5 22 2013 ~ Have you ever thought about the one thing that would make you the happiest coming true? To be free from some lock, to be given a treasure, to have a lasting and fulfilling love? All these are attainable in one way or another, the truth is. You have already had them becoming true in your life if you have ever given your heart to the hands of your soul. The key to all freedom, treasure, and love is there, eternally and steadfastly. All you need to do is trust, and let it transmit. And get out of the way. The heart knows how to get there.
Once there was a farmer in a field of his crops, standing and looking up at the sky with a hand to shade his eyes from the upsetting glare of the sun. He hadn’t seen anything but sun and night for a long time, and yet the only clouds in sight were the ones that filled his head with thoughts of dark heavy worry, and anger at the elements for letting him down. He knew things would have to change, eventually, but his patience had long ago been drained, and his family looked gaunt and haggard. So did he, but the only thing he could do was to tell the mind of the sky to send some water to his dying fields. When a drop of water fell on his head, he fell on his knees and thanked the sky for responding. As the drops accumulated on the dry mud around him, he remembered with some difficulty the words to a song he knew as a child, telling the rain to go away, come back another day. Before he had put the words in order, the rain had ceased and so had his hope of life returning to the parched earth. Had his childish memory killed the rain, he thought? Of course that was silly to think of, but it did cross his mind. He sat on his heels and decided to give up. If he was put in that field, with that family, in that place at a time of no rain and heavy downpours of sunlight, he might as well just accept the inevitable truth that there must be some good reason for it in the mind of his soul. At any rate, there seemed little he could do to change things, and the kind of work he could get outside of his soil-based economy was definitely not going to cover his needs. So, he got up, dusted himself off, and set his eyes toward a different sun, one invisible in the glare of day’s activity but recognizable by his heart nonetheless, one he watched rise when he could at night, one that beckoned his heart to settle on peaceful vibrations and emotions of home. With this as his lodestone, he turned toward the farmhouse, family, and bread. Everything else, he trusted, would follow. It was just a matter of time until he had to decide on anything more important that eating a humble dinner, and he would simply do what was before him until the time came for that to happen. After all, he heard his mind say, wasn’t it better to do as he pleased, even if he didn’t know where that would lead, than to second-guess and end up wishing he had done things differently? So he had his dinner, enjoyed the evening sunset, and read a good book before heading to meditation in sleep. He allowed his mind to let go of his worry and redefine it as something other than a big problem, and as he dreamed, he saw the light of clarity and wisdom leaguing together in the space within his form, coalescing into thought, and waiting for him to awaken. Before he knew it, his world had changed in a way he hadn’t expected! The worry of the previous day had dissolved in the sudden appearance of a new and different light, a new sun, and a new energy of life. What was this? Dear ones, you will soon see for yourselves.
Is a new light about to break through the layers of Earth’s blanket of sleep? Yes. Is a thunderbolt going to shatter the complacency of humanity’s sleeping masses? Yes. Are you going to see everything change in an instant? Relatively speaking, yes. You are on the edge of the dawning of a new day, in very literal terms. You will be on the forefront of a new humanity building a new world on a renewed planet, and all that stands before you is to survive the transition from now to then, to keep yourself intact, and to bring with you the remembrance of the dream and its promise of light glowing from within the dark recesses of mental slavery. Hope, dear ones, is what we are talking about, the hope that you have carried with you from generation to generation, the seed that has been given to successive returns of soul to body, the light that shines on your way in the darkest of times and circumstances. It is now that you will need to kindle that flame into something brighter than a spark, for the days ahead may knock some of the outer lights loose from their moorings and help may be just out of arm’s reach for some. Know that we are listening to the heartbeat of the cosmos and keeping a watchful sweep of the night’s shadows. We want you to wake up but we will not disturb you as you do. It only makes people grumpy.
Listen to the skies and know that the changes that are happening are natural and not designed to destroy your soul. Stay tuned to the frequencies of light that imbue the truth of the universe’s fundamental being, of life, and of love becoming more transparent in all things, and the ride will be less bumpy, for the most part. Come what may, know that you are most definitely not alone, that you have powerful friends in the wings, and the internal recalibration that inevitably comes on the next incoming wave of light will bring new understandings, old wisdom remembered, and peace deep within the heart of humanity. We are with you now, as we have always been. High time is almost here, when the new normal will arise above your world’s depth of suffering and bring you home on a more fine weave of being.
Maryann Rada
Opalescent Nine