Evolutionary Opportunities Within the Chaotic Node

In this planetary message we wish to address the increasing breadth and scope of the Chaotic Node you have entered.

The focus of our communication is on the subtle, and not so subtle, effects on your consciousness as a result of the planetary changes taking place. As we said in our previous communication, it is increasingly difficult to predict, with accuracy, seismic and volcanic events, for you have entered a very volatile stage.

In October of last year we predicted that you would enter a Chaotic Node, and that this would result in ever-increasing levels of chaos, and that your governments and institutions would have difficulty contending with these levels of chaos. And, indeed, this is taking place, from an increase in extreme and aberrant weather patterns throughout the globe, to a marked increase of earthquake activity, to the current Icelandic volcanic eruptions. These various expressions of the Chaotic Node will continue to escalate and interact in creative and unpredictable ways.

The focus of our communication is not on the physical challenges you will face as the Chaotic Node widens in its scope, but rather we wish to focus upon the evolutionary opportunities that await you, if you are ready to claim them.

First of all let us postulate an idea that may be new to some, but old information to others.

As we view Earth, we see her much like we see you, as a luminous egg-shaped geometry of light. Like you, the Earth has channels for subtle energy. In your body, these conduits for subtle energy are known as meridians, which are related to the life force of your vital organs, or nadis, a more complex and subtle system of energy channels related to the chakras.

The Earth has her own grid or grid-work of subtle energy channels. Some of these are called ley lines. They are conduits for the flow of subtle energy through Earth’s body, similar to your own subtle energy channels. But, of course, the energies that move through the Earth’s subtle energy channels are much more massive than those energies that move through your body. But there is, nonetheless, a relationship between your meridians/nadis and the ley lines of your planet.

Your planet is entering another phase of its ascension process. And this is signaled by many factors, some of which you can detect, some of which you cannot. Two of these factors have to do with earthquake and volcanic activity.

Prior to an earthquake or a volcanic eruption there is a massive movement of subtle energy through Earth’s ley lines (in the vicinity of the seismic event). This movement of subtle energy takes place before the actual tectonic shifts occur. The tectonic shifts are the creators or generators of earthquake activity, as your science has clearly stated. But the influx of subtle energy through the meridians (ley lines), in the vicinity of an earthquake takes place hours, days or even weeks before the actual earthquake and/or volcanic eruption itself. They are harbingers of the physical event. And it is this subtle energetic aspect of quake and volcanic activity we wish to address, for these fluctuations in Earth’s meridians, or lay-lines, affect you directly.

Many of you are experiencing resonant responses in your bodies. This means that when subtle energy related to a coming earthquake or volcanic eruption moves through one of Earth’s ley lines, there can be a corresponding movement in your own meridian system. It’s as if you become a barometer for what is about to take place. Some individuals are more sensitive to this than others, so the effects can be much more pronounced in these individuals. Sensitive persons can respond to the subtle energetics of earth changes thousands of miles from the actual event itself. But even those who are less sensitive can feel the effects. Due to the fact that earthquake and volcanic activity are on the rise, many of you are experiencing an increase of these bizarre resonant responses within your bodies. And that is what we wish to turn our attention to now.

We understand and appreciate the dire consequences of earthquake and volcanic activity on your three-dimensional reality, but we wish you to know that these same events create energetic openings, evolutionary portals that you can enter.

They are harbingers not only of the shifting of the landscape of physical earth; they are harbingers of the shifting of human and planetary consciousness.

Let us describe some of the physical and emotional effects that this seismic-related subtle energy produces. Remember that when an earthquake or volcanic eruption is imminent there is a flow of subtle energy through the meridians or ley lines of Earth in the vicinity of the seismic event. There are, simultaneously, resonant responses in your physical body, especially in those who are sensitive to such things. When there is a movement of this subtle energy through your personal meridian system, all types of strange phenomena can take place.

These include, but certainly are not limited to, an increase in temporary short term memory challenges, episodes of sudden bodily heat and cold, inexplicable physical discomfort, and even pain that seemingly appears for no reason and then dissipates.

You might also experience brief moments of what might be called thinking and sequencing challenges. And episodes of sudden decreased energy will be on the rise. In these odd energy states it will appear as if you suddenly have no energy available to you. We have spoken about this in previous messages, but more and more persons will be complaining about fatigue, exhaustion, and at the same time an inability to obtain restful sleep. There will also be increased episodes of feeling like you are falling asleep while awake. If you are in an environment where you can lie down, or at least close your eyes, this is the best way to deal with this particular phenomenon. When this occurs it is often, though not always, an effect of the seismic flows of subtle energy through Earth’s energy system or ley lines.

