Health Freedom is Our First Freedom™STOP the SHOT!Health Freedom AlertThe Voice of Global Health Freedom™News, Alerts, and More Health Freedom InformationAction Items You Must Take to Protect Your Health FreedomOctober 9, 2009Permalink to this eAlert:"Liberty is to the collective body what health is to every individual body. Without health no pleasure can be tasted by man; without liberty, no happiness can be enjoyed by society."---Thomas JeffersonNY Vaccine Choice Rally Video"Stop the Shot"Litigation Filed Today in DC Court! Press Release Here: Foundation's Court complaint alleges that the government failed to follow its own rules and applicable legislation in rushing the vaccine approvals in the absence of any of the requisite minimum scientifically sound and appropriate testing for both safety and effectiveness as required by law since 1964.Despite the FDA's intention to begin delivery this week of what they describe as the novel "Swine Flu" 2009-H1N1-A live virus nasal mist vaccine to 90,000 government-approved locations nationwide, six New Yorkers, including Natural Solutions Foundation's Medical Director, Rima E. Laibow, MD, and several NonGovernmental Organizations (NGOs) filed for an Emergency Injunction in the US District Court for the District of Columbia to prevent the distribution of what they believe are illegal, unnecessary and dangerous vaccines.The case of Null et al. v FDA et al. [Docket No. expected Friday, October 9, 2009] challenges the legality of the September 15th, 2009 licensing of four vaccines prior to any safety testing for what the government calls a "novel flu virus with pandemic potential." Although the government states that none of the vaccines contain adjuvants, that is manifestly untrue since the injected vaccines contain aluminum, a toxic adjuvant, and Novartis told the Natural Solutions Foundation on that same day that their approved vaccine contains MF59, their proprietary squalen adjuvant. The purpose of an adjuvant is to irritate the immune system into greater production of antibodies than it would otherwise create in response to a smaller antigen dose. Antigens are the most costly part of a vaccine to manufacture. Therefore, despite the enormous dangers, vaccine manufacturers are eager to use adjuvants.Adjuvants like squalene (also known as MF59, ASO 1, 2, 3 and 4) are highly toxic unapproved drugs in the US. The Novartis (approved) Swine Flu and GSK (awaiting approval) vaccines contain 1 million times more oil in water adjuvant (read, "squalene") than the devastatingly dangerous Vaccine A which caused the profound illness and death of so many previously healthy service men and women.Why so much squalene? Read on.A pair of patents filed in 1998 provide a means of turning the immune system of anyone receiving an injection of squalene at high doses plus a pig glycoprotein (very similar to the many biologically active human glycoproteins we all have) against the reproductive capacity of that person. That means that all of the children and pregnant women who are the first guinea pigs for these vaccines around the world could be rendered permanantly and irreversibly infertile through these shots.Perhaps this helps to explain the mystery of why the US government would invest almost half a billion dollars ($485M) to stock pile a dangerous, untested and unapproved injectable version of squalene. The rest of the mystery, of course, is solved when you recall that the FDA has said on its site that the squalene will be added to ("admixed") with the vaccines administered at the 90,000 sites to which they will be sent for injection.Natural Solutions Foundation Seeks Delay in Vaccine Use Until Legally Required Safety Testing Has Been CompletedAlthough safety testing of all vaccines is inadequate, as shown by the high levels of side effects, adverse events and damage caused by vaccines, especially influenza vaccines [and most especially, live attenuated influenza virus or LAIV vaccines], even that safety testing has been eliminated by the FDA. The government says that the H1N1 virus is so novel that they classify it as a bioweapon.Yet they say that there is no need to test the vaccines, adjuvanted, LAIV or not, because their manufacture was accomplished by the same means that other influenza vaccines are made.While this would not mean the vaccines should not be tested, the manufacturers themselves give the lie to this rationalization for imperalling all of us: Novartis and Baxter claims that their approved vaccine is, in fact, manufactured in a novel manner. It is so novel, in fact, that we have previously written about the dangers of vaccines cultured in monkey kidney cells which are infected with, among other stealth viruses, SMV40, a known cause of leukemia and other soft tissue cancers responsible for the leukemia epidemic which has impacted so many recipients of the polio vaccines. There is no assurance whatsoever that this danger, and others similar to it, has been eliminated from these vaccines.Yet FDA races to approve them before their dangers CAN be documented in order to protect the manufacturers - and itslef! - from loosing their protection from all litigation and liability UNLESS they act in willful negligence.Any court in the land