My first view of Jimi Hendrix was in 1972 while watching "Don Kirschner's Rock Concerts" on television. Like everyone else who saw Jimi for the first time, I was floored, blown away, and became an instant follower and fan. This is what I saw, and for those who've never seen Jimi Hendrix play, you're in for a treat. Here's Jimi playing Chuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode," with a marijuana joint stuck in the head of his guitar. Oh, how I miss those laid-back concerts!!
Click for video.
I recommend the book "Jimi Hendrix: The Intimate Story Of A Betrayed Musical Legend" by Sharon Lawrence. On pages 263-265 (paperback version), Sharon talked with Monika Dannemann (the last person to see Jimi hendrix alive) on the telephone and asked her an interesting question: "when he was choking, gasping for breath, did you help pour red wine down his (Jimi's) throat?"
Apparently, there were a LOT of problems with the so-called facts regarding Jimi's death presented by Monika Dannemann. Here's the list, and I don't apologize for singling out Monika Dannemann as being untruthful. Her statements to the police were simply (and blatantly) not truthful in regards to the facts that were discovered :
(1) Jimi's girlfriend Monika Dannemann claimed he took nine Vesparax barbiturate tablets, which is 18x the recommended dose of 1/2 of a pill for a good nights sleep.
FACT: Robert Donald Teare conducted the blood tests, and determined the amount of barbiturates in his blood was "too low to be lethal."
(2) Jimi's girlfriend Monika Dannemann claimed she and Jimi had tuna fish sandwiches and a bottle of red wine before going to bed.
FACT: Jimi Hendrix HATED tuna, according to two other girlfriends and people who knew him. And the examining physician claimed that an abnormal and excessive amount of red wine was trapped in his lungs and stomach, with a small amount of alcohol detected in his blood (that didn't correlate with the huge amounts that came out of his lungs and stomach). When asked about witnessing any bottles of wine at the scene of death, the paramedics who came for Jimi reported they didn't see any.
(3) Jimi's girlfriend Monika Dannemann claimed that she knew Jimi since 1969 and that they wrote to each other for about a year and were going to get married.
FACT: Monika Dannemann refused to produce her letters written from Jimi upon request from biographers and family members. And every female friend close to Jimi stated that marriage was the last thing on Jimi's mind in 1970 due to his legal and financial problems going on with manager Michael Jeffrey. AND MONIKA WASN'T WITH JIMI (or in the hotel room at all) WHEN THE PARAMEDICS ARRIVED WITH THE FRONT DOOR WIDE OPEN!!
(4) Jimi's girlfriend Monika Dannemann called up War singer Eric Burdon at around 10:00 AM on September 18, 1970, and was concerned since she couldn't wake up Jimi. She claimed Jimi was still alive with a weak pulse, and wanted to know what to do.
FACT: Jimi was estimated to be dead sometime between 3:00 AM and 4:00 AM on September 18, 1970, in London. He was last seen leaving a party in London (with Monika) "sometime near 3:00 AM."
Monika Dannemann would die from an alleged suicide in 1996 via asphyxiation from car exhaust fumes. Her death took place two days after being found guilty of libel in regards to her writings and artwork that pertained to Jimi Hendrix. Her long term friend Uli John Roth claims she was murdered by fans of Hendrix; some speculate it may have been mafia people murdering her for fear she may "talk too much" with the media suddenly looking back at her relationship with Hendrix before he died.
In 1968, Jimi Hendrix Experience manager Chas Chandler bragged to a magazine "you wouldn't believe it, but we got Jimi insured for a million dollars!" (Altham, Keith. “Jimi Hendrix: Jimi Brings Manager’s New Club Roof Down!” NME. 27 7 1968: Print). Assistant manager Michael Jeffrey would inherit this insurance policy on Jimi Hendrix after buying out Chas Chandler's share on the Jimi Hendrix Experience in 1969; Chas was reportedly dissatisfied with Jimi's music direction and huge expenses.
