I recieve e-mails from this site constantly.  I have no looked at these posts in forever and for a reason.  I remember coming here and looking at all the channeled posts.  Have you not learned?  Have you not learned that all the answers are within?  Have you not learned that 99% of channelers are very confused?  Have you not learned that most channeling are beings acting of a higher source?  Have you not learned that everytime you take these messages in you give your power away and these beings feed off your inner energy, your power.  To put faith in these beings messages is to give your power away.  Have you people not learned anything from greg gyles,giles and his fake channelings?  All major channelers loved greg and his channelings.  And I mean all of them!!  fuck me...Do you know that you are ruining spirituality?  Spreading these channelings?  Hoping?  Giving away your power.  Fuck me....I mean really!!!  Evolve and find the answers within.  STOP LOOKING OUTWARD FOR YOUR ANSWERS BECAUSE 99% of CHANNELERS ARE BEING MANIPULATED.  DO SOME RESEARCH ON CHANNELERS!!  please, for your people and your consciousness.  What makes you 1100% correct in knowing that these channelers are legit?  hmmmm have you spoken to these people?  Do you know their story?  Do you know their past?  Do you know them like a brother or sister?  NO!  You dont!!  You cant just believe and hope.  The world is run by thugs and very negative beings who are tricking the new age spiritual so bes into believing this and this is how they control you!  please please please hear my words and google why channelers are not legit.  The new age spiritual world is being controlled and manipulated and you are the victims because you give your power away.  Truths and blessed be....All the answers are within

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  • Great vent session,feel better!!..but wont change a damn thing.. remember souls are gullible when mindwashed,so you wasted breath!..

  • Well said, Contract2012.  I couldn't believe the drivel on here when Greg Giles posted his awful channelings.  It was sickening the way all the idiots on here were saying' thank you Greg' as he told them half the World would be flooded.  When are people going to wake up?  NEVER, I think.

    • From Greg Giles mouth himself..HERE

      -[Do I believe the name of this organization is the Galactic Federation of Light? Actually, I do not]

      -[I no longer refer to them as the GFL and I no longer refer to the name Ashtar Command, for I cannot know for sure if these two organizations even exist, at least organizations that go by these specific names]....

      I was asked this morning by those who I have formally shared messages for if I would speak with you all  today and clear up a certain point. I agreed, as I do see there is a little confusion circulating at this time. There are many at this time who somehow believe that because I will no longer share the messages that were being sent to me, that I believe the Galactic Federation of Light is an evil or dark organization. I have even received e-mails and personal messages from those who are saying “I I told you so.” I cannot tell you how inaccurate this is, as this is not my position at all. So let me make myself perfectly clear for everyone right now. Do I believe the GFL is evil? Absolutely, unequivocally, no. I do not believe that those who had formerly shared their messages through me are evil, or bad, or dark or wish any of us harm or ill intent. The only reason I will no longer act as a channel, or what I refer to as a typist of these messages, is that I do not agree completely with some of the teaching methods this organization employs. That’s it. I also see this as a mere matter of differing opinion, nothing more and nothing less.

      Now I would like to clear up something else. All I can tell you is that there is at least one being who has been sharing their messages to me and through me to you. I cannot even be sure now if there ever was more than one source of these messages, however, I do feel it likely and even very probable there were in fact many who were writing these messages and sharing them to you through me. I just can’t say for certain, that’s all.

      Do I believe the name of this organization is the Galactic Federation of Light? Actually, I do not, though it’s certainly possible. I do not really have any idea what they call themselves and I ask all of you today, does it really matter? What's the difference what they call themselves, do you agree? So, as many of you have noticed, I no longer refer to them as the GFL and I no longer refer to the name Ashtar Command, for I cannot know for sure if these two organizations even exist, at least organizations that go by these specific names, though they certainly may. All I can tell you for sure is that someone somewhere has been sharing messages to me and I shared them with you, and they still are communicating with me. As all of you now understand, I am no longer interested in being a ‘channel’ of these messages, which leads us to something else I find relevant.

