Yes, a guide. I realized the other day there's some who don't entirely understand what they all mean, whether it's a language barrier or they're not nerdy enough to know. Thus, I have created the ultimate guide to internet talk.
1337 = Leet = Elite
1337 5p34k = Leet speak
A teenager with no life and low esteem invented a top notch military grade code where you replace letters with their numerical look alikes and named it "Leet Speak". Designed to prevent Russian Soviets from decrypting intel passed between socially challenged teenagers complaining about how hard their life is.
1n 50v137 Ru5514, C0d35 D3cryp7 Y0U!
imo = In my opinion
imho = In my honest opinion
Uber = Most Australian Beer
Ohai = Oh, hi there!
Omai = Oh, my!
Obby = Oh, baby!
Orly = Oh, really?
Yarly = Yeah, really.
Leik = Like
kk = que que = what what
Y'all = Sound that roadkill makes
ilu = I love you but not enough to spell it out properly
lol = laugh out loud
rofl = rolling on floor laughing
Roflmao = Rolling on floor laughing my ass off
(Yeah it's sort of a blatant lie if you're still sitting there describing what you're doing)
WTF = What the fruitcake
WTH = What the helicopter
Roflcopter = If you wish to retain your dignity, never use this term
Le moo = Sound that European cows make
Pedobear = He moved after realizing that "In Soviet Russia, child likes PEDOBEAR!"
Manbearpig = Self explanatory
Troll = Most notably virgins with no social life who lurk forums making you believe they intentionally post logical fallacies but we all know it boils down to a stupid uneducated opinion.
Flame war = Metaphor. Angry wars fought between trolls and well.. turned trolls over petty issues on internet forums.
Kawaiiiiiii = Cuuuuuuutttttteeeee
Pwned = A common typo
Owned = This guide just totally owned you
Numnut = Anyone who annoys you or says something stupid
Gumnut = Australian version of numnut