Jimi would find out in 1970 that Michael Jeffrey was charging $50,000 a concert, and paying him a paltry $10,000 a show (IN COMPLETE VIOLATION OF HIS CONTRACT). Also discovered was that Jeffrey was reportedly heavily in financial debt to the New York mafia for loans to keep afloat his investment in Electric Ladyland Studios. And Michael Jeffrey was also reportedly laundering earnings from the group's concerts and record sales via The Bank of Nova Scotia, which was layered with connections and investors from organized crime, the CIA, the Pentagon, and even the Vatican.
Jimi's contract with Jeffrey was coming near completion near the end of 1970, and some people in the music management business (notably Alan Douglas and former manager Chas Chandler) were reportedly getting quiet inquiries. And then there were lawsuits from Ed Chalpin, who had a solid three-year contract signed by Jimi Hendrix when he was a "nobody" at the time of his arrival to New York and looking for work. Hence, it was highly probable that Jimi was going to dump Jeffrey and make a clean start, and let Jeffrey go sort out his problems with the mafia and Chalpin on his own. Except there was that $1 million dollar insurance policy, which was a good motive for drowning someone with red wine and Vesparax pills. And providing you also had certain important contacts in the media that made sure the media knew it was drugs, drugs, drugs, drugs.....Well, a little detectable amount anyway.
Agents of the pathologically nationalistic FBI opened a file on Hendrix in 1969 after his appearance at several benefits for "subversive" causes. His most cutting insult to the state was participation in a concert for Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman, Tom Hayden, Bobby Seale and the other defendants of the Chicago Seven conspiracy trial. "Get [the] Black Panthers," he told a reporter for a teen magazine, "not to kill anybody, but to scare [federal officials]....I know it sounds like war, but that's what's gonna have to happen. It has to be a war....You come back to reality and there are some evil folks around and they want you to be passive and weak and peaceful so that they can just overtake you like jelly on bread....You have to fight fire with fire" (Jimi Hendrix: Black Power And Money, Teenset, January 1969).
Statements like that to a much read teen magazine will definitely get you noticed in the District of Criminals FBI section. And because the FBI worked closely with the mafia in the 1960's with such operations as "Operation Chaos" (AND THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION), helping out Jeffrey to deal with his financial problems may not be out of the question, since it would be win-win situation for everyone (that is, a mafia creditor needing to collect on a huge Michael Jeffrey debt, and an FBI with a racist director (who had problems with black men of a "Messianic Complex")).
Here's the advanced horoscope of Jimi Hendrix. I do free lessons on astrology via youtube with the basic horoscope chart of jimi hendrix; just look up "Free Astrology With Malcolm" for searches:
The midpoint of Uranus/Hades ("a very mean act; murder; shocking method of murder or death") is analyzed below:
"A very man act involving murder may be committed as a result of one being idealistic about money or foreigners. People involved in secret work may participate in death and murder, along with a separated woman with no emotions. High-level actions involving rogue government (or high level criminal) elements may be present, and government may be involved with underhanded tactics or acts."
Now on to Mars/Hades. Mars/Hades is usually found in assassination charts, and it is one of the many "murder" midpoints in Uranian Astrology interpretations:
"Murder will involve friends and lovers of world or international status (Monika Danemann was an international ice skating star from Germany, and Michael Jeffrey was reportedly in Majorca, Spain at the time of Jimi's death. He would buy a castle in Spain in 1973 with money from the album sales and the insurance payout). Tragedy will result from ideas pertaining to international friends, and death will result from a long and painful method (drowning) that was due to drugs, deception, and in a small and closed area of space (i.e. sink)."
The type-three Uranian Astrology formulas below were "direct hits" that involved the natal horoscope chart and included the Uranian planets. I though about doing "breakdowns," but the interpretations should be easy if one goes from left to right:
"I stand among a legion of fans, and I'm still trying to figure it out. It's that complex!"
- Billy Gibbons, guitar player for Z.Z. Top, when asked about Jimi Hendrix. He would open for the Jimi Hendrix Experience in 1968 in Houston, Texas, and was reportedly given a pink Stratocaster from Jimi after his show and told to continue playing. Net worth of this rare pink Strat?? PRICELESS