These are times when Earth herself is shifting levels of planetary consciousness, and you can ride on her coattails, so to speak. Since the planet is shifting consciousness herself, you can enter into deeply profound states of consciousness in these moments. Our advice is to let the world go and surrender to the experience of falling into yourself. Some of you will enter inner worlds of reality that have immense healing and nourishing effects. Others will simply feel like they “blacked out” and have no recollection of what occurred. But if, in these moments, you can allow yourself to rest, even in the midst of your daily activities, you will benefit greatly.

At times, some of you might also experience the opposite reaction. You might sense your body entering a hyper state for no apparent reason, as if it has sped up metabolically. If you are aware of subtle energies, you will notice that this is a result of your subtle energy bodies (such as the KA) vibrating at a faster rate than is normal for you. This sped up feeling may last for brief periods of time or continue for several hours. During these hyper states of awareness, you might experience a download of cosmic information and/or spiritual light. You may also find subtle energy channels within your body spontaneously opening with a resulting amplification of subtle energy flows through these channels. As odd as these states of body and mind may seem, they are evolutionary jumpstarts. Unfortunately for your daily bodily rhythms, these unique states of body and mind often occur at inconvenient times. If you can be okay with them and realize that they are evolutionary gifts, you can derive great benefit from them.

While the Holon of Balance and the Holon of Ascension that we have given in previous communications will certainly be helpful to you (and may be engaged to your great benefit), there is no way to escape the physical effects of these seismic events upon your body and consciousness. So our advice is to embrace them rather than to resist them. View them as they are, evolutionary opportunities.

With this communication we are releasing the Heart Dimensional Attunement. You will find a link to this sound meditation at the end of this message. This is an unusual attunement, for it comes from the future and an energetic of Earth that is not yet in your present time.

We suggest that you listen to this in a similar way that we suggested you listen to the Pineal Dimensional Attunement. Place your awareness in your heart chakra while listening, and imagine that the sounds you are hearing are coming from out of the heart center. This ascension code will help your heart to stabilize and find solace and comfort from a future aspect of your Earth. It’s purpose is to help sustain you through the chaotic and volatile events that are unfolding before you. The sounds are the vibratory essence of a new Earth, an ascended Earth. It is the promise of a new world, and you carry the seeds of that world in your very hearts.

Finally, we wish to acknowledge the difficult times you are entering. At the same time you are crossing a threshold into an extraordinary evolutionary upliftment.

Regardless of where you live on your Earth, regardless of your station in life, or the circumstances you face, if you embrace what is unfolding before you as an evolutionary gift, you will rise up in consciousness and pass, with grace and humor, through the portal that is the Chaotic Node.

The Hathors
April 15, 2010

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

The Hathors told me after the large quake in Haiti that there would be more large concussive quakes along the Ring of Fire (see Planetary Message entitled Haiti and the Chaotic Node (January 13, 2010).

These quakes, according to them, would occur relatively close to each other and would signal a significant energetic passage in Earth’s own ascent.  (Note: “Relatively close to each other” is even more of a relative term when dealing with beings outside our sense of time and space, since they really don’t have a sense of linear time the way we do.) But having said that, the Hathors did indicate to me that the 8.8 quake in Chile (Feb 27, 2009) was one of these concussive quakes.

They also said that the recent 7.2 quake in Baja California (March 16, 2009), which affected a large area including L.A., was another one of these concussive quakes that signals, as they put it, a significant energetic passage in Earth’s own ascent.

Those interested in seismology may also find a comment made to me by the Hathors right after the Baja quake of some interest. According to them, that earthquake was actually the mid-point of a tectonic shift that traces back to the Imperial Valley and a quake that took place there in 1979 (also along the U.S./Mexico border). That quake was a 6.5 as reported by the US Geological Survey. The Hathors told me that the mid-point of this tectonic shift meant that there would be an increase (not a decrease) of seismic activity in the region. (Do note that I am merely reporting what they told me. I do not claim to understand their linkage of the 1979 quake in the Imperial Valley with the recent quake in Baja.)

They also said to expect further large quakes not only in this area, but also throughout the world, especially the Ring of Fire (a seismically hot zone that passes through Asia, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand and up the west coasts of both North and South America).

