to their bad addictions and they should really be in Rehabilitation centres
Really there should be no people in hospitals due to their addictions but in rehabilitation centres and really there should be no hospital staff who drink alcohol, smoke / drugs and eat junk food for they should also be in rehabilitation centres for treatment.. .it's basic common sense for someone with bad addictions cannot heal others till they have healed themselves