The following article by Mike Adams was transcribed verbatim from:


 Heal yourself in 15 days by recognizing your innate healing power



MikeAdams.jpgSaturday, January 30, 2010
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of


(NaturalNews) This article continues our 15-part article series called Heal Yourself in 15 Days. In part one, we looked at why the real secret to rapid healing is to remove the barriers to healing ( In part two, we look at why your healing potential is so powerful that you can't even turn it off!

When you scrape your elbow, a bit of blood oozes out to clean the wound and wash away bacteria. It then forms a protective scab that keeps out invading microorganisms while your skin has a chance to heal underneath. There, some real magic takes place: Your skin cells innately recognize the need to divide and grow to fill the wound. A cancer-like process is unleashed at the cellular level, activating nearby cells to divide and grow. Your DNA is replicated in the nucleus of each cell with the help of some of the most astounding nanotechnology every witnessed in human civilization. (The best scientists in the world can't even come close to recreating it.)

As your cells multiply, nutrients and building blocks are carried to them through a blood supply that adapts to the particular size and shape of the wound. If a blood vessel was destroyed in your accident, the growth of new blood vessels is spontaneously initiated to take their place, and they grow into the tissues within mere hours.

As your skin cells fill in the previous wound, the replication effort is delicately turned off, one by one, so that replicating skin cells don't keep replicating beyond what they need to -- a process that would cause the creation of a skin tumor. Your body's cells know exactly when to grow and exactly when to turn off, and when it's all said and done, you're left with a perfect replacement for the skin you previously lost.

Completely automatic healing


The truly amazing part of all this is not the cancer-like processes that are delicately controlled by your body wisdom; it's not even the fact that your body has the ability to re-grow lost cells -- it's the fact that all this takes place without any conscious involvement on your part.

Healing yourself is automatic, in other words. You don't have to direct blood to the wound, direct the cells to start replicating, direct the molecular waste products to be carried away and decide when cell replication should be stopped. All this happens without your involvement -- even without your awareness! Much of it happens while you sleep, in fact. While your conscious mind is dreaming, your innate body wisdom is working the biochemistry and energetic transformations necessary to repair your tissues.

You can't stop this process even if you wanted to. You could try to focus all your mental power on your skin not healing, and yet your skin would heal itself anyway.

That's because your body is a powerful self-healing organism. It heals itself automatically, innately, without your conscious awareness or involvement. Your ability to heal yourself is so powerful that you can't stop yourself from healing!

Why we don't always heal


If this is true, then why aren't you healing everything else? Why aren't you always in perfect health? The answer, as you've seen throughout this article series, is because we tend to erect barriers to our own healing. And we often misread the symptoms of sickness that are asking for help, "treating" them in a way that makes the situation worse.

Fact: Many "symptoms of disease" are actually the result of your body's attempt to heal itself.

For example, most people are chronically dehydrated. They don't consume enough high-quality water. Because water is so vital for proper blood composition, when your body lacks sufficient quantities of water intake, it begins to take action to reduce water loss.

A significant portion of the water loss experienced by the body each day is lost through respiration -- a bit of water vapor is exhaled with each breath. So to conserve water, your body attempts to reduce water loss during respiration by constricting your bronchial tubes through the creation of histamines.

These histamines constrict breathing, making it more physically difficult. Modern (western) medicine misdiagnoses this as a disease called "asthma" rather than the true underlying cause which is often simply dehydration. So instead of prescribing water, which would solve the underlying water shortage and end the body's creation of histamines, western doctors prescribe anti-histamine drugs that force the bronchial tubes to relax and ease air flow. This, of course, promotes further dehydration, leaving the patient in a more severe state of water loss.

So you see, the body is attempting to heal itself, and the symptom of histamine production is a mechanism by which the body is attempting to heal, but it is misinterpreted by western medicine and then made worse by misguided interventions.

Blood pressure


Another good example of this is high blood pressure. High blood pressure is often caused by something I refer to as "sludge blood" -- blood that's too thick and viscous to flow freely through the body's small capillaries. So in order to make sure good circulation is taking place, the heart has to pump harder, thereby raising blood pressure. This is the body's way of making sure this thick blood reaches all the cells throughout the body (cells that don't receive blood will die, and that's bad).

But healthy blood shouldn't be so viscous. It should flow more freely, with less friction. When blood is properly hydrated and nourished with the right fatty acids (more omega-3s in particular), the heart does not need to work as hard to pump it throughout the body, so blood pressure automatically drops. (It's like the difference between sucking water through a straw versus sucking honey through a straw... the more sticky and thick the honey, the more pressure it takes to move it.)

Western medicine completely misdiagnoses this situation and says that "high blood pressure" is itself a disease. And this high blood pressure is attacked with drugs that artificially lower blood pressure by forcing artery walls to relax.

As you might have guessed, this then immediately causes circulation problems because the thick sludge blood is no longer reaching all the cells it needs to reach. That's why people who take high blood pressure medications very often end up with circulation problems. Their underlying problem of "sludge blood" remains unresolved.

Symptoms such as high blood pressure as your body's way of communicating with you to address the underlying causes. In the majority of cases, patients with high blood pressure simply need more water, more living nutrients (such as raw living plant juices), more omega-3 fatty acids and a sharp reduction in the consumption of animal products. Within as little as five days after embracing such changes, blood pressure normalizes as the blood itself becomes more hydrated and free to flow throughout the circulatory system.

Your body knows all this. Western doctors know none of it. High Blood Pressure is treated as a disease unto itself with virtually no thought given to what underlying causes might be creating this measurable symptom.

