


High Energy Cycle By Emmanuel Dagher


Hello My Friend,


From now through about August 28th, we’ll be moving through a powerful energy cycle that will create fast-paced changes in our individual lives and in the collective.


This energy cycle is creating an opening that is helping us speed up our heart’s desired manifestations with greater ease, if we know how to work with it.


If we have been choosing to honor and listen to our heart’s desires and know the difference between what the authentic heart wants, versus what the “mind” thinks it wants, then this energy cycle will feel pleasant, expansive, and empowering.


If we have been ignoring our heart and allowing the mind to lead and be in control, this time will serve to help nudge us out of that approach, so we can let the heart be our guide moving forward. 


Take a quick moment to reflect on the past 7 months, since the beginning of the year.


It’s clear that the changes that have entered our lives since January have made it like no other year we can remember.


The many changes happening within and around us have been life-altering, to put it mildly!


And with the high energy cycle we are moving through this August, internal and external change is about to become even more amplified.


Depending on what we choose to do with this energy, we can either be propelled in the direction of our highest vision or take a detour to learn more from contrast.


Regardless of which path we choose, big changes are just around the corner.

Influx of Light


The current influx of Light coming into the planet is activating the pineal gland and heart centers of every living being, and although it’s helping Earth and all of her citizens to ascend to higher states of consciousness, it can feel very challenging for the emotional and mental bodies to navigate.


The good news is that the Universe only gives us what It knows we can handle.


So, although it feels like we are being stretched thin or tested in a major way at this time, it’s all part of a Divine Plan that is aligned with our highest and greatest good.


The intention of this Divine Plan is to restore harmony, peace, and sacred balance in the Universe.


When this much Light washes over our planet, deeply buried emotions, thoughts, actions, and patterns come to the surface to be addressed.


Once these things are addressed, we then have the opportunity to learn valuable lessons that help us expand and evolve, both personally and as a global family.


If you are being challenged at this time, you may be feeling disheartened or drained, and emotionally triggered regarding issues in your own life, or by what’s going on in the world right now.


You can move things along more quickly by asking yourself the following:

  • What valuable lessons am I meant to receive from reacting this way to this experience?
  • When was the first time I felt triggered by something similar to this experience?
  • Is my reaction something new? Or does it feel familiar, as if I’ve reacted this way many times before?
  • How does it serve me to react this way?
  • What would my life look like if I reacted differently, in a way that feels more expansive and productive?


The answers may not come right away.


But the simple act of asking these kinds of questions begins to affect the neurowaves in the brain, shifting our thoughts from autopilot to thinking outside the box.


That hamster wheel includes habitual thoughts and reactions that express fear, worry, lack, blame, judgment, and separation.


When we help the mind to think outside its usual mix, we get off that wheel.


We then open ourselves up to receive higher insight and wisdom that comes straight from our Higher Self, and from the powerful Light pouring into human consciousness at this time.


Video - Lion's Gate Energy Activation - https://youtu.be/6jxfLMOvLzg



Preparing for the New


When we move through a heightened influx of Light as we are now, and we take that initial step of addressing the deeply buried emotions, thoughts, actions, and patterns that have been holding us back from living our greatest reality, the next step is usually an energetic cleanse.


This is why things have felt really challenging lately. We’ve simultaneously been experiencing a powerful energetic cleanse, just as we’re starting to address the things we’re being asked to let go of.


Whether or not we choose to address these unconscious patterns and habits that are no longer for our highest good, the cleanse has nevertheless been in full effect.


The great news is that after a cleanse is complete, we always have the opportunity for a fresh start. And we’re getting very close to entering this next phase, where we can start anew.


Before a new start begins, many of us will feel guided to see old friends we have not seen in a very long time.


Some of us feel a pull to visit the hometown or area we grew up in, which we may have left a long time ago.


This pull can also draw us to geographical locations and vortex points we may not have been to before in this life, but knew in a previous lifetime.


Others will feel guided to resolve any unfinished business from their past.


If you are feeling a pull to do any of these things, then you are at the tail end of your cleansing cycle, and are about to enter your New Beginning.

