Click for this announcement from "Anonymous." This may explain why the Clinton camp is reportedly in extreme turmoil at this current time. One reported enemy of the Clinton's is Hollywood special effects wiz Mike Rivero of ,  and he was claiming last week that his anti-Clinton website was under very serious computer/ internet attacks (and possibly by Clinton's people, due to his vast number of anti-Clinton documentaries that he posts).

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  • "who is racist, who treats woman with the most disrespect, who wants to have sex with his daughter because he is nuts, the man is a psychopath"

    You only want to see one side of the coin Luke , and this makes me suspicious of who you are and what your purpose is.

    I´m not from USA , but from Europe , and I have listened hours on Trumps speaches , and all I can say - thank God for an honest and non political correct politician , who has chosen to serve his country and it´s people with unconditionally love.

    He has no need to please any donors.

    As I´ve said , this election is the most important in humans history.

    Peace and an end of the tyranny or WWIII.

    You choose...

    • lets not forget , that this latest charade of politicians in US is not about Donald Duck , it is also about Hillary the devil. So , Andronover , lets not get off the track so easilly.......................

      • Jesus, another one! Fück me!!.... Its a truely sad state of affiars when some members of this spiritual website seem so totally blind to their true, authentic selves, and the reason they are on the Earth. (The Awakening of Conciousness). Ah well, its a slow boat to China but we will get there. Instead, we see people like yourself Andronover, who, like your bossom buddy Malcolm, are so deeply deluded with the election charade that is Trump and Hillary, that you have almost lost the sense of who you truely are, which is "Infinite Conciousness". Whats even more cringe worthy, is your deluded belief that Trump is honest and"unconditionally loving", are you kidding?? Wipe the cobwebs from your eyes .... oh here, Andronover, just a few videos showing your idol Donald Duck, at his most "unconditionally loving"... not! ... and suspicious of who I am and what my purpous is? Well, like your TRUE self brother, I am "Infinite Conciousness", ALL that was, is and ever will be! Whats my purpous? To BE myself, which is "Infinite Conciousness!!".. By the way, who I am is a reflection of you and "exactly" who you (truely) are, is "Infinite Conciousness", and an aspect of the Creator, and your purpous is exactly the same as mine, to BE yourself, your true authentic self, where you do not need the likes of Trump or Hillary to dictate lies and illusions to you from the epicenter of the Matrix, because you are the only authority in your own life, break free and BE yourself, if you get my drift. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are both lunatics and they do not care about you one tiny bit!

        Get to the back of the class dear boy ;-) .......
        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
        • Luke , I Quote Putin and say " I don´t know how to get through to you" , and I will not force anyone here to believe what I KNOW is true.

          Can you atleast listen to his speach and tell me what you concider to be false :

          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
          • "I dont know how to get through to you".. thats a common thought amonge some of the rest of us in here who are busy transcending the Matrix, Andronover, when we are dealing with those who are still jammed inside it. Ah well, it comes with the territory. You see, there is nothing that can get through to me that isn't based in reality, because I reject the illusary world view that has been grafted into the minds of others from the time they were born, through all manor of social conditioning. That's the benifit of having a spiritual immune system and being aware of it, where low vibe, fear based energetic signatures (like Trump and Hillary) are detected and do not get accommodated.

            Election 2016 donald trump rnc republican national convention rnc 2016

            Ever sit on a bus and feel the need to exit quickly because someone nearby hasn't taken a shower in over seventy years, where your nostrils get polluted by the stench of a very toxic, unwashed individual? where the rest of those on the bus are holding their nose and you're thinking, jesus, that guy must be a member of the smelly club? That's what its like listening to political rhetoric, where the stench of lies are taken by the dumbed down masses as truth, and where tyrannical methods of excersing power are swallowed up by ignorant people (the masses, again) and taken as security. Thats mind pollution. Indeed, why follow the crowd, when your heart is a far better guide? There is far more to this world than has ever been taught in schools, shown in the media or proclaimed by the church or state. The majority of the Earths population are under a hypnotic trance and live in a twisted simulacrum of reality. They believe what they see and hear on the world stage and they buy into it with a fevorish desparation. They want to be "saved" and they place their trust in psychopaths. I dont need to watch .45 minutes of more social conditioning, designed to pull the wool over the eyes and minds of society, where political candidates get into a childish game of accusations against their opponent, fueling the banner waving crowd into submission, into a hypnotized, docile frenzy. All the election jargon is trash talk, third-rate, low-grade chewing gum for the reptilian brain, a non-reality TV show where the contestants walk around naked and you get to see their wobbly bits on live TV. I already know who and what I AM, Andronover. I dont need to decipher anything Donald Trump says to decide what is true and what is false.The man is deluded, as is Hillary, and are both busy deluding millions of others, try not to be one of them. The Donald Duck/Hillary Clitoris train wreck that is this current "selection process" has weaved its web over the nation, and millions are caught up in that web. Little do they know, that the spider in the middle is the incessant control sh!tstem.

            Unlike many others, I don't need anything that is not based in reality, because I can already see the heart of God anytime I look in the mirror, anytime I see anything or anyone I see nothing but the Creator. You, on the other hand are free to get seduced by the glamour of political illusions, where falsehoods are sugar coated as home truths, you are free to ride the crest of that hypnotic wave all you want, until such time as you are able to break free and BE the change you wish to see. Remaining ignorant of higher truth will always, always automatically keep you running on the treadmill of mind control, oblivious to the inner workings of the Christ Conciousness and clinging tightly to the misery that gives you a false sense of your own identity, in other words, identifying with the crowd and/or psychopaths dressed as Presidential candidates who wear different masks to hide the same Archontic agenda. You can choose to remain "not" standing in your own devine power, by giving your power away to either of these political candidates (who do not care about you at all) until such time as you can shake off the illusions, dive into your own inner knowledge and unlock your full potential, giving you the self-​determination, responsibility, and power necessary to cast off the chains of covert oppression, or... allow the walls of oppression to close in on you!


