As long as I remember, i've been hearing high, low and mid pitched frequency tones randomly. At times they were very frequent, like during a period last year. At times they become spacious.
Recently since last week they've become very frequent again. Suddenly the background noise of everything else deafens, at the same time the volume of the tone increases. It's like my ears are tuning into a radio signal lol. I wrote this just after hearing a low pitched tone for about 7 seconds.
I've tried doing my own research into this in the past before coming here and was only lead to information from the scientific community who of course, know everything and leave you with a disatissfying answer that you can't understand. Something to do with "xxxx latin word makes me sound smart xxx" having to do with some other "xxx latin word for making me sound superior to you xxx".
The common answer was some kind of diease starting with T which old people get, the name escapes me. I'm not old. I'm 19.
Some people I talk to get them, some have no idea what i'm talking about. Anyone have any sort of credible information as to what these are?
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I have had this high pitch tone for about 6 months now and its there always constantly throughout the day and when I go to sleep ant night I get a feeling as if there is someone around me. I can feel the mattress moving slightly this doesn't happen every night but quite often at least a few times a week but the high pitch tone is every day all day.
I’ve been experiencing the ear ringing for some time now, and sometimes a soreness on the crown of my head (for no reason). I don’t consider any of it to be a medical problem, but I was really curious about what it could be. When I read the channeling below, the one thing that rang true to me is the connection to the pineal gland. Maybe it’s like getting an energy download from your inner self -- expanding the neural networks of our physical bodies to create better communication with our inner selves. In any case, I think it's all good.
Hello again, Beloved Lightworkers,
This week I want to talk to you about the increase in the intensity of the Comic energies that are pouring down at this time. These are opening up the pineal gland which is the next step in the ascension process. Many of you are already starting to feel pain in the pineal gland area. This will continue to increase each day so that this process does not cause extreme pain for anyone. Most of you should be able to get through this process without too much discomfort. However, we do advise that you continue to practice your daily disciplines in order to match the rising vibrational frequencies.
Many of you will also be hearing sounds within your inner hearing. This is also part of the pineal gland opening and you will soon be able to hear and recognize the frequency sound (signature) of your Guides, Etheric Teachers, and the Angelic Realm as they near you. Each has a signature that is unique to them, just as each of you do. Soon there will not be any way that you can hide your self from those who can discern energy signatures. This Scribe is able to discern energy signatures from certain people even when their names are not attached to email messages which come through other people. She always senses the true signature behind it and discerns who it is really. This is a very wonderful ability to have and this ability is opening within many of you now. On the Higher levels, this is the norm. We are all known by our energy signatures. So as this ability becomes noticeable for you, begin to practice listening for our energy signatures.
We are all around you during your daily activities no matter where you are. There have been many Angelic guides assigned to each of you and if there is a need for more, they are instantly at your side. You, the mighty Lightworkers, are our front line Warriors of the Light. The work that we are doing together is the way of the peaceful Warrior. We work with energy and effect positive changes in this way, and I want to say that you are each doing wonderfully well in this. Most of you have energy flowing through you on a constant basis and your energy meridians have been growing larger and more opened, so that the increased frequencies are able to come through you without discomfort to you.
Each of you has been experiencing increased feelings of well being and joy. This is excellent for keeping your energy and frequency levels high and this will continue to develop each day and soon this will be the natural state of being for each of you. You will always walk your Path with calmness and equilibrium. There is a growing sense of excitement in the air and there is an anticipation of something wonderful happening soon. We feel this from our stations too. Much will be taking place both on the Etheric levels and upon the Earth. Change is the natural order of things now. The momentum of the increased Light cannot be stopped now so be prepared to walk around in a constant state of bliss and joy!
Know that all is coming together to a point of stillness, what is referred to as zero point. This is a new territory for all and so we watch and see the probabilities and possibilities unfolding. This is a most exciting time, not only for the Earth and all Her inhabitants, but also for the entire Universe. Every Star Nation has members observing and ready to assist us at any time. As we have told you before, you are all considered Heroes in all ways, for it took great courage to come down to the lower dimensions and agree to forget your Divine origin. Soon remembrance will be upon you all. The Light upon the Earth that each Human Being is will Light up the entire World and all will be changed to the positive. There will no longer be any place left for darkness to hide. All will be exposed to the Light and the truth.
We stand with each of you, Beloveds, we are but a breath away. Know this and carry this knowing in your Golden hearts at all times. We are all One.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2009 Marlene Swetlishoff
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
Yes, it can be spirits, but I get vibrations constantly. The things that you are feeling are spirits, but for me I feel every type of vibration. Which includes from certain wattage, tones in people's voices, the dead, inanimate objects like crystals, rocks, heirlooms, any object that has a past. Because every object has energy put into it, including man made products, that's why when I walk into any room I get vibrations good/bad from anything.
An example was when I walked into a room and four other women where in there. A white scarf was hanging on the door and I twitched because it was hurting me because of the pressure I felt. Luckily one of the intuitive ladies picked up on it and moved the scarf out of the room. She asked me why I did that? I told her it just gave me a negative feel, she said it was from one of her friends. I pick up on past things that I've never seen or felt, only because I know that everything is composed of energy.
If it has energy it has a story, and that is practically everything. Some only get spirits, but I think as time goes on you'll see that everything 'vibrates'.
read this similar experiences:
It is also part of ascension symptoms as It has something to do with psychic ability called clairaudience
I hear tones and buzz for years now, sometimes like yours. Sometimes at night, I hear low inaudible voices of people, like in a radio but I can't understand what they are saying. Somewhere I've read that we have the ability to hear radio waves, with practice we can listen to the radio stations, some guy says he discovered that what he hears is actually the one being aired on the radio.
I also hear it when I relax and focus. It is really like tuning yourself to match the frequencies in order to hear the sounds. Something like that. There is also a time when I hear intense buzzing, like swarm bees, and when I accept it and tried to focus more, I could here tones with inaudible voices, when I try catching it, it is like moving at some speed that I really couldn't grasp.
You can't really rely on medical terms, because they know nothing about the energies and how it affects us humans and our body. The universe is made up of energies, everything is energies. I've also read that di-seases are nothing but stuck up energy on the body, more like a sign or a symptom that you have to deal with.
I think this website below is really a good place for your questions, I'm tempted to post questions too :)