I am a bid concerned because I never, ever seen this much activity like this, all at once!!.


We know that there was a 7.5 Earthquake off the Coast of Japan today and a 5.5 in India, but Morther Earth is really rumbling now.....  any thoughts??





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  • OMG! Are those "plots" supposed to be all black like that? I looked at those 2 wks ago and they were not like that at all. It just showed lines like an EKG. WOW! Maybe they are just covering up what they don't want us to see...hmmm. Pretty scary. I'm glad I'm out here in Michigan where we do not see earthquakes or tsunamis. : (
  • It is most likely connected with the Sun's increased activities. Earth simply responds to Sun's activities. Few days ago "A coronal mass ejection (CME) exploded from the vicinity of sunspot 1164 during the late hours of March 7th. It leapt away from the sun traveling ~2200 km/s --> 

    impulsive X1-class solar flare." Source:

    And today march 11th we're in geomagnetic storm:"Planetary K-index Now: Kp= 5 storm 24-hr max: Kp= 5 storm"

    • Yes Ranacora, your data is quite accurate.  Solar Cycle 24 is saying.... "Hello, here I am"

      Uranus entering Aries today made its whereabouts known by triggering several EQs and Volcanic eruptions, as we all know.


      All is under the divine order of things....

      For those with a passion for Astronomy and Astrology, I would suggest you to download:

      Microsoft World Wide Telescope and look this up......03 58 44 22 33 31


      Keep your eyes on the Moon!!.



       Be well & Be Safe!!

    • It has been insanely hot for the last few weeks in South Africa, today was even worse.

      I felt like I was being cooked.


      I guess our problems has just started, to get worse.

  • Hi Adara:

    I'm Moranae, and I'm new to Ashtar Command.

    I'm researching for more than 2 years dr. Michael Salla’s Exopolitics, Project Camelot interviews, and, recently, Arcturian Perspectives (

    What’s happening now, in my opinion, is Mother Earth releasing the huge negative energy that has been accumulated for thousands of years of Illuminati’s control over the people of this planet, in her preparation for the shift to the 4th and 5th density. It may be also some HARP involved here, but this is hard to verify.

    Today is March 11th, and somehow I remember the article posted here "THE GREATEST REVOLUTION IN HUMAN HISTORY BEGINS March 11, 2011" and also David Bruce Hughes’s video called “2012-Marix Singularity Seminar”. If we connect the “dots” everything makes sense; it’s up to us to create a new paradigm. Unfortunately, I don’t think that there are enough people at this moment waking up on this planet. Maybe this photon belt is going to help.



    • Hi Moranae,  glad you made it here!!.  I am also glad to hear that you are searching for 'your' truth.  It can be very chanlleging, specially these days getting hit from all angles. 

      Yes, I am also familiar with the work and reasearch of Michael Sallas, Alfred L. Weber, Kerry Cassidy, Bill Ryan, Alex Collier, etc.  They are fascinating people as well as their work.

      I agree with you Moranae, our beloved Mother Gaiga is releasing her energy because she needs to find "Center" in order to ascend, which is part of the process. The split is not between good and evil, it is all about balance and imbalance.

      If a being resonates with the "divine" sequence of events, he or she will instantly know that there is nothing wrong with the world. If a being resonates with the free will sequence of events, he or she will only see right and wrong, justice and injustice, etc. Ultimately, there is only balance and imbalance. Good and Evil (duality) is a framework to guide beings along the path they have chosen. 

      March 11th (3.11.11) ..............This next full Moon will be intense. Add the 9th wave Unity Consciousness to the full moon and you have a recepie for intense change on every level. Major sun flares coming in as well.


      • I totally agree, you are right on the nose :)  The March equinox also will bring in the divine feminine energy (Shekinah) and the true balance will happen.  I'm really really hyper and excited about it, maybe I'm picking up on something like the solar flares but I feel like a cat on a hot tin roof lol, in a good way.  

        Do you feel the electricity in the air too?  Kind of feel guilty for being so happy when so many are suffering, but we can have compassion and joy at the same time right?

  • These is the latest graphs. Not a pretty site.

    Live Internet Seismic Server 110311.jpg
    • No it is not, and the bad part is there is more to come, much more.
    • Thanks Jim.  OMG the difference from yesterday was just crazy unbelievable.  Do you think we're going to just see aftershocks or do you feel that this is the beginning and it's going to ramp up?  We experienced our second X Class solar flare in a month only a day ago, I wonder if there is a correlation. 

      Let's send white Light and compassion to those suffering from earth events.  Much Love to the people of Japan and every where that is affected by the earthquakes. 

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