      Whoever is the source of these messages being sent to me does not take no for an answer. Let me explain. I have told them countless times now that they have absolutely no right or permission by me to begin speaking to me, either telepathically or through the use of radio waves or however it is they manage do this and no matter what they wish to discuss with me. Just so you know what I'm talking about, last night alone I woke up while receiving more communications from them three or four different times. They also began speaking to me when I first woke up this morning. That's four or five times in one night and at least a week or more after I first told them, and I have told them on far more occasions than once, that they have absolutely no right to begin to speak with me and I do not wish to hear one more word they have to say. Do you think that this would be enough for them? Well it is not. Now you can say, well, then they are dark or evil, but I say no. I just see them as a little rude and a bit pushy and also kind of busybodies who cannot take a hint. That’s all. Nothing sinister.

      They think they can get through to me and perhaps help me stay clear of future, what they see as, unwise decisions, but that’s just impossible and they need to understand this and leave me to make my own choices completely by myself. So what is it they want? They do wish to help me in some way, but I will not share my personal life with you all and I am sure you do not want to hear it. They simply feel that now that I am not going to work with them and channel their messages that I may fall back on old patterns. I simply feel I need no one’s assistance in my life in any way. So again, this does not make them evil. I wish to make it clear, their motivations seem to be nothing else other than they wish to assist me and assist others. So you see why I certainly feel they are not evil or dark in anyway?    

      I tell you this as I feel there will be others who are contacted, yes. This is my personal belief, though I wish to point out, I have received no information that this is their intention. So, what are their intentions anyway? Well, it seems they wish to help others, whether it be to help others rise above drug addiction or even other personal issues. While I do believe they wish to help people, I do not agree with the manner in which they undertake this endeavor, at least in whole or entirety. In other words, I do not agree with their ‘business practices’ let's say, though it is only my business when it concerns me, isn't it? It's not my concern or my business how they interact with any of you, my dear friends, and again, I wish to remind you all I do feel they only wish to make this world a better place for everyone.  

      Sooner or later they're going to move on from me and I look forward to this day and I will let you all know if and when this happens, but keep in mind, I don't think this will happen anytime soon. Whoever the source of these communications, they are certainly persistent, I will say that. This does not mean they are evil or dark of course, no. Remember also, there are many subtle shades of gray too, and no, I do not believe for one second that these individuals are gray aliens. I wish to make that perfectly clear.

      So who are they then? Well, I certainly can’t be sure, and I also feel it’s up to all of us individually anyway to discern this for ourselves, if this matters to you. How could any of us learn this for certain anyway? They are not exactly forthcoming with this information, and even if they were, it probably would not be the real story anyway, so I give up on trying to figure that one out. It really doesn't matter though to me. Does it matter to you? Why would it matter where they come from or what they call themselves?

      I have always felt a man is defined by his actions. So how do we define the actions of this organization? Well, I define this organization or alliance as those who wish to help the people of this planet, and therefore help this entire world become a better place. This I do believe, and I am very glad to know this and it does fill me with a measure of hope and considerably more confidence than I have had for our world and our future, though I also have misgivings, as who can know for sure that we will all be in agreement with our direction down the road? If they truly will honor the ‘one law’ that they have spoken about, which is that no one shall have the right to violate the rights of another in any way, then I would certainly be much more comfortable with all of this.

      You are free to come to your own conclusions, of course. One thing is for sure, I am just as curious and interested to see where all this is leading and just what kind of twists and turns it may all take in the days ahead and even in the distant future, for I see this whole thing unfolding over a considerably long period of time. Hold on to those ticket stubs friends, this show is not nearly over, and really has only just begun.  

      I do hold respect for whoever this organization is or these organizations are. I simply do not agree completely with how they do some things and I have discussed this with them too, and they were kind enough to offer me their perspectives. They take a contrary position, and they have also made a few interesting points to me in recent private conversations. I have come to some different opinions about some of these areas I had previously questioned. I don't see us ever seeing eye to eye on everything, and what's the difference? I honor and respect their rights of free will and choice, the only problem I see here is that they are not completely honoring mine.

