This survey was smuggled out of 29 Palms U.S. Naval / Marine Corps station in 1994, one year before the Oklahoma City bombing farce taking place (with all members of the U.S. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Agency (A.T.F.) in Oklahoma City being told not to show up for work just prior to the bombing). The bombing was blamed on a "gun rights advocate" named Timothy McVeigh, who was discovered to be listed as serving active duty in the U.S. military at the time of the bombing (despite the media claim that he was a "lone nut" like Lee Harvey Oswald).
Here is what question # 45 says:
all we can do at the moment is focus
1 darkstar: this is all about offshore banks confiscating both public and private pension funds from an unarmed U.S. public due to a financially corrupted U.S. government (with a $17 trillion debt) who are in love with cocaine, ecstasy, and sex with underage Israeli prostitutes.
"My brother has a nose like a vacuum cleaner" - Roger Clinton, brother of Bill Clinton, U.S. president at time during Oklahoma City bombing.
All sad, and scary.