Your body is trying to heal itself all the time


Both "asthma" and "high blood pressure" are fictional diseases. In other words, they don't really exist as self-contained, standalone diseases. They are merely symptoms of something else that your body is attempting to balance.

In order to activate your body's innate healing potential, you must learn to listen to what your body is really asking for and give it those things instead of intervening with chemical medications, surgeries and toxic therapies like chemotherapy.

Western medicine misinterprets virtually all expressions of physiology. If you wish to be healthy, you must learn to reinterpret your body's messages in alignment with the true principles of health. Difficulty in breathing, for example, may simply be a sign of dehydration. High blood pressure may be a sign of dehydration or poor diet.

Cancer is a sign of cellular miscommunication. A tumor is a sign that cells in your body aren't getting the right message of when to stop dividing. (A tumor is merely a wayward cell that keeps dividing.) Cellular communication can be reestablished through changes in diet, environment, mental state and proper exposure to sunlight (among other things).

So keep in mind that your body is always trying to heal itself. "Symptoms" of disease are often just cries for help from your own biology. The wise patient listens to those cries for help, attempts to understand what they mean, and addresses them through self-care. The unwise patient attempts to silence symptoms through chemical intervention: Pain killers, chemical pharmaceuticals, surgery and other interventions. Western doctors are not trained in proper symptom interpretation and rebalancing. They are only trained in symptom "management" which means reducing symptoms through artificial intervention.

Why you are such a self-healing miracle


Your body is one of Mother Nature's most miraculous accomplishments. You possess unbelievably complex nanotechnology in your immune system. Your neurology exceeds the capabilities of the most advanced supercomputers in the world. Your sensory systems contain technology so advanced that even the most well-funded laboratories in the world don't have machines that can match what you have right in your nose.

Your reproductive system is a miracle of life; your bones are astounding structural engineering feats (or feets!); and your internal organs such as your heart and liver actually store their own memories and emotions. We know this because organ donor recipients often take on the memories and experiences of those from which the organs were originally harvested.

In other words, you are a miracle of nature, and your body has such powerful healing potential available to itself right now that the only way you can even stop the healing is to interfere with it (with pharmaceuticals, for example).

And yet, sadly, that's what most people do: They numb their bodies with painkiller medications. They shut down their immune systems with chemotherapy. They shock their neurology with vaccines containing inflammatory chemicals. They interfere, override and interject all sorts of artificial chemicals, procedures and unnatural therapies. This is what shuts off healing. This is what leaves patients unable to heal in the way they are capable of healing -- automatically, unconsciously and with zero effort.

So if you really want to heal yourself, first recognize that you are a miraculous self-healing organism. And secondly, recognize that if healing is not happening, it may very well be because you have inadvertently interfered with the healing process by introducing artificial chemicals or other elements that hold your healing potential prisoner.

Attaining health requires allowing healing to take place


Healthy people aren't healthy just because they eat superfoods and drink living juices all day long. They are healthy because they avoid poisoning their bodies with pharmaceuticals, artificial sweeteners, MSG and other processed food ingredients. They avoid the chemicals in cosmetics, personal care products, household cleaning products and lawn care products. They avoid consuming meat from animals who have been pumped full of hormones and antibiotics. They keep their bodies as free from pollution as possible, and as a result, their innate healing powers are always working for them!

You have exactly the same healing potential as I do. Your body can heal itself from cancer, from diabetes, from heart disease and from other "made-up" disease names like asthma and high blood pressure. All that's really required is for you to embrace the healing potential you already possess, and then avoid all those things that interfere with it.

If you believe in God and Creation, then take comfort in the idea that your body is created in God's image, meaning that you are a perfect healing being as is He.

If you believe in evolution and Darwinism, then take comfort in the idea that your body is the result of millions of years of evolution that have given you a successful, proven DNA blueprint for preventing sickness and disease -- long before vaccines and western medicine ever came along.

No matter what your philosophical approach, either way you still believe that your body is an amazing self-healing organism. And that's good news because it means you already have the blueprint for powerful healing.

Now simply activate it!


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  • Good on ya, Ann!
  • Thanks Jaz. This is a wonderful article and I learned a lot. It made perfect sense to me and am glad I read it.

    For a good example, I had asthma attacks a lot when I was a kid, and also was chronicly dehydrated because I always had trouble swallowing water and did not like to drink it, so when I read this it was a really ah ha moment for me. I especially had asthma attacks and problems more often in the winter months and now I see the connection between the season and the severity of my attacks. In the summer I would drink a lot more water even though I choked on it a lot, because I was more active, more hot and more thirsty. In the winter the hot dry air from the furnace running all the time in the house certainly was dehydrating and in the winter it seemed that I never drank nearly as much water as in the summer because I was inside a lot and not active, so I would not think about drinking water as much because my body was cold a lot and often I mistook thirst for hunger and ate something instead and that would make me even more dried out. Now I live in Florida and drink water all the time because I get hot a lot (and discovered that if I drink water through a straw I do not choke on it...) and I have not had a single asthma attack since I have lived in Florida. AH ha. More water, no ashthma.....

    As far as high blood pressure, the line of reasoning here also makes perfect sense. There are so many "illnesses" that can be taken care of with just making sensible modifications to foods and lifestyles and letting our body do what it does, heal itself.


    Thanks so much for this post. Awesome information...
    • Marique, the book 'ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus: Eradicate Asthma - Now!' by Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj (nicknamed Dr. Batman) is a great read.
      • Thanks Jazmin, I am checking it out tomorrow at Barnes and Noble. (glad the author has a nickname.....his last name is a longy......)
        • Marique, another very useful book by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj is: 'Obesity, Cancer & Depression: Their Common Cause & Natural Cure' (ISBN-10: 0970245823; ISBN-13: 978-0970245823).
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