Shortly after the recent first eruption of the volcano in Iceland, the Hathors told me that this would build into something much larger. And indeed, as I write this, there have been further eruptions, the most recent one shutting down air travel in much of Europe due to large volumes of volcanic ash in the air, which can severely damage jet engines causing them to fail.

We are clearly, at least in my mind, in the midst of the Chaotic Node that the Hathors predicted back in October of last year (see Planetary Message entitled Chaotic Nodes and Dimensional Attunements, October 8, 2009 in the Hathor Archives).

According to the Hathors, both the current and upcoming seismic/volcanic events will usher in an acceleration of the ascension process.

I did not understand what they meant by this exactly, but it now seems clear to me that the Hathors view seismic and volcanic activity as having not only obvious physical effects, but also more subtle and less visible effects on both human and planetary consciousness (meaning the consciousness of humans and the planet itself).

I, as well as many friends and associates, can attest to the strange aberrations that the Hathors speak to in this Planetary Message, including odd transient physical discomforts in the body, sleep disturbances, challenges to short term memory, and what I call fuzzy-brain syndrome—a temporary downgrade of one’s usual style of thinking, as well as sequencing and problem solving skills. In these strange and fortunately short-lived occurrences, I personally feel like my I.Q. drops tens of points, and then inexplicably returns to “normal.”

And then there are the sudden inexplicable drops in energy. When the drops in energy happen, it feels like I just got unplugged from a power outlet. I am overcome with a feeling of exhaustion and/or drowsiness. If I am engaged in a task, I can override the desire to rest, but if I am not on task, then there is a deep intuitive feeling that I should lie down and let whatever it is roll through me.

Medical Considerations

If you are experiencing the types of physical discomforts the Hathors speak to in this message, you might just be dealing with resonant-responses in your body as they suggest. Or you might have a medical situation on your hands. If you experience pain rather than discomfort, and if this pain persists, rather than dissipates on its own accord, I would suggest checking it out with your health practitioner, just to be sure.

If you experience a true loss of consciousness (as in blacking out or uncontrollably falling asleep), then you might have a serious medical condition including, but not limited to, sleep apnea. If so, you should seek medical advice. To be clear here, the type of drop in energy the Hathors are talking about is a sudden, inexplicable, loss of energy, a feeling of drowsiness and/or a desire to fall sleep. While the impulse may be quite strong, it is controllable. In other words, you should be able to “keep on keeping on” despite the strong desire to rest or nod off.

Slowing Down and the Art of Surrender

I have come to recognize that, for me, there is no point in fighting these moments of sudden no-energy. And if I can take the time to lie down and just go with the personal brown out, I often feel like I enter an odd kind of sleep or semi-conscious state. I also sometimes find myself free falling through the inner space of my own mind during these no-energy episodes, which is truly a strange phenomenon.

I have discovered that I if I just go with it, the free falls sometimes take me into other realms of my being where I am nourished and replenished. These inner worlds of my awareness appear to me like vivid dreams, and some of them are truly extraordinary and restorative in nature.

For the record, there are also times when I enter a deep state of semi-consciousness and exit it without any awareness at all of what happened. The whole affair reminds me of a saying attributed to the Hopi about the end times: when things speed up, slow down.

The Hathors say that during these states of no-energy we are often being impacted by seismic and/or volcanic activity somewhere on the Earth and that a doorway beyond the veils is temporarily opened. It is, of course, a personal choice as to whether we step through those doors, or not, and also what we do with what we find there.

When I view a no-energy state as a sudden unexpected evolutionary opportunity, albeit a very strange one, I am very much less resistant.

I, as well as some of my friends and colleagues, have also experienced the hyper states of body and mind the Hathors refer to. In fact, as I edit this Thoughts and Observations section it is now 4:46AM. I was awakened by one of those revved up feelings and decided to get some work done. Sometimes, however, these hyper states preclude doing anything practical at all. They can be quite intense, and in such instances it is all I can do to just ride the waves of energy.

At times, these hyper states do seem to switch on flows of subtle energy within me. Sometimes I am awakened from a dead sleep by a sudden manifestation of luminosity in my nadis (subtle energy channels related to the chakras). And at times I sense, as the Hathors indicated, a download of cosmic information and/or spiritual light. For me this usually takes place through the crown or heart chakras, but others have noted that it enters them differently.