would find that if they completed the safety tests, saw the dangers of the vaccines and continued to use them, they would be acting in willful negilgence and then all sorts of fiscal hell would break loose. So it is imperative that they reap their astonishing financial windfalls and sow their deadly whirlwinds BEFORE any safety testing is completed.Nasal spray vaccines, which are LAIV vaccines, according to their manufacturer, Medimmune, while not adjuvanted, work by producing the very illness they are supposedly designed to prevent (it's not a case of the flu since it was not "acquired in the community", but it has the identical symptoms. Of course, we say, "If it coughs like a Swine, Flies like a Swine, has muscle aches like a Swine, it must be the Swine that Flu", right?)That means, of course, that the government, in collusion with WHO and the depopulationists, have every intention of unleasing a pandemic. Once the virus is well established, it is free to reassort, mutate, recombine and undergo changes that could turn it from a trivial infection which requires, despite all the hype, no treatment and is actually milder than the regular seasonal flu, into something truly fearsome. At that point, if it happens, several things will happen: First, we believe that mandatory vaccination, now permitted under emergency powers at the State and Federal levels, will be invoked, with vaccine refusal criminalized and punished by misdemenor or felony status, fines and incarceration/involuntary quarantine.Second, vaccine refusers who do not allow their children to be vaccinated will either see them forcibly vaccinated against their wishes or removed from their homes. Intrusion teams are already funded by the Federal Government and many States are following suit. FEMA announced a few months back that they had set up special camps to meet the special needs of children.Third, if people try to protect themselves and their children using physical means to stop the intrustion teams, vaccinations, loss of rights and personal autonomy and indignity of being forced to undergo dangerous proceedures which violate their beliefs and wishes, the spectre of Marshal Law will suddenly become very, very real. Therefore, our best protection is urgent, vigorous action now, not tomorrow.Our government has, in fact, turned against both our rights and our bodies. In fact, it has turned against our very survival. We still have legal actions available to us and there are, astonishingly, still some judges loyal to the Constitution they have sworn to uphold. There are also some military people loyal to the same document and their loyalty is a factor which may yet save us all, IF the foreign troops quartered on US soil (also forbidden by the Constitution) are not brought to bear upon us in tyrannical ways.After you read the Complaint and the Brief and some documentation on the dangers of Squalene and similar adjuvants, it's time to talk about what you can - what we believe we all must - do before the last second of the last minute of the now-past 11th hour has vanished and, with it, our ability to own and control the fate of our own bodies.Link to Complaint to Brief more: Be Very Afraid I Be Very Afraid II Can I Do?MAKE NOISE!Make More NoiseTell Legislators You Are NOT a Pharma Serf!Action Item: Are you a Pharma Serf? Is your body owned by Big Pharma and the Corporate State? I did not think so. Neither am I! This new Action Item goes to your State and Federal Legislators, the President of the United States and your Governor telling each of them that you expect them to protect you against vaccinations which are supposedly voluntary but, in reality, carry severe penalties if they are refused.Please submit this item once for every member of your family and then disseminate, disseminate, disseminate.Our collective efforts are the only bulwark we have against this madness. Alone we are literally powerless. Together, we have created the push back that has taken us from "All vaccines will be mandatory for the Swine Flu" to "All vaccines will be voluntary for the Swine Flu BUT....." There is a great deal more we need to do and we are fast running out of time to do it.Here is a list of more thingswhich you, personally, need to do. NOW!We cannot guarantee that we will be successful if we all do all of these things. But we most certainly can guarantee that the result of failing to do our absolute utmost during a time of utmost emergency will result in cataclysmic results.2. Support the Natural Solutions Foundation's ground-breaking (and, if we win, life-saving) legal efforts. we win, the FDA will likely appeal the decision. If we loose, we will most certainly appeal the decision. This is an expensive process. The good news? Our lawyers have been working for very little, we have not paid our experts and we have gotten this far on your donations. The bad news? From here on out, it gets expensive, really expensive. But just think how much you would have spent to prosecute this case on your own. So please, if you value your Constitutional rights and your sovereignty over your own body, give generously. More good news: all donations by US tax payers are 100% tax deductible.Donate any amount which ends in the number "6" to earmark your donation for our legal fund. Recurring donations, large or small, are essential for us. And while you are making your legal fund donation, please make another recurring donation to sustain the Natural Solutions Foundation. You and your circle of influence, which means EVERY SINGLE PERSON you can reach, need to tell your State and Federal legislators in no incertain terms that you demand the right to choose, without penalty, whether you get vaccines or not for yourself and your children.Click here,, to present your urgent demand to the people who work for you. Then print out and take this talking point paper, , with you when you go to visit your State and Federal legislators either in their capital offices, or in their district offices. Call them up. Set up an appointment with the elected official or, failing that, with his/her Chief of Staff (NOT the phone answering underling!), present the legislator or CoS with a copy of your talking points and then talk.Go in a group, and insist on making every one of your points clearly, briefly and with the full attention of the legislator. If they try to brush you off, remind them that they, every last one of them, are your employees and you, as the boss, want a moment more of their time so that they know what their instructions are. Be courteous, do not raise your voice, be logical and be forceful.They know that a single angry voter is enough to knock an incumbant out of the primary round of elections and that is your power!IndexVideo of the Week: NY RallyStop the Shot Federal Case FiledHealth Freedom Defense FundGeneral Bert's WarningPush Back Works!VolunteersAction ItemsDr. Rima RecommendsBecause it is so important, we are repeating Gen. Stubblebine's Urgent Message from the last Health Freedom Action eAlert:The Culling Has BegunSpecial Message from General Bert:Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.) Natural Solutions Foundation PresidentDear Health Freedom Lover,Natural Solutions Foundation has never had a more urgent message for you.Forced Vaccination - of any type - is a disease of the Body Politic. Swine Flu Vaccination is a lethal one.The H1N1 Swine Flu vaccines have been specifically prepared to cause wide-spread infertility and profound illness: You need to know this information AND you need to become a health advocate for yourself and your community NOW. We have little time.IndexLet's begin with the basics:Sucker Punch 1:Create the Pandemic1. The first type of vaccine "ready|" for distribution is a Live Attenuated Influenza Virus (LAIV) vaccine. administered by the nasal route. LAIVs are particularly dangerous both to the person who takes them AND to those around them. These vaccines cause people to shed the virus to others and infect them. The virus is then able to reassort or mutate as the infected persons (who may be too young to have any idea what is happening) go about spreading the virus into a varied community of friends, neighbors, family members, playmates, people on the subway, anyone.People like young children, pregnant mothers, people on immunosuppressive drugs and others are told that they should avoid the live virus, yet it will be disseminated into those very populations with no controls or protections since pregnant women, children, First Responders, health care professionals and people with chronic diseases will receive this "first wave" of LAIVs.What does that mean in detail? Please click here,, to read more.Sucker Punch 2:Cull the Population While You Kill the Next Generation2. In addition to what we already know about the squalene adjuvant and its ability to cripple and kill through powerful auto immune mechanismswhen injected, there is another, deeply shocking reason that the amount of squalene and squalene derivitives (called MF59, AS01, AS02, AS03, AS04, MLP, etc.) to be used in the coming mass vaccination is so insanely high when just a few molecules in the injection can wreak lifeling havoc.A patent was filed in 1998 for a vaccine which causes permanent infertility when injected. When combined, the materials which cause sterility are a highly active immune irritant (an adjuvant) like squalene in very high doses and a porcine (pig) glycoprotein. Put them together in an injection and not only do you have auto immune consequences like death, or for those who do not die, crippling rheumatoid arthritis, Lou Gehrig's Disease, destruction of the muscles, diabetes, disabling rashes, mental and neurological problems a-plenty, but you have a population of infertile men women and children.To read more, cick here, Back IS Working . . .So Let's Keep Pushing!Americans are not going to take it any more. Even most healthcare workers, including doctors, refuse to take voluntary vaccines.We've spent some time on the phone with both the pro se Federal Court plaintiff in New Jersey (whose application for injunction was denied this past Monday and the State Court pro se plaintiff challenging Florida's draconian forced treatment law (she survived the State's initial demand that the Judge dismiss the case; has 60 days to file a full brief). Several patriot, pro bono attorneys have privately discussed the legal requirements for injunctive relief with them and others seeking relief. As one