Heaven on Earth~ The Shift
This is Truly what you desire, it includes freedom from suffering, living abundantly, having love and living a life of ease.
So how do you get there?
First of ALL write a list…
Title the List..What Heaven on Earth Would FEEL like to me..
Have Four Sections to your List.
1. What would “Mental Heaven on Earth” would be for me
2. What would “Physical Heaven on Earth” feel like for me
3. What would “Emotional Heaven on Earth” feel like for me
4. What would “Spiritual Heaven on Earth” feel like for me
Please stop and create this list now!
Writing something in the physical anchors it into this time space continuum. It is more than simply writing for a record, it grounds the information into this frequency.
Then, Take a few breaths, center yourself, and fill in the list.
NOW KEEP that list with you..and FOCUS daily as many times as you can On HOW this will FEEL for YOU.
Really FEEL IT.
This is NOT simply a manifestation technique. You are Frequency and you are constantly sending vibrations out as frequency waves. Many of you go up and down in frequency, it is like walking in and out of different potentials and alternate realities.
YOU want to stay FOCUSED on the REALITY you decide you DESIRE.
MANY potential futures exist for all of YOU.
Which one comes into your physical reality is what your vibration is vibrating to.
Make a Conscious CHOICE to Decide the FEELING of the reality YOU WOULD like, the Highest is Heaven on Earth…
Stay FOCUSED there.
I literally see people walk in and out of their Highest Destiny then back to another reality and future.
The reason for many of you, the things have not showed up is because your frequency is fluctuating so much. Back and forth.
It would be best if you could stay steady in the frequency of WHAT you desire to FEEL.
For those of you that do this, and there are many frequency Transmissions, etc. that will HELP you to vibrate to your Highest Frequency. IT is up to YOU to stay focused, remember and RECOGNIZE you are the Creator of YOUR existence.
In Divine Sacred Love and Union,
Pleiadian Delegate; The Queen of Light