We are all unique individuals, and so a cosmic download (as I call it) will express itself and show up in distinctive ways. Finally, when I surrender to these hyper states of body and mind, I often find myself replenished by the increased vibratory rate of my subtle bodies. A central key, as with the no-energy states mentioned earlier, is to accept them as evolutionary catalysts, surrender to the phenomena, and go with the flow.

Much of what we experience in life is truly affected by how we frame it in our minds. And so for me, both these no-energy states and the hyper ones are becoming more and more like strange energetic gifts that part the veils between the worlds.

The Heart Dimensional Attunement

This topic of what resides beyond the veils brings me to the Heart Dimensional Attunement mentioned in this Message, that, and the odd and amusing story of how the Hathors brought it forward.

When the Hathors informed me that they wished me to record the Heart Dimensional Attunement, they said that the sound codes would be brought to me from the future. And these particular ascension sound codes would connect the listener to a future Earth, not to the Earth of present time.

And they said they would bring these sounds forward, as with many of their recent sounds, in the wee hours of the morning, around 3AM to be exact.

And so it was that several days later, they awakened me at 3 o’clock and began to download the sound patterns in my studio.  The endeavor took about 5 days to record, and every session ended just at the first light of dawn.

The odd thing, besides their insistence that these sound codes were coming from the future, was that six from my group of thirteen Hathors were clairvoyantly present with me while I was both recording and mixing the sounds into their final form. I have never had this happen before.

As I tuned into the energy patterns they wanted expressed into sound, they would fine tune my voice, literally telling me to change my vibrato here, alter the vowel sounds there, and so on. Again, this had never happened before. To be clear, when I am bringing through sounds from a particular source, I am given the sounds almost simultaneous to uttering them, but I am not usually in constant dialogue while bringing forward the sounds and the source beings are not “right there” clairvoyantly alongside me telling me how to engineer.

When it came time to mix the 16 vocal tracks down into one final stereo track, they were very insistent once again. There was one humorous moment for me in all of this, besides the truly strange impression of having six Hathors, who were twelve to fourteen feet tall, crammed into my little sound both. Whenever I would start to adjust an EQ, the placement of a sound in the stereo field, or the volume of a particular track in relation to all the other tracks, they would inform me that this recording was to be created by their aesthetic and not mine. They went on to explain that the sound codes were literally from the future, and that was why the Attunement did not feel quite right to me.

I wanted to alter the Attunement so that the sounds would fit my personal sense of aesthetics. But they insisted that the sounds were tuned to their sense of aesthetics and to a future reality of Earth. They said eventually the Attunement would make sense to me, but that, for now, I would need to trust them on this one.

And so I created this Attunement to their very precise directions. Interestingly, I completed the recording about seven weeks ago, as of this writing. The Hathors told me then that they would tell me when it was time to release this, and to sit on it until that time came. And for them, the release of this particular ascension sound code would correspond with a major planetary energetic and assist those who listened to it to attune to a new Earth and a new vibratory pattern of life.

When I listen to this particular Heart Dimensional Attunement with my focus in my heart chakra, I often sense complex geometries spinning in my heart center. A portal, like a wormhole in space and time, often opens before me, and I sense a new Earth floating in space. Often times I am deeply affected by the sounds of the whales that are an intimate part of this sound piece, and at times I feel them blowing my heart wide open. At other times I sense their sounds connecting me to an energetic line that is both of the Earth and beyond it.

I imagine that other listeners will experience these sounds in ways unique to them, for as in all things, perception is relative to the perceiver.

I have personally experimented with listening to the Heart Dimensional Attunement by itself and in tandem with the Pineal Dimensional Attunement. The combination of listening to both Attunements back-to-back (Heart Attunement followed by the Pineal Attunement) is particularly powerful.  But do be aware that if you listen to these Attunements a lot, you might experience what I call a psycho-spiritual detoxification, which is essentially a cleansing of limiting thought-forms, negative emotions and, in some cases, a release of repressed memories. I recently finished an article about the topic of psycho-spiritual cleansing and have posted it in the Articles section of our website. It is entitled Psycho-Spiritual Detoxification: Thoughts and Observations.

Both the Pineal and Heart Attunements are offered free for personal listening on our website. (see below for the links).