Resolving Karma


With all that’s happening, we are also moving through and resolving eons of karmic patterns on behalf of ourselves, our ancestors, and humanity as a whole. And it’s occurring at heightened rates of speed such as we have never before witnessed in the history of human experience.


Most of the karmic resolution we are experiencing right now is happening during our sleep and meditative states (which some have noticed in the dreams they are having).


Yet so much inner activity can take a toll on our emotional, physical, and mental bodies, if we are not intentionally replenishing ourselves.


This resolution of karmic patterns that no longer serve our greatest good often occurs in stages. This makes it easier for our body and mind to adjust to the number of shifts flowing through our energy field.


However, because we are experiencing these rapid changes so quickly, these phases are often being bundled together, so as a result, the waves of transformation can feel uncomfortable at times.


It’s also clear that the Earth is healing and purifying herself. She too is readjusting, to be able to operate in higher states of existence.


When change occurs as quickly as it is now, there’s one thing we can do to help ourselves ride the waves with greater ease: practice Divine Serenity.


Divine Serenity offers us the ability to become the peaceful observer and the still space within all of life. Serenity replenishes the core of our being and helps us to not get caught up in the collective fear bubble that’s about to pop.


When we practice serenity, it becomes much easier to transcend the mental constructs the mind can revert to out of habit or reaction. We can go beyond the survival patterns of reaction and resistance that can come with so much change happening.


Practicing serenity makes it easier and more enjoyable to move through the shifts occurring within and around us now.


Because the mind is used to being the Do-er, serenity can feel a bit strange and even boring, because it asks the mind to move from Do-ing to Be-ing.


However, with a little practice, we can show the mind the value and benefit of serenity and becoming still, reminding it that stillness allows us to replenish and nourish our mind, body, and energy in a way that allows us to be ready for all the change to come, thriving as we do so.


Serenity is the prerequisite to transcending the survival-based matrix humanity has co-created.


It helps us create a new path—one that connects us to a reality of greater freedom, peace, Love, unity, joy, pristine well-being, prosperity, fulfillment, and life’s most precious blessings.


Video - The Love Of The Creator Can Heal You -




Advancing from Fear to Love


As we move through highly intense times as we are doing right now, the collective mind of humanity often goes into freak-out mode, because the ways of being most people had grown accustomed to can no longer function in the present reality.



The collective mind then tries to hold on for dear life, thinking that its identity will be lost if it does not fight back or resist the changes occurring.


We are seeing this resistance at its peak right now, which is clear confirmation that enormous breakthroughs are underway.


Of course, those on a mindful path have accustomed their minds to work harmoniously with their hearts, so that they can readily embrace change with more ease.


These are the beings who have chosen (sometimes unintentionally) to continue advancing the collective from fear to Love.


These are the beings who serve as Divine Pillars of Love. They are creating the foundation for an all-inclusive global family to emerge.


While experiencing this transitional period, it can be very easy to get caught up in the fear tactics the collective mind likes to engage in. Yes, even for those who have done their inner healing and have chosen to live mindfully.


If you find yourself getting upset or emotionally charged in any way, be gentle with yourself, and know that it’s OK to be human.


Give yourself permission to move through the emotions you are experiencing, and once they become calmer, and not as charged . . . saturate them with Love and acceptance.


This will allow you to move forward with more ease and return to your natural loving state.


Also, take comfort in knowing that there’s much good and magic in the world, even amidst the turbulence. These things may not currently be taking center stage in the collective dialogue, but soon, they will.


We Are Powerful Surrogates


Each one of us is a powerful surrogate for humanity. Every situation we are seeing out in the world is directly linked to what each of us is experiencing within ourselves.


So when we see separation, war, and fighting in the world, we have the power to remedy it all, by choosing to exemplify unity, Love, and peace within ourselves.


This is what Gandhi meant when he said, “Be the change . . .”


When we worry less about aggressively trying to fix the world outside us, and focus more on being proactive in taking care of the world within us, then the outside world will naturally heal.


This is not to be mistaken with ignoring all the challenges happening in the world. It’s important to acknowledge and be aware of what’s occurring.


However, instead of reacting to it all from a helpless victim point of view, we can use it as feedback to focus on what we’d like to see more of in the world.

We can do so by being the first to embody the qualities we’d like to see more of.

