Amazing how this Ego is so smart.
Everyday i am surprised on how sneaky it is and how fast it learns to use and abuse everything you learn. Even the stuff you teach others in good faith hit you in the face afterwards.
If it does not undermine you it undermines others.
Everyday one has to be aware of every thought and action, and see if it is the Ego or your own self that is living the moment.
Hard it is to live in the now with the memories of the past.
People say they do not judge you, or punish you for what you do or have done, but they do even if they do not see it. But this actually works both ways. By judging and punishing others you do it to yourself to. There is no way you can be in the Ego world without falling pray to it.
Some say you need to tame it, others talk about making a pact with it and still others say kill it.
I would just be happy if it would stop bothering me in the wrong moments.
And how nice would it be if one would actually meet another self that sees beyond the Ego.
So that one can take a brake from all the rest of the bullshit.
And do things instead of living the " because" moments all the time.
And how nice would it be if people would stop telling you everything is your foult when in fact they are fighting their own Ego, That is telling them it does not know what is going on.