Final Thoughts

Only time will tell if we are indeed in a planetary ascent as the Hathors believe. Right now so much “caca” is hitting the fan it’s hard to tell where we are in the process of ascending, or whether we are ascending at all. Our situation on Earth reminds me of that story about two children who were promised a pony. Walking into the barn one day, they looked around to see a giant humongous pile of horse manure. They squealed with excitement, “There must be a pony around here somewhere!”

So perhaps with so much shit flying around, there might indeed be a pony in the wings, so to speak. Of course, true to my jaded personality, I anticipate it being a jackass. But I digress into my own skepticism.

I confess it is a peculiar situation for me to channel a group of beings who always seem to look to the up side of things and hold a vision for human greatness, that I, as a human, sometimes do not share.

And yet, I know, too, that in the midst of the immense chaos and negativity that we are all facing, miracles are taking place. But most of these miracles of grace occur within and between individual persons. And, for the most part, they are not reported in those mind-numbing hypnotic suggestion marathons called mainstream news.

I know, too, that we live in a strange and magical universe where new unimaginable possibilities can and do sometimes appear as sudden, unexpected realities. And what was once a seemingly solid reality can swiftly disappear from the radar to become history.

In the end, I think a lot of what happens to humanity is caused by sheer happenstance and randomness. But some of what happens to us is clearly a direct result of what we think and do, both individually and collectively. And it is here that I hold the greatest hope for us, in spite of my jaded skepticism, and in spite of the continual mind-numbing manipulation that we are all subjected to by our corporate overlords, our governments, our institutions and our religions.

I sense that many more of us on this truly amazing planet are starting to wake up in ways that could never have been imagined by the Controllers. In spite of all their vast resources to hypnotize and control us through fear, malice and disinformation, magic is afoot.

There is an exponentially increasing mass of us who are waking up in, oh, so many ways.

Some of us are waking up to the unsettling reality that our political and economic leaders have been robbing us blind, robbing us of our human rights and stealing from our piggy banks to feed their insatiable desires for money, status and power--even to the detriment of those they are sworn to serve.

Others of us are waking up to the shocking reality that, with few exceptions, our religions have hijacked our highest spiritual aspirations. And through an odd twist of irony, many of them have become sources of evil in the world—if we define evil as that which creates harm within or between members of our human family. A quick glance at history and the current worldwide upsurge in fundamentalism and religious-based intolerance should be more than enough to make this clear.

A growing number of people, worldwide, are also waking up to the truth that we are part of nature, not separate from it. And to them the loss of a species is not an insignificant thing. Life for this group is a sacred responsibility, and the need to care for the Earth and its vast ecosystems is a self-evident truth.

Others of us are waking up from the trance of three-dimensional reality to realize that there is much, much more to our lives and to who we are than our culture would have us believe.

And these are just a few areas where we human primates are waking up.

Perhaps the Hathors are right. Perhaps there is an evolutionary wave of energy moving throughout all of space. And perhaps, as they say, we are in the midst of a great experiment—the evolution of consciousness in matter.

But whatever the reasons may be, it seems to me that more and more of us are choosing to not push the snooze buttons on our Cosmic Alarm Clocks. And instead of continuing in a vain attempt to remain unconscious, more and more of us are choosing the radical, courageous and daring act to wake up from the Great Sleep of Maya and the miasma of our civilization.

What will happen when most of the world wakes up is anybody’s guess.

Tom Kenyon
Orcas Island, Washington

A note about the free mp3s on my website, including the Heart and Pineal Dimensional Attunements: They are copyrighted intellectual property. They are for your personal listening use only. That means I offer them to you, the individual person, free of charge so long as they are used for your own personal listening. You may not use these copyrighted sounds in any public venue. You may not post these audio files on any other site, personal or public, including You Tube, Facebook, Friendster, My Space, Your Space, His Space, Her Space, Its Space or any other internet site or media format without my written consent. You may not use these sounds as background for your own audio creations. If you do this type of thing you are in violation of the law and, in my mind, basic ethics and common decency.

Click here for the Heart Dimensional Attunement  ©2010 Tom Kenyon

Click here for the Pineal Dimensional Attunement ©2010 Tom Kenyon

Note: The Pineal and Heart Dimensional Attunements are two of six complex sound codes in Tom’s newest CD, entitled Ascension Codes. To hear samples of all six Ascension Codes that are on this recording, go to the Store section of the website, www.tomkenyon.com.

© 2010 Tom Kenyon. All rights reserved. You may make copies of this message and distribute it in any media so long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this copyright notice and web address, www.tomkenyon.com.

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