Super-Charged Prayer Moves Mountains


One of the greatest gifts we can offer to humanity is the gift of prayer. Many people, especially those who have chosen a more mindful path, have shied away from prayer, because they immediately associate it with organized religion.


The reason being that most prayer taught in organized religion has the energy of fear attached to it. It usually suggests that we must pray to something outside of ourselves to receive a desired result.


That kind of dis-empowered prayer is counter-productive, because it continues to affirm that we are broken or lacking in some way.


Those who understand the Law of Attraction know that when we project an energy of need, we push away the very thing we desire instead of bringing it into our experience, because we are not acknowledging that it’s even a possibility for us.


Super-charged prayer, which has the power to move mountains, is readily accessible to us. This kind of prayer comes from a place of knowing that we are NOT separate from the Universe, but that we are in fact One with it.


Every cell of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual being is One with the Universe. From this knowing that we are One with the Universe, we can then affirm what we’d like to experience and create more of in our lives.


Prayer is an opportunity for a powerful dialogue with the Universe within and all around us, the kind we would have with a best friend.


At the end of each prayer, express gratitude, knowing that everything you have just claimed and affirmed is already done. This will magnify the potency of the prayer itself.


Finally, adding the words “show me” at the end of each prayer instantly expands our ability to pay attention to and notice how the Universe is answering our prayer.


Now, let’s put it all together.


Prayer for Humanity

So, my friend, please join me in affirming out loud the following prayer for humanity:


Dear Universe/Source/Spirit/I AM/God/Om (use whichever you resonate with most, as they are all the same),


How empowering it is to know that you and I are One.


That the life that flows through every cell and fiber of my being is the same life that flows through all of humanity, all plants, animals, Mother Earth, the planets, stars, galaxies, Universes, and beyond.


From this Oneness, I am calling forth the vibration of Divine Love to fully activate itself within the hearts and minds of every being who has, is, or will ever be a part of this beautiful world we live in.


May this Divine Love quickly anchor itself and generate Divine Balance in our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, so that we may witness a rapid shift from the current state of the world into one saturated with love everywhere.


I am aware that this will also result in the full blossoming of the greatest peace our global family has ever experienced—one in which celebrating Love for one another becomes a daily part of our lives!


I am deeply grateful, knowing that this prayer has already started to reveal itself in the most amazing ways, starting this very second!


I joyfully send this prayer out to the Universe, knowing that it is done, it is done, it is done.


And so it is! Show me.


And there you have it, my friend.

Together, we have created something that is now impacting humanity in paradigm-shifting ways!


If you felt the power of this prayer, please feel free to use this or one similar, as often as you’d like. This will greatly accelerate the world’s shift into higher states of consciousness.


We are powerful beyond measure!

