The following excerpted email message: MISSION UPDATES: Bridging Timelines
Sunday, 21 March 2010 00:00 |
Ring of Fire Transformation Team Now Forming If you live in these regions, or have passion to assist, please join us this Transformation Team now forming in COS GROUPS within our online community network at, or write to . The Ring of Fire is a zone of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that encircles the basin of the Pacific Ocean. It is associated with a nearly continuous series of oceanic trenches, island arcs, and volcanic mountain ranges and/or plate movements. 90% of the world's earthquakes and 81% of the world's largest earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire. Transformation Teams Forming It is time for us to acknowledge who we are and the power that lies within as individuals and group focus to co-create our golden future in this now. We call forth those who can rally as leaders with vision, who can direct streamlined group focus in a positive direction. We all come with different abilities, knowledge and passions to create/stabilize each in our own roles; but coming together as One to complete the project. Transformation Groups specifically focus upon certain aspects of the world restructuring while collaborating with supporting universal energies through the planetary Crystalline Grid as a bridge. For example, this includes transformative focus and intention given towards the restructuring of societal systems, issues of conflict, natural resources and sustainability. It could be a group with intention to stabilize tectonic plates, clean up and energize our air and water supply.
We call forth group leaders in each of these areas of the restructuring, who are consciously putting their all into manifesting this New Earth that we have already envisioned. NOW is the time to ground and manifest the energetic blueprinting into physical plane manifest! Create a Transformation Team on the Children of the Sun Groups on our Ning Network interface |
[To view the RING OF FIRE ZONE MAP, go to ]
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