Bizarre Hell Planet. We live in a world that is saturated with Kali-Yuga like darkness & confusion rather than being a dualistic balance of light and dark. Earth is darkness & its population does not have a normal regular consciousness with the normal amount of empathy & intelligence. Something is wrong with the human DNA that needs to be fixed, whether its changes made by the Annunaki in the deep past, or if it just happened by accidental bad evolution. Either way there are errors in the DNA and Earth is akin to the insane asylum of the galaxy.
Extraterrestrial Contact. End Quarantine. We must have Extraterrestrial Disclosure & contact and get assistance from "Upper Dimensional Ethical Extraterrestrials" Some alleged contactees also state this in various ways. Sheldan Nidle would be one example when he says they will have Light Chambers for us that will repair mental illness & shift us back to full consciousness. Other alleged contactees say other things. Whatever the case is, its been established that ETs are here and that there has been a long coverup that still refuses to die. But Also For all we know the entire universe might need to be evacuated & collapsed like Dr. J. Chiappalone says; rather than just ET Contact & Help & return to galactic society. Whatever the scenario is we need to return to normality & all of the mainstream human history of 6,000 years is all abnormal darkness & ultra-bizarre.
the Sirius Disclosure Youtube Channel has just recently uploaded all the original disclosure project witness testimony from the 90s, the interviews that occurred from before the 21 selected for the 2001 press conference. [1]
Disinfo. Both mainstream social networks, and alternative social networks such as spiritual lightworker ones, are filled with PsyOps Disinformation, even if its automatic instead of premeditated. This disinformation is very sophisticated disinfo that seeks to be anti-disclosure, anti-contact and against returning to a normal reality that is not like a sociopathic insane asylum. This disinfo disguises its self as being wise & spiritual so that spiritual people will believe it & become confused with a mix of true & false info.
EXAMPLES: They might say "you want a savior" to be anti ET disclosure or they might say "you are in victimhood consciousness" if you talk about what needs to be changed or what problems still exist despite best-efforts. very bizarre stuff. It would fill an entire book to show all the false-spirituality-disinfo. Those were just two paraphrased examples. There's all kinds of this going on thousands of times per day on 100% of all spiritual sites. The disinfo is quite bad & sociopathic-like
Sociability Issues. There is a growi9ng epidemic of both forced-loneliness & unhealthy friendships & relationships. Earth Humans are now endowed with normal sociability, they are inhibited and lack empathy & social intelligence. This has caused ever growing numbers of more and more people who are either forced into loneliness against their will, or have all bad experiences with others who backstab them or disappear. or both. When a human drinks alcohol or takes GHB or MDMA, that person gets closer to what normal social functioning is but with side effects and temporary effects. IF people's DNA and brains and possibly emergetic bodies were fixed, they would then have normal sociability instead of being partial-sociopaths, inhibited, autistic, timid, unreliable, flaky, and the like.
Soulmates. Also, everyone should be able to be with their like-minded like-vibed true match Lover so that they can express the Love of God & be a positive presence to others through their Love Union together. Instead people are forced into loneliness with no Love or human touch or have relationships that break up, or one vampire person love-frauding one real person & throwing them in the garbage when done. The very fact this exists is sick & abnormal & destroys people in a state of Abuse, Lack, or Both.
Intelligence Issues. Humans dont have the normal IQ they should have and also lack normal perception. They become easily confused & mix things up all of the time. They believe in a mix of true & false info without being able to discern. My IQ should be 1000 on the IQ scale, not whatever it is, so should yours. I should not have any cognitive difficulties nor should you. Another affect of broken deformed DNA we all have.
Lifespan, Aging, Disease: Earth Humans have an abnormally short lifespan, they decay suffer & die. And if there is reincarnation, the person cannot even remember previous lives so it would be impossible to "learn any lessons or grow". Mental Illness and physical disease is running rampant without cures to it or complete elimination of it.
In short Earth is a Hell-Planet with everything from perpetual war & conflict to constant conflict in the everyday relationships of families, friends & romance. 100% of all countries on Earth are Authoritarian Collectivist in policy & have satanic laws. 100% are dictatorships that ban things which shouldnt be banned & rule over people draconian style of very heavy evil.
Disinfo Replies. Youll see disinfo replies to this where a person will pretend that what im stating here is an opinion instead of true & that I am being cynical. You might see something about the law of attraction that has nothing to do with the true-facts I stated here, or some other form of robotic disinfo as a reply to this. These things i wrote about above happen even with a person doing full positive law of attraction efforts for years and trying their best, so thats why thats dark disinfo.
Feel free to add me or chat me up if you like how i post and can see how positive this post is. The most positive possible post is one that shows what normal good reality should be in what we should positively create and what bad we should eliminate so that Earth is not a psychotic hell planet that is dark & bizarre.
References [1]
Wow!! Tone you are so on the mark!! Thank the universes I'm
not the only sane one out there...