trained in the law, I applaud the efforts of pro-se litigants to assert their rights in court.On behalf of the Foundation, we are also actively communicating with a group of patriot lawyers around the country seeking ways to help people pursue legal actions to Stop the Shot.Several strong actions are being planned in NY state on behalf of the healthcare workers by lawyers who represent vaccine injured people and people seeking to assert vaccination exemptions. We hear rumors of actions conteplated in Washington State and California. The Foundation and its allies have filed an action in the DC District Court (see story above). Efforts to bring complaints before civil rights and similar bodies are being explored.More Good news: Tim Bolen has re-started his fiery "Millions of Health Freedom Fighters - Newsletter," and in his usual brutal, but humorous, style he points out the problems and solutions in North American health care.You can go to the front page of and see his three newest articles, all of which make important points. If you are not already on his email list you can sign up on that page.As you probably already know, Tim Bolen is the nemesis of the quackbuster operation, smacking them around the continent, embarrassing them in Court, and hunting them to their lairs. Tim is a Crisis Management Consultant in the cutting-edge health care industry, and as such, has easy access to information most of us don't even know exists. His articles reflect that, and he'll make you laugh.We are delighted that AAHF/ANH are following our lead in assaulting the corrupt and deadly FDA through litigation. We wish them good luck and hope that their suit is as well constructed as ours....As we say, Push Back Works!The same authorities who have warned us about the potential for pandemic for monthsnow begin to change their tune, since it's clear we don't buy their obscurations and since we have (and we are!) independent sources of news, on the Internet, over Radio and the like, where people have learned not to trust authority."The World Health Organization, the UN agency (ir-) responsible for declaring a Phase 6 "PANDEMIC" global alert over what it calls H1N1 Influenza A or Swine Flu, whose chief Dr Margaret Chan has repeatedly warned that while Swine Flu to date had been rather mild, that the emergency declaration was necessary because it "could mutate" aggressively into a deadly pandemic killing millions, now admits well into the flu season in the Northern Hemisphere that H1N1 has apparently not mutated." New York's "emergency" flu vaccine mandates are based on no emergency; the HHS's April 25th declaration of "emergency" with its language exculpating all government officials from the harm that may occur is based on no emergency; the imminent Emergency Use Authorization that will permit the use of "adjuvants" (immune system toxins) that have never been permitted in drugs in the United States, because the government's own scientists will not sign off on them, will be based on no emergency.What can you, personally, do?Use this Action Item to alert and motivate everyone you can reach each person to fill it out once for each member of their household and pass it on as widely as possible. Share this Health Freedom Action eAlert with them.Ralph Fucetola JDNatural Solutions TrusteeIndexVideo of the WeekNY Vaccine Choice Rally Video Freedom Defense FundHelp keep Health Freedom Strong and Active by making two, that's two recurring tax deductible donations, large or small.Make one, ending in the number "6", to earmark your donation to our Legal Freedom Defense Fund AND make another to support the most effective health freedom organization in the world, Natural Solutions Foundation. Click here NOW! support Dr. Ron Paul's bills to guarantee us the right to share truthful health information without the FDA and FTC gag rules that limit what can be said and give the government openings to attack companies and professionals who are telling the truth about their products, but being attacked for it.Click here, \gag rules on health-related information.These gag rules are part of "HARMonziation" with Codex.End this part of it here!IndexNatural SolutionsVolunteers and InternsThe Natural Solutions Foundation needs volunteers to do research, administrative work, help with organic gardening, building, support our many functions and help to keep us growing. You can come to the beautiful temperate, bountiful Highlands of Panama and become a part of the Natural Solutions Foundation's Volunteer Corps. Visit our main Natural Solutions Foundation Volunteer's page, and our Health Freedom Volunteers' Forum, join us on our weekly 10 PM Eastern Wednesday night conference call 219-509-8322, PIN 937848#We have building projects, marketing and development ones, administrative, communication, and a host of other needs. If you are interested in either an Expense Paid Volunteer Position (Room and Board in Volcan, Panama) or in joining the roll of Health Freedom Volunteer Sponsors, please join the Forum and contact Ralph Fucetola at or me at with "Volunteer" as the subject.We invite you to become a part of Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project's exciting development by joining our VotM Forum, visiting