Just a little something that's always been a huge annoyance for me. The selected days of the year where we go "Oh well it some dude's B'day or something like that 2000 years ago so I should probably be extra nice to everyone today."
This idea usually has the opposite effect on me, and makes me super pissed off at how everyone's pretending to be all nice and super sweet on selected days of the year like Valentine's day and Easter. (You don't even want to get me started on Valentine's.) Why do you people need a reason of something that happened xxxx years ago just to be 'good' on one particular day? What prevents you from doing the same on every other single day of the year?
I don't even know why I'm expected to celebrate Christmas, I don't follow the faith it belongs to. Sure I might believe the dude exists on some level but I wasn't there so many thousands of years ago when it happened so I have no idea for myself if Christmas is really what the followers say it is. Geez, I probably sound like the Christmas Grinch right now but I really don't care. It's just another day for me, and that's how it's always been. I don't feel any different, I just wake up one day older like everyone else does in the world.
Sure, nothing wrong at all with celebrating although the whole commercialization of goodwill leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth and especially the religious who go door knocking handing out bibles and fording tales down our throats, but why just this one particular day? Why can't we be "giving" on every other day of the year? Why can't we express our "love" to people or go out of way to do something romantic for people we love on all the other days, why does it have to be left to that one predicted day when everyone else does it? Why do we have to conform to this?
If people need a Holiday to happen to show the warmth within their hearts - atleast they are still showing it....
Everyday is sacred and special... Make every second count~ :)