Happy Easter

Hindu Scriptural Quotes on Women

An anthology of sacred quotes from Hinduism on women.
(find these on line.)

A wife, obedient to her husband, renowned,light-footed, eloquent in speech, sympathetic to the patients, attainsto happiness when she lives peacefully with her husband, and nicelycooks the food highly efficacious, and grown through rain, conducive toour physical growth, brought daily in use, and relished by ourancestors.  Yajur Veda  Chapter XXXIII, Verse 59

Rama(addressing Bharata) said: "Do you keep your womenfolk pacified? Arethey duly protected by you? I hope you do not repose excessive faith inthem and do not confide your secrets to them."  Valmiki RamayanaAyodhya Kanda, 100.49

Krishna said: "For, takingrefuge in Me, they also who, O Arjuna, may be of sinful birth--women,vaisyas as well as sudras--attain the Supreme Goal."  BhagavadGita, Ch.9, Verse 32

[Commentary by Swami Shivananda,Rishikesh:
"........Women and Sudras are debarred by social rulesfrom the study of the Vedas. ...."]

Men must make their womendependent day and night, and keep under their own control those who areattached to sensory objects. Her father guards her in childhood, herhusband guards her in youth, and her sons guard her in old age. A womanis not fit for independence.  Manusmriti 9.2-3

They(women) make a lie appear as truth, and a truth appear as a lie.  TheMahabharata Anusasana Parva, Section XXXIX

AddressingShakuntala, Dushmanta said:
"Women generally speak untruth"  TheMahabharata Adi Parva, Section LXXIV

Yudhishthira(addressing Bhishma) said:
Women in particular, the Rishis have said,are false in behaviour. Women in particular have been declared in theordinances to be false. In the very Vedas one may read that women arefalse. The Mahabharata Anusasana Parva, Section XIX

Womendo not care for beauty, nor is their attention fixed on age;(thinking), '(It is enough that) he is a man,' they give themselves tothe handsome and to the ugly. Through their passion for men, throughtheir mutable temper, through their natural heartlessness, they becomedisloyal towards their husbands, however carefully they may be guardedin this (world). Knowing their disposition, which the Lord of creatureslaid in them at the creation, to be such, (every) man should moststrenuously exert himself to guard them. (When creating them) Manuallotted to women (a love of their) bed, (of their) seat and (of)ornament, impure desires, wrath, dishonesty, malice, and bad conduct.For women no (sacramental) rite (is performed) with sacred texts, thusthe law is settled; women (who are) destitute of strength and destituteof (the knowledge of) Vedic texts, (are as impure as) falsehood(itself), that is a fixed rule.  Manusmriti 9.14-18

Forwomen there is no ornament more valuable than their husbands.  ValmikiRamayana Sunder Kanda, 16-26

A damsel whose mensesbegin to appear (while she is living) at her father's house, before shehas been betrothed to a man, has to be considered as a degraded woman:by taking her (without the consent of her kinsmen) a man commits nowrong.  Vishnusmriti 24.41

"Lord Indra himselfhas said, 'The mind of woman cannot be disciplined; she has very littleintelligence.' "  Rig Veda 8.33.17

SageAshtavakra said:
Women can never be their own mistresses. This isthe opinion of the Creator himself, viz., that a woman never deserves tobe independent. There is not a single woman in the three worlds thatdeserves to be regarded as the mistress of her own self. The fatherprotects her while she is a maiden. The husband protects her while sheis in youth. Sons protect her when she is aged. Women can never beindependent as long as they live. The Mahabharata Anusasana Parva, Section XX

Evenif destitute of virtue, or seeking pleasure (elsewhere), or devoid ofgood qualities, a husband must be constantly worshipped as a god by afaithful wife.  Manusmriti 5.154

After thedeath of her husband, a woman should preserve her chastity or ascend thepyre after him.  Vishnusmriti 25.14

When irreligion is prominent in the family, O Krishna, thewomen of the family become corrupt, and from the degradation ofwomanhood, O descendant of Vrishni, comes unwanted progeny.  BhagavadGita, Ch.1, Verse 40

Women are powerless, have noinheritance, and speak more humbly than even a bad man.  KrishnaYajur Veda Taittiriya Samhita

For a (married) woman, so long as she is alive, her husbandindeed is her deity as well as her lord. ... Nay, that woman who, thoughextremely noble and keenly devoted to sacred observances and fasts,does not serve her husband, is sure to attain the destiny of a sinner.Through service to one's husband (on the other hand) even that woman whodoes not offer salutations (to anyone other than her husband) and isaverse to the worship of gods secures the highest heaven. Intent ondoing that which is pleasing and good to her husband, a (married) womanshould, therefore do service to him alone: this is the lasting dutyenjoined on a woman in the Vedas as well as in the Smrti texts.  ValmikiRamayana Ayodhya Kanda, 24

