
My reference to "Hadar" (or the Greek "Hades,") to which the Atlantean elites retired, after the continental deluge, is a reference to the star known to Earth astronomy as Beta Centauri...


Of course, Hades was well-described in the Greek myths and like all myth, based upon some elements of fact...The Roman equivalent of the "god" Hades, was named Pluto, which is associated with an abode of darkness, greed, wealth and avarice....A plutocrat using modern parlance.


True spiritual kingship has been distorted in it's original meaning, as it was once a cosmic degree of achieved spiritual ability, as per a "king of wisdom," or an Jschwisch grade initiate; ET or terrestrial colonist.....

This changed when King Atlant (Atlas) achieved an hereditary monarchy, in which his many sons ruled his empire, due to family status rather than spiritual abilities...the first case of royalty on Earth, as we know today and inspired by the Draconian examples. The principle of rulership through family, rather than by merit.


Note that the culturally semi-legendary "King Atlas," was actually named Atlant and his wife was a queen, so titled and named; Jschrisch Karyatide

In Greek mythology, it was Atlas the Titan who was reputed to hold the Earth upon his broad shoulders and his true name of Atlant, gave itself to his continent of Atlantis, the Atlantic ocean, the Atlas mountains of North Africa, as well as the book of global maps we call an atlas....




Valana said:


Beta Centauri is where the visitor to the planet to the African lady that had the child and lived with him on one of the Bata C planets for awhile but her health did not permit her stay, she spoke with the UN and her story was backed by an Army General and her Government, it was some time ago I'm sure you probably heard of it, she had a book..I heard of her from someone, never read the book. I was not aware they came from Atlantis, thank you for this.

Drekx I will post this with my videos on my front page of my site if it's ok with you. I have not seen your other videos I will watch them soon as I get a change. As your information is very good.



Drekx Reply:


These are the Atlantean racial types, that once contributed to their development, over millennia:


1) Rhumoahl

2) Tlvatli

3) Toltec

4) Turanian

5) Original Semite

6) Akkadian

7) Mongolian


If we are to scientifically study the Atlantean root-race in it's development, over ancient millennia, we can note it's great variety of sub-racial categories, starting with the Rhumoahl, who were very tall and black in appearance, but with a bluish tinge, rather than a brown, as with modern black people....This racial development in the Atlantean evolution, is based upon mass waves of migrations from a variety of sources in cosmos, including Beta Centauri, a star system their kings returned to, at the final destruction...

You may also note that at the cultural height of Atlantean science, they were represented by the race we call the Toltecs, who were red-skinned peoples, taller than modern day native Americans, but possessing all their characteristics...

The Turanian racial type was a result of a mass migration from planet Kudra in the Njsan system, Lyra constellation..

These yellow-skinned people were the beginnings of what we could say are the Chinese....And all related Sino-Asiatic people on Earth today, owe their presence to the planet Kudra, which sent a mass migration wave to earth, over a full precessional cycle ago..The subsequent Atlantean evolutionary developments we see were towards the semitic racial type, as we now observe in modern Arabs....And finally, the Atlanteans left their continent, some returning to Hadar and others migrating around the world, many centering in Asia, becoming a people we know as Mongols.


From a Divine Plan viewpoint, the purpose behind the Atlantean race on Earth, was to fully develop the Humanoid astral body...

Hope this explains why the lady from Beta Centauri appeared that way....And a reminder that not all humanoid ETs are "nordic," as some might assume....


The nordic racial type is particular to Lyra and planets such as Sater and extends across cosmos. Earth humans of this same racial type are considered to be of a different physical type to Atlantean and we call that type the Aryan....The purpose is to develop mind....And is actually a state of consciousness, rather than just a physical appearance, albeit, expressed physically..


Aryan consciousness can exist in all modern humans, of any racial type...Thus we see modern man's obsession with science...the 5th ray of concrete science, which under the law of correspondences, is amplified under the 5th Aryan root-race...


The great variety of humanoid racial types on Earth, is a direct reflection of the diversity of cosmos.....

The cosmic roots for ALL humanoids is planet Deron of the Vega system.....Original humans were blue-skinned and all other racial types issued from that prototype....

On Earth, minus the protective FIRMAMENT layers, blue-skinned surface peoples became brown-skinned, over time..

The Sirians consist of two basic types, ("nordic" white and blue) unlike Earth, which is far more diverse....




Selamat kasijaram zau.. (Sirian for "be blessed in the love and joy of spirit…!")


Col. Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew (East England sector)

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  • Drekx, is there a sub racial group of Atlanteans that is purple skinned? I have found nothing in my research concerning purple skin.