      You are sovereign beings and it is not my business how you feel about all this or what you may choose for yourselves in the future, which may include whether you will be receiving any of these communications personally or whether you choose to continue to follow the words of another who receives these communications, and I do wish you all to know that I honor and respect each and every choice you will make and I will not try to convince you or persuade any of you to alter your course in any way. Everyone has the opportunity to learn a great deal from all of this. I certainly have. It’s all up to you what you choose to do with all this information and this opportunity to learn and to grow.   

      Greg Giles
  • ...of course some channels are bs, but all or 99%, where you get that number?  ...one could also look at channeling as going inside to receive messages inter-dimensionally... wouldn't googling it be outside of ones self, did you go within? ...there is a lot of good advice out there, and of course there is a lot of disinfo or misinfo also, but that has been going on long before channelers and in many, many, many forms of propaganda, i try to take the message for its content, thats where the discernment comes in, on the message itself, hard to know the channeler, the person, through these means...

  • Heaven : Dont give your support messages, you make noises and said we don't care about human.

    Heaven : Give you support messages and you also make noises and you said those are fake messages.

    Heaven : So, what the F do you want?  Please come and be us and do the jobs.

    Heaven : Haiz!  Human like spoilt children.


    May the LOVE be with you always leaving out the F word.

    Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Player.

    • ....:).....

      • When man don't spend time with his lover, she complained that he don't love her.

        But when man spend time with his lover, she said that he don't work hard.

        When man don't buy rose on valentine day, she complained that he don't love her.

        But when man buy rose on valentine day, she said he is wasting money.




        May the LOVE be with you always.

        Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Composer (So, is it Player or Composer?)


        Forget about the urgement, just come into my temporary site and get your soul soaped with love now :-

        www.piperon.comlu.com (Come in or Not come in?  Hahaha!)


  • I do not agree with your use of swear words in the text above, but I do appreciate your deep passions for this subject and your heart-felt attempts to warn others, of the danger of channels...


    Of course, always, one should fliter anything received through the higher self, using both logic and heart logic....and then decide it's veracity...


    I would also say that the GFL has been greatly misrepresented by various "channels" over the years and this has rendered many people confused about the real GFL mission...and then genuine contactees have to step in and pick up the pieces....

    There have been attempts made on ACC to present certain fake channels for consideration....in itself, it is a test of discernment...and each has the free choice to believe or not..

    However, for a period, we were being inundated with false messages, causing much conflict and confusion....


    There were two particularly noted and persistent offenders we had to nullify though, as the confusion and general mahem, with conflicts, that their messages caused, were counter-productive to overall growth...Thus they had to be banished from the consciousness of members, forever...And so BOTH are no longer within our reality, here....no longer regular in presenting their messages, indirectly or directly....Namely Mike Quinsey and Greg Giles..


    There was another false prophet named "Raheem" but his messages were so distasteful and repugnant, that they tended to unite ACC in mutual condemnation and thus Raheem was a lesser problem, than the other two I mentioned...

    • I swear constantly.  Much worse things than swearing.  I know I am right in this text and really dont care what yall think.  Some of you agree and others dissagree...Awesome reply Mr Meider...keep feeding that shit and karma will eventually bite you in the ass...Dont say I didnt warn youShit LOL, stalkin my ass, Youll never know...Off to work...some of yall need a lil brooklyn in ya ;)  to passive for me and some take offense way to fast..Others, well maybe you should...Just saying,...anyways tired of ac...to much bs and I hope I made some of you think, which Im pretty sure I did.  .channelers (WAKE UP)  FALSE LIGHT IS VERY REAL AND IS HOW THE NEW AGE SPIRITUALISMGISSIZZLEMANIZLE IS BEING TAKEN OVER>  see I can be funny lol out


  • Yes you speak truth :)

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