What Is HAARP?
The official story is – “The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University and the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Its purpose is to analyse the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance purposes”.
But as you will see from the below videos, HAARP does a lot more than communication and surveillance.
HAARP works most effectively with the presence of chemtrails. For more information on this topics, please have a look at our article on chemtrails here.
The largest legal AM radio antenna in North America is 50000 watts. HARRP is 72000 x 50000 AM radio antennas!
What do they need all this power for? Find out in the below videos.
The History Channel Exposes HAARPS Abilities
Russian Tech Designer Saw The Japanese Earthquake Coming 7 Hours Before It Occurred.
How? They were monitoring the ionosphere and saw the changes happening over Japan!
2011 – Christchurch NZ Earth Quake – Another HAARP Event?
This video is very well researched and presents subjects not detailed in the above 2 videos.
In the above video, some screen-shots were taken of HAARP graphs, if you would like to monitor these in real time, they can be found here
So, why do they deploy HAARP in this manner? Well that is whole another subject, one that we will cover at a future date.
This article contains only a very small percentage of the information out there on HAARP. We suggest if you are interested in this subject to conduct some research of your own. You may be surprised what you find.
We want to state that for not one minute do we believe HAARP causes all natural disasters. Earthquakes, hurricanes, storms etc. have occurred on earth for millennia. HAARP only started testing in 1995. We also believe that earth is in the midst of massive change and that natural weather events will intense over the next few years.
The answer to that it is simple ....DESTROY HAARP....
It is not for people....it is against the people...