
Nanaea, my love, how deep is the depth of the human heart? How much can a human being feel for him or herself or for others? I can feel inside your heart and I know you can feel inside of mine. But what I will teach you today, my eager student, how to pass love onto others without it taking away from yourself. Yes, I know about unconditional love. But you know, sometimes, many times, actually, people do get drained when they are constantly giving because it also depends on the intention of the person who is taking. You see, there is an invisible exchange in energy between the giver and the taker but not everyone possess this mechanism in the give and take scenario, or, they choose not to give anything in return.

So listen. When people talk about giving unconditionally they are not aware that nothing is given for nothing in this universe. It is simply impossible. As I explained, the giver and the taker form a bond which is in the form of a cord which attaches itself from one to the other. The giver gives but the taker also gives. This is nothing to frown about. This is GOOD! It means the human heart is humbled by being given this gift of love and so wants to return it back to the giver.

So, because your job DOES include giving unconditionally and because you DO get tired because there are takers who do not have the giving back mechanism or who refuse to, I will teach you how to give without becoming drained. Before you help someone to give unconditionally I want you to stop for a moment and close your eyes. Call on the power of the cosmos. You know that there is a universal heart chakra which is like a deposit and debit bank. You shall be taking some love from there so I want you to ask the universal heart chakra to flow through you as you give to others. This way, it is not coming from you but from this bank in the cosmos. All who read this can also access this place of eternal and flowing love and they can use this love the same way.

I can imagine how those who think I am just a war god will be amazed at my words of love and this is because they do not know me as the divine lover or the divine husband or that I am a fertility god. (He smiles) But remember that I also have to give unconditional love to my people and I also give it from the universal heart Chakra.

(Marduk touches my heart)

Nanaea, all humans are linked through their heart Chakras. All humans are also connected to the gods through the heart Chakra. It is in the heart that you can feel distortions in the consciousness of humanity. It is in the heart that you can feel new energies entering and leaving your consciousness. The heart is a compass, believe me. The heart is a satellite which can receive and transmit love but also soul messages. Humanity talks to each other through the heart. Humanity talks to light beings and the gods through the heart. People believe that to speak to other beings telepathically they must use the mind but this is wrong thinking; it is through the heart that you speak telepathically and the heart which is the most powerful organ of communication that ALL beings in the universe posses. So when you feel that you can hear the thoughts of others, you are not really hearing them; you are FEELING them.

So again, my beloved, I will recap. When the giver gives, he or she sends out the message through the heart to the taker that says, “I love you, please love me too” with which the taker replies by returning that love. Therein lays the balance.

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