Till next time,

With love,



Video - Bathe In Crystalline Rainbow Light












For centuries prophets, seers, religions and holy books have foretold of a coming Age when Heaven would manifest on Earth. The prophesies revealed that during that auspicious time Humanity would Awaken from our long exile in darkness. We would begin to remember who we are and why we are here. We would develop our latent abilities within, and we would discover that we are not the fragmented, fear-based human egos we have erroneously accepted as our identity. Instead, we would realize that we are Beloved Sons and Daughters of God. We would remember that all our Father-Mother God have is ours.
We were told by the ancient prophets that this would be an Age when our Physical Transformation would occur at an atomic, cellular level, and that our four Earthly Bodies­—physical, etheric, mental and emotional—would be transformed into expressions of vibrant health, eternal youth and infinite physical perfection.
We have probably all contemplated that lofty vision at one time or another, but I do not think we ever imagined that opportunity would occur in our lifetime. The Beings of Light have now indicated that due to the myriad Activities of Light that have taken place over the past several decades through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, Humanity is actually in the midst of this process which is known as Divine Alchemy. Even though outer appearances may conflict with this information our Father-Mother God have confirmed that this is true.
The process of Divine Alchemy that we are all experiencing is changing our planetary carbon-based cells into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Cells we will abide in when Mother Earth has completed her Ascension into her 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based SOLAR Reality. Day by day, as Awakening Humanity intuitively listens to the I AM Presence within our Heart Flame, we are becoming aware that Mother Earth has now Ascended into the initial frequencies of her New Solar Reality. Consequently, we are experiencing a peak transmission period of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline SOLAR Light. People are sensing the opportunity at hand, and they are volunteering in new ways to serve as surrogates on behalf of Humanity.
Today, our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are standing in readiness to assist us with accelerating the Divine Alchemy taking place in our Earthly Bodies. This will be accomplished by recalibrating to the next level of perfection the TEMPLATE for Humanity’s Solar Life Path in Mother Earth’s new Solar Reality. If you have the Heart Call to participate in this profound opportunity please join with me and Lightworkers around the World now. And we begin.
I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM One with the I AM Presence of all Humanity. As One Breath, One Voice, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love, I proceed. As I invoke this Activity of Light for myself, I invoke it on behalf of every person on Earth in perfect alignment with each One’s Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.
Now, as I lift up in Consciousness I feel myself Ascending into the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light. In this Realm I KNOW...
I send forth a Clarion Call invoking my illumined Brothers and Sisters to come and help me in this moment of Transfiguration. The Cosmic Tone of my Clarion Call reverberates through all dimensions, and Legions of Light respond from every corner of the Cosmos. These August Beings descend into the atmosphere of Earth and take their strategic positions around the Planet.
As One Unified Consciousness of Divine Love, the Beings of Light begin Breathing into Humanity’s Heart Flames the most intensified frequencies of our Father-Mother God’s 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light that Humanity has ever received. This NEW frequency of God’s Infinite Light is pulsating with exquisite patterns of perfection, colors, fragrances, musical tones and Sacred Knowledge beyond anything the Sons and Daughters of God evolving on Earth have ever dreamed of in our wildest imaginations.
The Light of God is recalibrating every person’s Spiritual Brain Centers and our Crown Chakra to receive higher levels of Divine Consciousness. Now, through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth I begin recalibrating the Template of Humanity’s Heart-based SOLAR Life Path. This Template is pulsating with not only the patterns of perfection I can imagine existing on our Love-based Solar New Earth, but also all of the exquisite patterns and frequencies of perfection beyond my imagination.
Video - Healing With Saint Germaine & The Violet Flames
Now, as One Unified Consciousness of pure Divine Love I affirm:
I AM the full expression of my I AM Presence here and now in the world of form. I remember who I AM and I Love and respect myself as a Beloved Son or Daughter of God.
I KNOW that I AM enveloped in the invincible Protection of God’s Light and Love as I sojourn through ALL of my Earthly experiences.
I AM manifesting perfection in my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies.  I AM vibrantly healthy and eternally youthful.
God’s Comprehensive Divine Love perpetually flows through my Heart Flame and I AM Creating wonderful, Loving relationships in every aspect of my Life.
I AM fulfilling my Divine Purpose and reason for Being and I AM financially and creatively rewarded in my job. Day by day, I AM open and receptive to the Infinite flow of God’s Abundance. I AM financially FREE!
I AM an exponent of Divine Family Life, including my place in the Family of Humanity. In the Heart-based space in which I now abide, I AM able to easily reach my Divine Potential in all of my relationships as a son or daughter, a woman or man, a wife or husband, a mother or father, a grandmother or grandfather, as a relative, a friend, a coworker, a teacher, a way shower, a steward of the Earth, a Lightworker, and a Cocreator of Heaven on Earth.
I communicate openly and honestly with every person I come in contact with and I AM a compassionate and thoughtful listener.
Through my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs I AM a living example of Oneness, Divine Love, Truth, Integrity, Honesty, Tolerance, Acceptance and Reverence for ALL Life.
My Heart Flame is the Open Door through which flows the Infinite Light of God’s Power, Enlightenment, Wisdom, Illumination, Eternal Peace, Abundance, Harmony, Balance, Happiness and Abounding Joy.
I continually ask for guidance from my I AM Presence and I intuitively receive information and viable solutions to the various situations surfacing in my Life. I also receive guidance that is assisting me to easily fulfill my Divine Plan.
I now realize through all levels of Consciousness that I AM a powerful Instrument of God during this auspicious time on Earth. With this knowing, I Consecrate my Life Force to Loving ALL Life FREE.
To assist in this Holy Endeavor, I invoke the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection to instantly Transmute into Light the residue from every thought, feeling, word, action, memory or belief I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that is in any way preventing the patterns for this newly recalibrated Template of my SOLAR Life Path from tangibly manifesting in the world of form.
I realize that I AM a multidimensional Being of Light, and that I abide simultaneously in both the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light in the Heavenly Realms and in Mother Earth’s NEW Solar Reality.
Now, in the Realms of Cause my Life reflects the Immaculate Concept of everything that I have invoked this day through the newly recalibrated Template of my Solar Life Path.
With every Breath I take, these new patterns for my Solar Life Path are being magnetized from the Realms of Cause and Breathed through my Heart Flame into the physical plane of Earth.
I KNOW and ACCEPT that through Mother Earth’s 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love, the recalibration of my Solar Life Path is being amplified one thousand fold every single day.
And so it is. Beloved I AM that I AM.
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles

Video - The Bigger Picture - By Patricia Cota-Robles

Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440    www.eraofpeace.org
Video - How To Manifest The Next 2 Years Of Your Life






Powerful Phrases For Meditation/Contemplation
By Steven Hutchinson
When your mind is quiet in meditation, silently say to yourself each of the phrases below, waiting a moment and repeating each one a second time. By doing so you are invoking divine energies from your Soul & from Father/Mother/God not only for yourself - but for all of humanity to help spur the healing and spiritual growth of all of us. And here they are below:
Phrases to invoke or meditate/contemplate on during meditation:
I Am Fully Present calling forth Divine Energies of Source to Illumine Our Whole Being & Heal Us & Spur our ascension !
I Am Fully Present calling forth Divine Energies of Grace to Illumine Our Whole Being & Bless Us !
I Am Fully Present calling forth Divine Energies of Bliss Consciousness to Illumine Our Whole Being & Heal Us !
I Am Fully Present calling forth Divine Energies of Divine Intimacy to Illumine Our Whole Being & Heal Us & Bless Us !
I Am Fully Present calling forth Divine Energies of Cosmic Creative Intelligence to Bless Our Heart & Mind to Awaken & Expand Our Creativity !
I Am Fully Present calling forth Divine Energies of Forgiveness to Illumine Our Whole Being & Heal & Bless Us !
I Am Fully Present calling forth Divine Energies of Compassion to Illumine Our Whole Being & Heal & Bless Us !
I Am Fully Present calling forth Divine Energies of Happiness to Illumine Our Whole Being & Bless Us !
I Am Fully Present calling forth Divine Energies of Abundance to Illumine Our Whole Being & Bless Us !
I Am Fully Present calling forth Divine Energies of Joy to Illumine Our Whole Being Us & Bless Us !
I Am Fully Present calling forth Divine Energies of Mother/God's Radiance to Illumine Our Whole Being & Heal Us & Bless Us !
I Am Fully Present calling forth Divine Energies of Pure Consciousness to Illumine Our Whole Being & Bless Us !
I Am Fully Present calling forth Divine Qualities of Peace to Illumine Our Whole Being & Bless Us !
Video - Sirian Light Transmission For The Lions Gate Portal

Self Enquiry - Who Am I ? By AnDrea

This script is yours to do with as you choose, you can use it to support yourself and also in your support groups. You have complete permission to use it as a framework and expand upon it also. I trust this meditation script will open your eye so you too will see beyond this limited idea of you being a separate self.

This is a gift, a way of seeing all there is, a way of seeing your new freedom

In-joy x

Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.

In the next few minutes, you will be guided to enquire deeply into the question “Who am I?”

By investigating our direct experience, we will begin to see through the illusion of being a separate self.


Bring your full attention to the present moment

with your awareness to your physical body.

First, notice the weight of the body whilst resting

Notice the sensations in your feet, your legs, your hips, and pelvis.

Feel the rising and falling of your stomach and chest as you breathe.

Bring attention to your hands, arms, shoulders, and neck.

Notice any tightness, tingling or discomfort.

As you scan through the body, ask yourself - is this me? Is this the self? Can I find myself located in any particular part of the body?

See that the body is made up of parts - feet, legs, arms, organs - but your sense of being, of "I," is not found in any one part.