us in Panama and become a part of the community building there, either as a volunteer, a practitioner, a Joint Venture Partner or a permanent resident - or all 4! Click this link to learn more about the Eco Demostration Project and join the NSF-Panama Forum:www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.orgIndexNotes and Recommendationsfrom Dr. RimaValley of the MoonTM Coffeewww.ValleyoftheMoonCoffee.orgHealth Freedom's Coffee: Free of GMOs, Pesticides, Herbicides and Other Toxic Chemicals.Your purchase is 80% tax deductible AND you are supporting the Natural Solutions Foundation with every delicious cup!Double Taste, Double Support! The Holiday Season is coming. Why not make your coffee Valley of the MoonTM and give your gift recipients Health Freedom's CoffeeTM, too? We produce it ourselves as part of the International Decade of Nutrition's goal of reclaiming the production of food. Here at Valley of the MoonTM Eco Demonstration Project, everything we do helps farmers and non-farmers alike to regain their ability to produce clean, unadulterated food. Our amazingly fine premium Panamanian coffee is part of that program.As a personal or a corporate gift, you are showing that you have good taste and care about health of the environment, workers and consumers! And your delicious and thoughtful gifts are 80% tax deductible!Valley of the MoonTM Coffee is produced in limited supply by the Noble Bugle people on our high mountain farm. We are milling and roasting it right now for you. Order yours now because once the supply is gone, it is gone until our next harvest.IndexLimited Time Only!Nano Silver Special!As you know, because of the FDA gag rule, I cannot tell you that Nano Silver kills the Swine Flu Virus. I can tell you, however, that it was approved by the EPA as a totally non toxic surface cleaner, at a higher concetration, because it killed every pathogen it was tested against with no toxicity to normal bacteria, animals or humans.NONE.People ask me about other alternatives for killing disease organisms and I ask them why not use this one which, unlike MMS, cannot make you sick and unlike Vitamin C, does not have to be taken to the point at which it causes gut problems (Bowel Tolerance) to establish the dose you need?I believe that this is the ultimate antibiotic. I could find not one shred of evidence that it causes a cytokine storm, as some allege. See of all, it is on saleat signficiant savings.Save $76 on 4 Bottles;Receive Spray,Nasal Attachments Free! -7 Information Online...New Network Supports Natural Solutions't Forget to "Follow"Us on Twitter!For Up-to-the-Minute #healthfreedom #foodfreedom#pandemic #noforcedvaxIndexAction Items!Take each Action Item once for each person in your family:* Say NO! to Pharma Serfdom:* Say No to Forced Vaccines/Incarceration: million emails so farPrevent Food Fascism: million+ emails so far)* End FDA & FTC Gag Rules on Health Information: emails so far supporting Dr. Paul's bills)* Join STOP THE SHOT FDA ActionSTOP THE SHOT NowOrganics4u StoreMarketplaceValley of the Moon CoffeeIndexACTIONS:CLICK: Tell FDA Approving Pandemic Vaccines Absent Safety Tests is IllegalCLICK: Say 'NO!" to Foreced VaccinationsCLICK: Tell Congress You Want Safe, Labeled Non GM Food! Get Congressional Co-Sponsors for Vital GMO Label, Safety BillsCLICK: Force FDA to Allow Information About Health and Foods!CLICK: Stop Compulsory VaccinationCLICK: Tell Your Legislators to Oppose All Restrictions on Nutritional Free SpeechCLICK: Tell Legislators to Protect You From Dental MercuryCLICK: Become a Health Freedom Community OrganizerCLICK: Say NO! to Forced Vaccines Sign the Tiburon DeclarationPRODUCTS:CLICK: Treat Yourself to Health Freedom's Coffee!CLICK: Shop Our Online Organic StoreCLICK: Visit Our New Marketplace of Recommended ProductsCLICK: Order "Nutricide: The DVD" TodayCLICK: Order Codex eBookCLICK: Order Silver SolutionCLICK: Detox Pads are Here! Detox While You Sleep!CLICK: Support Stem Cells NaturallyCLICK: Have a Product or Service You Want to Put In Front of Health Freedom Supporters?INFORMATION:CLICK: Join No-Forced-Vaccine ForumCLICK: Join FoodFarmForumCLICK: Join No GMO ForumCLICK: Use the Advanced Healthcare WikiIMPORTANT! Keep Health Freedom Free. Make Your Recurring Donation NowIndexRima LaibowYours in health and freedom,Dr. RimaRima E. Laibow, MDMedical DirectorNatural Solutions Foundationwww.HealthFreedomUSA.orgSHARE!Tell your friends about HealthFreedomUSA.orgORGANIZE!Join us in the fight to protect your health freedomSIGN CITIZEN'S PETITION!Ask the U.S. government to change its policy on Codex AlimentariusCONTRIBUTE!Make a contribution and help raise funds to support your health freedom fight

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  • A brilliant development! Thank god for this and also for the actions of Jane Burgermeister and also Dr Len Horowitz!
    • Yes that's excellent!! Just now England needs to follow through because here they are starting vaccinations with two different types of the vaccine, which they say they are testing to see which one they want to use.....testing on children.....great.....
      Thanks to those who are sticking their necks out!
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