Due to the energy of love holding the truth and very essence of the Creator's soul it has a tremendous ability to clear away stagnant and negative energies allowing it to be a deeply healing and transformational energy. When you allow yourself to accept love from us or the Creator you are actually allowing your heart and soul to open, this is extremely powerful as when open the natural, pure and wise energies and consciousness of your essence and soul begin to emerge. Accepting love opens your heart and allows love to activate from within you. This love flows from your being cradling you in light and love, while merging with the love that is being directed to you. The result is a tremendous feeling of being loved and existing as love as well as a new found openness and confidence to express love. Many believe that when they receive healing or the energy of love that this energy is simply anchoring into their vibration, creating a clearing or repairing process but it is the activation that occurs deep from within the person's soul that allows the greatest transformation to manifest.
Some people are unable to accept the love of the Creator because they do not feel worthy of doing so, but it is more difficult to accept love if you do not first believe in and express the love that is naturally within your soul. When you are love you will attract love, when you are concentrated on existing as love you will feel the constant flow of higher vibrations of love entering your energy systems in response to your existence. If your heart is closed to love then love will create a small healing within your being but you are essentially pushing the love of the Creator away from you and denying yourself as the love of the Creator.
It is important to realise the power and positive healing influence that love holds. Allowing love to flow from and through your being will assist you in remaining balanced and centred through times of change, ensure that you gain the support and vibrations that are needed, permitting the transformations that need to occur to aid your spiritual development to manifest.
We,the Angels of Love wish to offer a healing invocation which allows the energy of love to act as a clearing vibration throughout your entire being and reality. This invocation may be read out loud during a meditative state of mind or as many times a day as you wish. It is a tool to aid your healing and the activation of love from within your being.
'Beloved Angels of Love, surround me now forming a barrier of pure loving light that embraces me tenderly and gently. Let your love shower over and through me completely and absolutely bathing me in the most sacred vibration of Angelic and Creator love. Permit your love to support and protect me now and at all times throughout my reality, remaining with me eternally.
I ask that your divine loving energy anchors deeply into my physical body, into every cell, bone, muscle and nerve, into my blood and skin. Let your love be present within every aspect of my physical body vibrating as the energy, sound and feeling of love.
As your love flows constantly into my being I allow it to anchor into my auric field, becoming fully and completely present within my etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. With the present of love within my entire being all negative energies, blockages, limitations, fears and doubts are dissolved completely and absolutely so that I may exist as the highest vibration of love that is appropriate to me now.
Let me think as love,
Let me act as love,
Let me exist as love,
Let me embody love totally,
I am the entirety of the Creator's love.
Please allow the transformation to begin within me and be completed with ease so that I may exist as a pure beacon of love on the Earth.
Iask the Angels of Love to guide their energy of love to open my channels so that I may express love with ease. Let the natural energy of love activate from my soul and glow brightly into my surroundings, creating a core pillar of love within my being that is constant. Align my current personality and perception of myself be aligned to the loving essence of my being so that I may exist as my truth. Let the love within me be aligned to the soul of the Creator constantly radiating from my being and guiding me forth.
As my channels express love openly so my wellbeing, health and vitality improve transforming into the perfection of the Creator. With the power of love all financial fears, blockages, problems and limitations dissolve assisting me in opening to the abundance wealth of the Creator's energy anchoring into my reality.
Let all pain and suffering within my body and mind be dissolved and let love heal the pain and suffering of humanity. It is my deepest desire that all of humanity and I exist as love now and experience the love of the Creator completely, I believe absolutely that this has now manifested easily and the vibration of love is emerging from the Earth and cradling the Earth now.
Let all my spiritual and physical relationships be charged with love, let love heal and bind the souls of the Creator across the world in love and peace.
Love has now replaced fear; love is the only truth within my mind and the minds of humanity. The Earth is united in love, I am supported by the love of the Creator and the souls of humanity and I send my love to humanity and to my eternal unity with the Creator. My greatest wish is that humanity is able to see the purpose, truth and freedom that love offers to all, when it is the love of their souls and the Creator bound as one.
Angels of Love demonstrate and alert me to the love that I hold, strengthen my love so that I may share my sacred nurturing and healing energies with all through my open heart and soul. Show me how to live a life of love and allow me to make the necessary changes now. I am love and realise that I am the pure vibrations of the Creator's love.
Allow the presence of love to bring a positive transformation to my own being, life and energy as well as to the realities of humanity.
I send this prayer, focus and concentration to the very heart of the Creator,
Please Angels of Love embrace me in your love now. Thank you.'
We are here for you always as an example and source of love,
Angels of Love
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