If there were no legs would the sense of self still be?

If there were no legs and  no arms, then where is the self located?

Is the sense of self located in the torso?

What if we were to separate the torso from the head, now where is the sense of self?

The self is not the feet, the legs, or the torso.

It appears to permeate through all parts but is not contained in any particular form.

Check it out for yourself, spend some time pointing your awareness to the parts of what makes you, you…

The left foot. noticing all its sensations,

The right foot and its energies,

The left leg, the right leg.

Notice the shape, weight, the pulsing.

See how the body breathes, digests, and heals without any overseer.

It follows innate intelligence far beyond any separate self.

So, if the self isn’t located in the body, then perhaps it is located in the mind?

Consider for a moment how thoughts bubble up spontaneously about past and future.

We don’t think thoughts, they simply appear.

Emotions swell and fade like waves in the ocean.

Joy, sadness, anger - all feelings come seemingly appear based on conditions.

See how obvious it is that there is no solid, permanent self that is generating them.

Next lets tune into the play of the sense organs.

The ears effortlessly hearing sounds, eyes seeing colour and form.

We do not make sensations happen, they simply appear based on what is seen, heard, smelled.

The senses reflect the dance of life with no controlling entity behind the reflections.

Notice how actions unfold on their own accord.

Walking, breathing, blinking - no one is performing these actions, they happen naturally when the conditions are right.

No doer of deeds, just life dancing gracefully through this form.

See how your identity shifts and evolves.

Views, tastes, roles change, yet something always remains.

That unchanging presence is who you are.

Not defined by any transient experience, but the space in which it all happens.

When all that changes and evolves is stripped away, what remains?

An open, silent awareness.

Ever-present beneath all activity, yet untouched by it.

Rest here in this space of pure being, where all separation and identity dissolve.

This boundless awareness is who you truly are.

Not an object you can name or grasp, but the field of awareness itself - awake, undivided.

Rest here.

There is nowhere to go, nothing to do.

Simply be, without effort or control.

This is your own natural state.

When thoughts come up again, enquire “To whom do these thoughts come?”

See they have no permanent owner.

When emotions arise, ask “What am I that remains ever-present, beneath this changing feeling?”

The answer…

Is your true nature.

Always return to that space of silent awareness, free from all identifications.

Then emerge once again to engage as the character - while seeing it's just a role.

Your true being remains untouched, like the screen on which a movie plays.

Know you are always this freedom.

You have never left.

All seeking dissolves here.

Utter relaxation, complete peace is felt as an experience within the body, nothing to be, nothing to do, other than what is…


One field of consciousness

Now realised as limitless

This is what the Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta teachings meant by dying before death.

There is no real self

It is illusionary

Both real in one sense, and unreal in another

It is this seeing

It is this framework that is the recognition of complete liberation.

With this deep understanding,

Slowly return focus outward,

And carry this silently.

Marinating in the freedom of what ultimately IS

Simple Awareness.

A meditation Script

Video - Deepen Into Self-Compassion & Self-Love With Lady Quan Yin


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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Actually the real Master Jesus does not want anyone to worship him, only to practice the art of self-realisation and become, as he has become...ascended..
I also know that Master Rakoczi has a ship of his own (well, in Agartha they don't own…"
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John Jancar left a comment on Comment Wall
"And ppl gonna fall on his FEET, uhh uhhh lol Jesus u back lol Uhh uhhh and worship lol And he's gonna be like GET OFF YOUR KNEES, YOU NOT USING YOUR BRAIN lol This what the Man wants you to do lol"
23 minutes ago
John Jancar left a comment on Comment Wall
"Jesus gonna come back on a SPACESHIP lol Hopefully not a triangular one, apparently those are military types lol He gonna walk out, what up ppl lol I'm BACK."
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"That's another good one, Ivy.....And I would again like to remind members that these are not fakes, or drones...It is really happening and it's positive...

I feel a lot of joy about this....A great idea to project a hologram of the pilot's laughing…"
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ET Hugger left a comment on Comment Wall
"This is my favorite 😻

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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
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And I…"
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ET Hugger commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Light Ship Revealing Itself?
"I think it’s your bear buddies again. Does your family also see these ships and what is their reaction?"
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