Sita said:
In the caseof women neither father nor son nor their own body nor mother nor theirfemale companions serve as an asylum here or hereafter. The husbandalone is their refuge at all times.  Valmiki Ramayana AyodhyaKanda, 27.6

Addressing sage Ashtavakra, the old Ladysaid:
The very deities of wind and fire and water, or the othercelestials, O regenerate one, are not so agreeable to women as the deityof desire. Verily, women are exceedingly fond of sexual congress. Amonga thousand women, or perhaps, among hundreds of thousands, sometimesonly one may be found that is devoted to her husband. When under theinfluence of desire, they care not for family or father or mother orbrother or husband or sons or husband's brother, but pursue the way thatdesire points out. ...Verily, in pursuit of what they considerhappiness, they destroy the family to which they belong by birth ormarriage, even as many queenly rivers eat away the banks that containthem. Even women that are aged are tortured by the desire of sexualunion. The Creator himself had said this, quickly marking the faults ofwomen.  The Mahabharata Anusasana Parva, Section XIX & XXI

Onething mixed with another should not be sold, nor anything that isspoiled, deficient, far away, or concealed. If one girl is shown butanother is given to the bridegroom, he may marry both of them for thesingle bride-price; that is what Manu says.  Manusmriti 8.203-204

Lakshmana(addressing Sita) said:
It is the nature of women all over the worldto be vicious, fickle, and sharp-tongued and to sow seeds ofdissension.  Valmiki Ramayana Aranya Kanda, 45.29

Awoman who has been unchaste should worship Siva in his calm aspect,Siva who is Kama. Then she should summon a Brahmin and give herself tohim, thinking, 'This is Kama who has come for the sake of sexualpleasure.' And whatever the Brahmin wishes, the sensuous woman shoulddo. For thirteen months she should honour in this way any Brahmin whocomes to the house for the sake of sexual pleasures, and there is noimmorality in this for noble ladies or prostitutes.  Matsya Purana70.40-60 (cf. Mahabharata III, 2.23)

A discardedwife is one who has no son. ... For a wife that is without a son, ispossessed withNirriti (destruction, calamity).  Shatapatha Brahmana

Itis the nature of women to seduce men in this (world); for that reasonthe wise are never unguarded in (the company of) females. For women areable to lead astray in (this) world not only a fool, but even a learnedman, and (to make) him a slave of desire and anger. One should not sitin a lonely place with one's mother, sister, or daughter; for the sensesare powerful, and master even a learned man.  Manusmriti2.213-215

A union of a twice-born man with a Sudrawife can never produce religious merit; it is from carnal desire onlythat he marries her, being blinded by lust. Men of the three firstcastes, who through folly marry a woman of the lowest caste, quicklydegrade their families and progeny to the state of Sudras. If hisoblations to the gods and manes and (his hospitable attentions) toguests are offered principally through her (a Sudra wife's) hands, thegods and manes (and the guests) will not eat such offerings, and he willnot go to heaven.  Vishnusmriti 26.5-7

Andwhilst not coming into contact with Sudras and remains of food; for thisGharma is he that shines yonder, and he is excellence, truth,and light; but woman, the Sudra, the dog, and the crow, are untruth: heshould not look at these, lest he should mingle excellence and sin,light and darkness, truth and untruth.  Shatapatha Brahmana

Ansuya(Rishi Atri's wife) said to Sita:
"A woman is impure by her verybirth; but she attains a happy state by serving her lord (husband)".  TulasiRamayana Aranya Kanda, 5 A-B

Bhishma said:
Womenhave one eternal duty in this world, viz., dependence upon and obedientservice to their husbands, and as such, this one duty constitutes theironly end. The Mahabharata Anusasana Parva, Section LIX

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    • do you know where Ashtar gets the name?


      all these terms refer to the feminine core of reality and existance. You didn't know, did you?

      i found the above quotes surfing the 'net...surf's up. do some more research, shelly.
  • The only thing i got out of this,is that these man are scared of the power of woman. What a pain....
    • i'm so happy.

      i was expecting people to simply rush up and tell me how WRONG this was,
      how i must have made it up, or how 'that was then and this is now' -- or other such denials...


      'cause, uh, if "This website and it´s visitors is surrounded by the Vibration of Aum", well,
      we have a lot to learn that this website is "protected" from learning about.

      all that above info is why the Buddha left India. women were and remain the most oppressed of all castes under the caste system. with the above in mind, i truly weep for those who think that ascension means taking the past and making it the future...

      "When women knew The Goddess, they knew their power."

      when people know equality rather than gender disparity, it all changes...

      we seem to be unfairly imprinted with ancient energy that keeps us causing and expecting a gender imbalance that actually does no one any good.
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