            Now, this whole election campaign is a farce, its rigged to the core and it does not need your devine energy. Sure, its number #1 in the billboard charts at the momment (world wide) as far as Telievision main stream media mind programming is concerned, such is the illusary power of the Archontic mind manipulation game that has seduced millions of Americans to cast their meaningless votes for psychopaths to take false positions of power, dictators who are themselves under control, by a dying breed of parasitic, predatory insectoid "aliens" who manipulate humanity from outside of five sense perception! (Archons, they use psychopaths to do the ground work for them, because they can't handle the Earth vibration for very long, its too high for them, like a deep sea diver cant stay on the ocean floor for more than a few minutes, and must return to the surface).

            Remember, love is the only reality, now take a good look at all the people who have forgotten that fact, those who need Trump or Hillary to get connected to some sense of false identity, all the while remaining oblivious to the Creator within them and all around them! This is the reason why people in the world are so askew and out of balance, they need other people to dictate the course of their lives, as the eppa Wetiko virus courses through their reptilian brain. You want to remain ignorant while the control sh!tstem draws up its plans to further enslave you? or would you rather raise your vibration and access your own inner knowledge, thereby sidestepping the traps on the path of your own awakening? Knowledge is the greatest form of protection, because it gives you the foresight to be able to handle whatever life throws at you with impecable ease. Indeed, the more you know and understand higher and deeper truths and when you apply what you know, the more you drift into the realm of understanding higher and deeper spiritual laws, that transcend all the limitations of the lower, Archontically infected mind. Donald Trump and Hillary Clitoris are all about keeping you stuck in a limited world view with a narrow outlook on your life, as you deprive yourself through believing their carefully orchestrated rhetoric, from BEing your full, devine potential. Study the history of the Earth, the origin of the human geneo from the Galactic Core and the enigma of the Archons before you tell me I only see one side of the coin when you are refering to something as twardy and as vacuous as the current US election illusion, maybe then you will grasp a better understanding of your own true devine nature, and how, by buying into the illusion of world politics and believing the US election to be ever so important when its nothing but a game of charades between the control shitstem and the people who are entranced by it, you sacrifice your own energy, and you give your God given power away! Did I get through to you? Nevermind if it went in one ear and out the other, it happens often round these parts, as you know. No love lost, I'm always here to play Multidimensional Table Tennis with you, anytime.

            movies keanu reeves the matrix neo red pill

            • "in other words, identifying with the crowd and/or psychopaths dressed as Presidential candidates who wear different masks to hide the same Archontic agenda"

              So you are stucked in the "archonic" agenda - very new agey to me...

              Your archons is in the real world that I live - bankers - Khazarjews with helpers.

              And you know to be a helper is to be a part of the problem and not the solution.

              Ostrich behaviour is PART OF THE PROBLEM and very much new age.

              I say again - this election is a choice between good and evil - peace or war.

              Real spiritual people are balanced even if they havn´t padded their head in the sand.

              • Okey dokey, Andronover... whatever you say, bro.. hope it all works out for ya. I recommend that you read this brilliant article that Stick posted, its well worth reading and it might help you to open your mind and to understand the importance of "Not giving your power away to the Political charade!"..



                This video, featuring David Icke on Donald Trump. Indeed, David faced inordinate amounts of ridicule throughout the years but, like myself, dosen't care what other people think of you, Ostrich or otherwise...Facebook Smiley Face

                ostrich eadweard muybridge

  • H selected straw man trump and got him 3 billion in free campaign advertising?  this guy is fed gov propaganda related  -I've seen his other vids-fragments of truth, maybe, then expand on those fragments to make a story-prince Andrew apparently did go with a 17 year old-the guy Epstein is a real scumbag, a pimp and he lures teen girls into prostitution-or he did-but it would be awesome if Bill were brought to justice-and if Trump were really a straw man he wouldn't have embarrassed the clintons at the last debate with the rape accusers and saying he would lock H up-if she wins we may see Trump on the news complaining that the irs is trying to seize his assets etc

    We should all be more worried that russia is ready for a hot nuke war because of obama and H calls putin hitler and -trump wants to ally with him to hunt isisl-trump wants to cut taxes and regs- H wants to raise taxes 1.4 trillion -Trump picked Pence- H picked the radical jesuit-who would make better rational executive decisions?

    • PET ROCK: I'm more interested in the video's claim that Epstein did try to lure Trump into being blackmailed and failed to do so (WITH NUMEROUS WITNESSES TO PROVE THIS), and Trump failed to be seen in any kind of involvement with him (except via the word of one "Jane Doe."). This failure to prove Trump being involved with Epstein was also proven correct with the Miami PD failing to come up with any witnesses claiming Trump was ever seen with Epstein and his "niece."

      I agree with you and others that there are holes in the video, but the heart of the matter is that this Obama-appointed Judge Ronnie Abrams is pushing a bullsh!t lawsuit at Trump out of New York over a criminal incident that took place in the area of Florida, and he only has the word of one "Jane Doe" to prove this, and no police reports to prove this.

      I think that there are actual blackmail videos of Bill Clinton having sex with minors on Epstein's island due to this desperate move involving this Judge out of New York, but we'll probably never get to see them out of reasons for "national security."

      • these marxist globalists and neocons/arab aggressors are out of their minds that trump may win and throw a wrench in the cogs of the nwo-

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