WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!?!?! Lol just kidding!
It happened when I was taking a bath (I usually meditate before taking a bath). I don't know exactly how to explain it other than being in two places at that moment. It's like....having one mind and two different bodies...but at the time I didn't have two bodies (no astral). It was kinda nice, and the bath was unusually relaxing.
*As for the other place I felt I was in (aside of my bathroom), I have no idea where it was...but it also had water...I think...*
Best wishes and Love and Light to you all!!<3<3
Bilocation. That is the only thing that I can think of...
I think there might be two different kinds of bilocation. One where u are still or at the table and u can see another place or event taking place around you. Then I think there is when I am driving and I get the feeling (feels from the inside) that I am somewhere else as in different place. It makes me wonder.....yeah, it is hard to explain this stuff.