I am a intuitive/mystical artist, creating art with a very high frequency. (7th dimension energy)
The process I use is by allowing universal energy to work through me and then create from the heart center. Using my art one will experience actual physical sensations, through any one of the chakra centers.
For personal use the energy will assist with:
Integrating higher frequencies
Connecting to angels, spirit, or Light Beings
Releasing past emotions
Finding ones purpose and own truth.
Open chakra channels
Creativity: Art, music, writing
General wellbeing
I feel my art will add great value , and assist many individuals who are awakening and adjusting to the new energies coming through.
In no way will my art infringe on any other healing modality, but rather contribute toward creating a loving and inspiring atmosphere.
I feel blessed and honored to share my gifts and part of my soul with you.