Been watching a program on BBC4 entitled The Lost Cities of the Ancients and tonights (from record) was about the Dark Lords of Hattusha.
They built this huge city fifty miles away from any river which was unheard of and they became warriors and at that time was the biggest war machine in the world.
Anyway, to cut a long story they eventually dissapeared apparently of off the face of this earth and what came up for me that because they were so bloodthirsty their gods were some dark alien beings who not only instructed them in their blood thirsty ways but helped them build the large city which also witheld within its thick outer walls another huge city and palace for the King, but helped them build it all and it was these alien forces that carried them away in their ships.
This all took place long , long ago in time.
What I should like to know is acan anyone confirm my inner feelings about this?