    • Greetings sister,

      In answer to your question, no, there were no Atlanteans in possession of purple skin.....The nearest skin tone to that was a dark blue/black, or a paler blue.....Among the original Atlanteans. This particular cosmic characteristic was derived originally from the Vega system, which spread to many systems, including ancient and modern inner Earth.

  • Also Cmdr Drekx Omega I recently posted about a book called Aintiram a book from Atlantas which is a multidimensional treatise on Energy and Matter, Space and Time, Order and Beauty.
    Kindly tell us your views on this book
    Posted @
    • If a sanscrit book had been deciphered from an ancient Indian text, it would have carried more weight in achieving some semblance of literary and scholarly pedegree....

      From "Atlantis" indeed....?? I think not...


      This data is a mish-mash and was never produced from the source it's given credence for....

      My conclusion is that it's an elaborate hoax...

  • Now where can we get complete known info of all the names of inhabited planets in this universe including as much info about their way of life in order to compare life on Earth and life on other planets so we know what we need to raise our standard and make planet earth one of the best place to live in this universe
    • Full data will be provided after official First Contact....As yet, such knowledge is only in the possession of our secret sacred societies, who work behind the scenes, in close co-operation with the Spiritual Hierarchy and GFL...

      There are snippets of incomplete data, of genuine value, which you may wish to read....For example, try this link, as the Plejares star cluster civillisation was given a special pre-contact dispensation to offer their data to humanity, with the intent that people learn to respect this planet more..


      Note that the Plejaren refer to an ancient Sol planet which is now destroyed, that they call "Malona." The Sirians use the name; "Maldek" and have re-named the planned planetary reconstruction; by the Elohim, "Pax."


      The Future Of Mankind - A Billy Meier Wiki - Planets
      • Interesting link but Billy Meier credibility some say is a suspect ... Can you tell us if Billy Meier is trustworthy?
        • Oh yes, absolutely, Billy is considered a pioneer as far as human contactees go, from an ET perspective....Because he was valuable, he was subject to ridicule, hate mail, death threats, assassination attempts and general nastiness from human beings....

          He was also threatened by our own Sirian MIB renegades and that was how we came to love and trust Billy and his Plejaren contacts....We sorted out those bad guys for him and have had a good rapport ever since...


          Billy and Ptaah were even kind enough to mention the Sirians in a contact report, describing our true natures as benevolent....This data was relayed  in 2001, some years into the Sirian first contact mission and was an excellent way to present Sirius in a positive light....and comparable to the famous Pleiadians.

          Prior to this, appart from Nidle, all assumed Sirians to be dark ETs...And I was not well known in 2001, so could not then clarify the Sirian status for people around the world....


          Here is his contact report......It is the planet Samanet (Sirius B4) that I found to be particularly useful, as this was the first mention of it, by any human contactee.......I had known of this world since age nine...My prime contacts are from Samanet....and you will read that these Sirian people are humanoids, like the Pleiadians, they are not reptiles, as so many erroneous reports have believed....So I thank Billy, a true hero and genuine contactee, we all salute....



          The Future Of Mankind - A Billy Meier Wiki - Contact Report 311
          • Here is more interesting info about Billy Meier

            World War Three
            Billy Meier repeatedly warns of an impending Third World War beginning in November 2006, 2008, 2010, or 2011. He has also denounced the terroristic activities and vigilante behavior of various Muslim extremist groups, which he says only foment the possibility for war.

            At one time, Meier suggested November, 2006 as the most likely start of World War III, then revised the date to November, 2008, a period that has also now passed. In any case, Meier states that, in an approaching year, four world leaders will die within seven days of one another, giving a clear sign that within a mere 2 years of these events the long-feared world war will indeed erupt - that is unless terrestrials finally gain mastery over their reason and change their behavior, insisting that these prophecies are all subject to change, as opposed to inevitabilities.

   - This website is for sale! - war Resources and Information.
            This website is for sale! is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you…
            • Yes, the strategy used is one which allows humanity to take a step back from the brink and ponder before proceeding with a particular course of action.....At any given time, human freewill can alter the timeline of events.....Albeit, this type of "prophetic" work is not as helpful as other areas he has been gainfully employed in.....

              Warnings about events that could happen, may help to focus minds and not forgetting, that powerful people also read his contact reports, etc...Indeed US admin and intel takes his work far more seriously than they may publically claim, if asked.....And in many cases, the USA is in a position to start or prevent wars.....Dire warnings are only useful if acted upon....

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