Hi, everyone. I'm brand new to this, only discovered the site last night, but reading through people's posts I'm already glad to be here!
My personal spiritual journey started a few years ago. I'm learning all kinds of things, and sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming; but the loving support of like minded people lets me know that I'm heading in the right direction, and that there are so many others having similar awakenings. It's incredibly uplifting!
So, anyway, yes, hello to all. I look forward to joining in discussions! Peace and love to you all x
P.S. I'm currently reading a book called "The Spirituality Revolution: The emergence of contemporary spirituality" by David Tacey. Only part way in, but it's already confirming a lot of things I had suspected. There are big changes coming, and I can't wait to see where they lead us! Highly recommended :)
The Spirituality Revolution sounds interesting - I definitely agree, that's what's happening on planet Earth. I'll have to check it out :-)
Glad to have you here with us!
Hey Achilles.. welcome onboard my brother... this website ROCKS :o)
... Love and Light to you :o)
Welcome Achilles....
Welcome :) I hope you enjoy your time here!