Multidimensional food for thought...


~How many times have you felt like a hapless onlooker in a world seemingly gone insane?

How many times have you wondered how things ever managed to get into the unprecedented mess they are in today?

How many times have you longed to escape this crazy turmoil?

I’m confident to predict that the answer is ‘many’.

But reflect on this: there must be thousands, if not millions and quite possibly billions, who feel exactly the same way. Let us assume the possibility that the majority of those living on this planet have had such thoughts from time to time. What does this tell us?

It tells us that we see our lives and what goes on ‘out there’, as two separate realities. It suggests that we feel largely removed and alienated from the goings-on of the planet, regardless of the fact that we live off its (unequally) shared resources.

Now the trouble with all this is that, in truth, we are actually a part of the problem we see as separate from ourselves. We are part of the reason there is such a mess ‘out there’ in the first place.

We are actually contributors to the state of insanity which prevails around us; unless of course, we realize this and are working to do something about it.

The underlying cause of this schism between how we see reality and how we see ourselves, is hundreds and possibly thousands of years of indoctrination; of deliberate programming. We have been educated to believe that we are not responsible for that which happens beyond the four walls of our home, the garden fence and the office.

We’ve been told that if we respect the laws and protocols enshrined in our society, and behave like proper, respectable citizens, at the end of it all we will be able to take comfort in from the fact that we ‘did the right thing’.

If we also adopt some moral ‘truth’s’ as proclaimed by the religious institutions of the prevailing status quo – then that gets another tick. And if we also seek to fulfill the requirements of the nine to five working week, diligently and unquestioningly, that will further enhance the view that we are sensible, responsible citizens. Well adapted to the road of safety and conformity.



So effective has this process of indoctrination been for so many, for so long, that the idea of anything seriously interrupting the rhythm of the fixed routines that make-up the standard working-eating-sleeping week, is regarded in horror. Better to keep your head down, is the standard advice, and try to bypass whatever those who manage the ‘great out there’ are getting up to; however extreme the mess being made of our planetary home and however insane the destruction being perpetrated in the rush for wealth, power and exclusivity…

Now we all know how the seeming safety provided by largely thoughtless repetition can lock us into resistance to change. There is something about ‘routine’, however mundane and unimaginative, which acts as a kind of drug, clouding the urge to follow one’s inner voice of greater aspiration and purpose. That which would finally free one from so unquestioningly playing out the role of slave to the system.

Many of those who retreat from the challenge of freedom, turn instead to religion, as a kind of escape route for a repressed and yearning soul. On offer here appears to be a certain level of surety concerning how to negotiate a way through life’s pit-falls. Religion, after all, likes to provide a rather simple formula for surviving within the crumbling foundations of a stagnant status quo.

The Christian church, for example, is given to proclaiming a happy ending for all who say their prayers and remain humble in the face of adversity. It teaches one to obey the authority of God and the State and to offer charity to those in need.

Its formula is carefully devised to avoid any confrontation with ‘the powers that be’; the status quo and controlling authority of the day. Although it may decry war, it will not advise its flock to campaign against the arms trade. Although it may teach respect for nature, it will not stand-up to be counted when it becomes known that genetically modified organisms and toxic chemicals are destroying the natural environment.

It has in common with many of to-days so-called ‘spiritual paths’, the desire to ‘protect’ rather than to ‘protest’. It teaches that, provided we do everything according to its rule book, we will go to heaven when we die; and here everything will be done to assure a very pleasant stay for all good followers.

In proclaiming ‘heaven’ to be the happy ending place for all ‘believers’, the church avoids taking any responsibility for the condition of the planet it leaves behind. The fact that one might come round again and be confronted by that which one failed to take responsibility for in the previous life time, is studiously avoided…

This is a significant part of the formula whereby society is kept in constant check and citizens are discouraged from any form of resistance or rebellion; even when the teachers, law makers, priests and politicians who manage the show, have shown themselves to be corrupt, irresponsible and quite often beneath contempt.

What we have here is a quite masterful control system. A centralized authoritarian regime which uses ‘fear’ as its hidden weapon of mass coercement: fear of being different; fear of being disenfranchised; fear of not making it to heaven; fear of facing the unknown, and ultimately a fear of truth…

The right side of the brain, which would pick this up, has been put to sleep, along with the ability to think laterally and ‘outside the box’.  It means that most fail to move beyond the control system’s repetitive and deceptive formula for three-dimensional living. In this way, millions who are in a position to do so, fail to take any responsibility for the health and wellbeing of the wider world they live in. Instead they fritter away their lives in a cul-de-sac of ever decreasing circles.

8111019684?profile=originalTaking responsibility for our lives involves breaking out of this robotic existence and taking responsibility for Life as a whole; for the evolution of our societies into something vastly more meaningful, creative and joyous than the moribund system we have today.

We do not live on a two-dimensional flat Earth. That theory was dispelled around six hundred years ago, in spite of stiff resistance from the church. We live on a spherical planet and in a spherical universe – in which everything that goes out, comes back, eventually.

So it is with our actions. According to the laws of physics, every action provokes an equal and opposite reaction, which means we get to pay the price for ours; no escape. That’s the brutal truth. The straight line to heaven – and that’s an end to it – is a con trick, perpetuated by doctrinaire and dogmatic teachings whose origins lie with Illuminati plans for a resistance-free global take-over.

The last thing which the ruling cabal wants is people taking responsibility for their lives, because that would mean an end to control system’s dominance and people’s acceptance of the slavery it demands.

Yet the reinstatement of a way of living in which aware, responsible citizens of planet Earth take control of their destinies and of the destiny of the planet itself, is exactly where we are being instructed to go. Not by Big Brother, but by Divine Empowerment and the indomitable Powers of Truth.

Never allow the fake façade of superimposed uniformity fool you into sleep walking your way down the road to Armageddon. Find that warrior hiding in your subconscious – and bring him/her out into the open. Get behind the benevolent spirits and ditch the malevolent intruders. Shift yourself from slave to shaman. Do it today!




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    Catalyzing the Shamanic Archetype 

    by Paul Levy

    Spiritual awakenings oftentimes get precipitated by experiences of wounding, abuse and trauma, which is to say that in a genuine spiritual awakening there is often a co-joining of healthy and pathological factors. The idea is to nourish the healthy aspects of the process so that they become stronger, while allowing the pathological factors to naturally fall away as they become integrated into the wholeness of the newly emerging psyche. To quote the great Hindu saint Ramakrishna, “How to get rid of the lower self? The blossom vanishes of itself as the fruit grows, so will your lower self vanish as the divine grows in you.”

    Being wounded almost always initiates and catalyzes the “shamanic archetype” to begin to form-ulate and crystallize itself in the unconscious. Shamanism is the root from which humanity’s various spiritual disciplines have issued; the earliest origins of modern psychotherapy known to history lie in archaic shamanism. When the shamanic archetype is activated, it precipitates a deeper part of the psyche to become mobilized, as people enacting the shamanic archetype journey deep inside themselves, flying on the wings of their creative imagination to become familiar with and address what has gotten activated within them…

    The shamanic archetype is one of the major processes currently animated in the collective psyche of our species. We’d have to be truly “disturbed” if our emotions aren’t disturbed by the diabolic and dark shadow forces playing out their polarizing, manipulative and exploitive agendas in our world. How we hold what has gotten triggered within us as we both witness and participate in these distressing dramas determines whether the latent shamanic archetype within us manifests in service of our—and our planet’s—healing or not. Just as dreams are the unconscious’s way of balancing a one-sidedness in an individual’s psyche, the shamanic archetype is the dynamically evolving pattern of healing that is being constellated in the collective unconscious as a compensatory response to the trauma and abuse playing itself out on the world stage…

    In indigenous, shamanic communities, the role of the shaman does not exist in isolation, but as a role that the community collaboratively dreams up for the health and sanity of the wider community. The role of the shaman is relational in nature—only taking on its meaning in relation to others as well as the surrounding environment—not something that exists independent of the field in which the shaman lives. Being a role in the field, in the ideal sense the position of shaman need not be monopolized by or restricted to one person; a shaman is a role that any and everyone can pick up as we become more creative and fluid within ourselves. In a genuinely healthy community, roles are very fluid, which is to say—in a form of “collective shamanism”—the role of the shaman can potentially be played out at various times by each of its members. Because the role is being shared by all of its members, different people can play the shamanic role without necessarily having to descend into the depths of hell; they are required, however, to self-reflectively deal with how their own unconscious darkness is contributing to the collective shadow that is getting dreamed up in and through the community.

    We are all potentially “shamans-in-training,” in the sense that we are all being called—both individually and collectively—to deal with the darkness that seems to be ruling our world. The formless archetype of the shaman/healer is thirsting for sentient instruments to express and actualize itself in embodied form. Recognizing, and saying “Yes” to the deeper shamanic calling that is pulsing through our veins inspires us to breathe life into and incarnate the figure of the shaman who lives within us. We are being invited by the universe to step into our shamanic “garments” and consciously participate in our own evolution. Instead of our ritual implements being drums and rattles, however, as “modern-day shamans” our accessories might be something like the keyboard of a computer or the tools of multi-media, as we work to inspire change in the underlying consciousness of the field by a keystroke or the creative use of a video camera or website. Co-operating with our deeper shamanic calling constellates the universe to support us in our endeavor, as the universe itself is the sponsor of our calling. Assenting to our calling gets us “in-phase” with ourselves such that we become our own best ally…

    People going through a spiritual awakening/shamanic initiation find themselves, as if living in an archetypal fairy tale, inhabiting a deeper mythic realm where everything that happens is in-fused with deeper meaning. This deeper meaning doesn’t come from outside of us; we are the arbiters of meaning—“meaning-generators.” Instead of being mute and having no say in things, our world is always speaking to us symbolically, speaking “through” things (so to speak); this can take a little while to interpret, integrate and to learn to navigate. The goal is to bring together the two worlds so that we can fluidly travel between the everyday world of ordinary reality and the deeper mythological, symbolic realm, a dimension which is always having its say—the question is whether we recognize what is being said. This is analogous to having a fluid back and forth, give and take relationship between the conscious and unconscious minds within ourselves…

    The shaman is akin to and a kin of the figure of the artist. To quote anthropologist Carlton Coon, “Whatever else he may be, the shaman is a gifted artist.” Mythologist Joseph Campbell draws a parallel between artists and ancient shamans when, speaking about modern artists, he says that “the whole unconscious has opened up and they fall into it.” We continually deepen our individuation only insofar as we don’t cling to our conscious experience, but allow ourselves to submerge into the depths of the unconscious however and wherever it shows up, trusting that we will be able to creatively express—and hence, become conscious of—what is moving us. As Jung points out, “The unconscious no sooner touches us than we are it—we become unconscious of ourselves.” This ongoing dynamic of falling into and giving shape and form to the unconscious, then stepping out of and contemplating what has just come through us—going back and forth between the subjective and objective domains—furthers our realization of the unconscious, both within ourselves and in the world at large. Through this process, the shamanically-oriented person is adding consciousness to and assimilating the unconscious in the field, while simultaneously metabolizing the unconscious parts of themselves that have been activated…

    As the shaman’s accomplishment deepens, they are able to tap into and participate in the primordial, timeless source of creativity itself. A person’s ability to heal and facilitate healing for others depends upon their ability to link to the larger world of the “pleroma” (a field of abundant potential, boundless luminosity and creativity, and infinite sentience). Approaching the numinosity of the pleroma is therapeutic at its core—what Jung calls “the real therapy”—as it releases us from what he calls “the curse of pathology.” Connecting with this more expanded perspective within us alchemically transforms what seemed to be pathological into something expressing and leading us closer to the numinous. [ the numinosum is non-rational and irreducible; it cannot be defined, only evoked and experienced. The numinous grips or stirs the soul. The numinous produces awe or dread which is described as a feeling of the ‘mysterium tremendum.’ It can also erupt in the modern person as the experience of the uncanny or the supernatural.  Such awe may be overwhelming or it may be gentle as the still small voice ]


    read entire article @

    • Paul Levy always brings understanding to the suffering of life...

      • ~Indeed, dear Feather. I know that Levy's insights into these multidimensional arenas have provided deeper meaning & awareness to my path that I'm truly grateful. He's uncovered & reintroduced us to profound clues to assist us all with Awakening & Spiritual Navigation. As you know, I think his book Dispelling Wetiko should be essential reading for everyone. As challenging, & ultimately life affirming, as anything I'ver read in the last ten years. ~InLight


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    “This is why the shaman is the remote ancestor of the poet and artist. Our need to feel part of the world seems to demand that we express ourselves through creative activity. The ultimate wellsprings of this creativity are hidden in the mystery of language. Shamanic ecstasy is an act of surrender that authenticates both the individual self and that which is surrendered to, the mystery of being. Because our maps of reality are determined by our present circumstances, we tend to lose awareness of the larger patterns of time and space. Only by gaining access to the Transcendent Other can those patterns of time and space and our role in them be glimpsed.”... “You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.” ~Terence McKenna

    • Love Tracy... caught her live a number of years back at an outdoor amphitheater in Berkley. Hit me right in the Heart Chakra ;-)

      • yep, she does that for me, too..

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