The Earth human race was literally created by a group(ET) which came down from a dimensional realm known as Paa Tal. Suprisingly, modern sciencitific research has clarified Paa Tal as being of Draconian(reptillian) origin.
Science has for a long time superceeded several religious ideas, concepts and miracles with no intention of defaming it's position, rather a pure desire and search for truth. The suggestion is how that homo sapains possess small or large amounts of reptilian DNA in his/her physical body make up and our bodies are respected physically as somebody's property.
Nevertheless, these keepers or rulers of our bodies are not the owners of the divine spark, eternal spirit or "droplets of the divine idea" that we are or possess. We now have information that living human beings born into this world are holders of a 12-strand DNA capabliity. We are being "blocked" and can only recieve 2-strand DNA or less.
I do not know how much of the 12-strand DNA the nature recieves from the sun, it is also being blocked to match our illusion of life but it is more then what humans recieve. "Everything's a secret" and why they created our race and for what reasons becomes apperent when we look out into the world with our constant "ever-present" military conflict and war.
Nevertheless, there are many more people on the planet who are moving freely in and out of fourth and fifth dimension and have aquired an open working 3-stand DNA ability. The earth itself has raised her vibration and all children born after 2006 have a automatic working 3-strand DNA. When these generations of children reach the age of forty, the planet will witness unlike never before new vision and understaning of what makes a human human.
On Star Trek and Deep Space Nine you see many different races mixing and interacting and this is very close to the truth as to what will be happening in the future. Within a very short time or parhaps in our life time, those of us who are talking and speaking about these things will go from being looked at as "kooks" to being teachers. In fact, teachers are what are now due to our openness and desire to search, discover and know our own selves.
This not the time to criticize or judge why others beleive and refuse to literally "grow" up and out of illusion. My intuition tells me that many people in middle America who watch television re-runs every night won't know the difference. The average person who doesn't pay attention to what is going on in their world and what it is that they are creating will not be prepared for this. The bottom line is that you won't know who you are or where you're going until you get there, and we're all going to be in that boat together. KNOW THYSELF!
Hmm I recently read a report that junk DNA has been determined to be of extraterrestrial origin. And I believe that we are the "innoculation" species that will affect all life in this quadrant because we have multiple species in our DNA.
Good subject though :) I picture the space bar that was in Star Wars... minus the violence. :)
I really want to wonder over the 12 strand DNA thingy.
Down's Syndrome is caused by an extra strand of DNA, specifically an extra X chromosome, when the child is born. True, it's possible you could say that these are special children, and the government swoops in and implants them right at birth or something like that. But... there are several diseases that seem to be caused by an extra chromosome.
You could be confusing it with activated genes. These are the portions of DNA that simply aren't active. But, if you activated all of them, your body would be producing so many proteins and trying to be so many things, it would be like trying to build a house of every style imaginable, out of every material as possible, as big as possible. And you'd die shortly after that.
There are certain genes that we don't know what they do. 99% of the genome of all Earth's critters is deemed "junk" DNA, simply because scientists don't know what they do, and see no modification when they experiment with replacing them. Perhaps it holds the way to make completely new and different organisms, adn that could be what you're talking about.
Anywho, you state that "The Earth human race was literally created by a group(ET) which came down from a dimensional realm known as Paa Tal" as a fact. Is there any backup behind it? What scientific research has even explored the idea of a dimension that other beings come from, let alone somehow know its name?
Then you fluff up the term "science" with all its thought of being above religion, trying briskly to move on and make sure no one notices you didn't provide a source of any sort. Science, alas, is a human aspect, just like religion: it is subject to human frailties and limitations. Along with corruption, which is not argued here, yet, look at the fact that if you are researching on a grant, and you do not give whoever is giving you the grant the answer they want, your grant money goes away. That's what our scientific truth amounts to, and though there is truth out there, it's impossible for us to know (unless we conduct our own research) what's been held back.
Ok... so how do we know that we have this "12 strand" DNA? What proof do we have? And, how do we know that children are being born with them? Shall we take some cheek swabs and look through our scanning tunneling electron microscope and see just how many chromosomes are sitting there?
Then, you try to give the whole idea credibility by comparing this to a couple of TV shows (with a graphic), THEN you go and call people names in order to discredit their version of reality! Then you put out a little nice generic "wisdom bit" to cap it all off.
Frankly, it smells like a load of bull, at least logically thinking. There could be some sort of truth in this, but it is wayyyy obfuscated. At least I think.
Could argue that I'm just trying to fit it ot my version of reality. And that's ad hominem.
Here: do some real research, tell me how many fallacies you can find in your argument, and which ones: