How do you conform?

How do you do it?

I only have two years to wade it out but if I don't get this job thing right

i'll be homeless for that period. Ever since I turned 16 my family has been

breathing down my neck for screwing up every job I have had. But they

don't see the world like I do.


I've always hated every job. Same routine, same day and you never have

enough time to just LIVE. To live LIFE. Why dosen't anyone see that?

Spending 9 till 5 to what? To slave away working for a house, car,

insurance, medical bills that you'll NEVER afford. And the debts

just keep stacking up!


Why dosen't anyone see how screwed up that is? You only get a few

hours with your family then the rest you spend sleeping and getting

ready for the next day of slavery. My body can't take it, it's too stressful.

Yet I cannot stay where I am unless I conform to this every single day.


I've never been able to do it. I'll always have to call in sick or something.

But why do you subject yourself working these long hours you hate with

a boss you hate? I just want to live. Yet to the average person I just sound

like a whinger who wants to bum off society. I'm not.. we don't have to live

like this.. but everyone's so conditioned into beleiving what they do is considered

real work, and that you must work yourself to the bone just to survive.


To speak otherwise is to be lazy. Being judged like that you can't help but feel

the same way about yourself. But it just dosen't sit well with me. There's more

to life than just slaving away for some debt while a rich fat guy rolls around reaping

the real rewards of your work.

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  • i am exactly like you on that behalf since i was 16 and started working i could never seem to stop taking it so seriously, but then i realized a noble truth of our situation my friend, our slavery is still a play ground. If you hate, you feed the manifestation of your own intent. What you feel is your Reality, Your wish is the great genie's command.One of our biggest misconceptions in this world is that "the rich fat guy" The Tyrant is a HUGE TYRANT! But no matter how immense the 3 dimensional illusion may SEEM....They are still petty tyrants, and a petty tyrants mind is the simplest of all. They must have an image, this image requires protection, in turn, the mental motivation is identified as self importance. Self importance cripples a being, leaving them very easy to blind [especially with the very light they strive to hold back.]. Also Yes they do Reap the rewards of our work, but never forget the Universal Law of Equivalent exchange,what you put out is what you get back,karma...Eventually The "ALL THAT IS" will require the inevitable Due Payment. The ever moving currents of energy always demands it.To defeat our present opponents, One and All must first realize Love is best used in all its aspects TOGETHER, then one must realize These petty tyrants are truly in a serious pickle and know it. Therefore are weakened by our knowledge of such. no violent action is even needed. If everyone can find ways to help push the mass into the perception of this unforgettable knowledge, we are gold. If you work at a blood sucking corporation, if you work in "Wal-Mart" type jobs then dont take them serious, get together with like minded people of your communities and devise ways to convert the situation back into the hands of the "Mom and Pop stores",and shop at those stores,work at them, although they tend to be more expensive, your money is being used alot more wisely in the bigger picture perspective. How about being a bum for a bit and saving that money to make your own bussiness.unfortunately its harder to achieve such goals but where there is will there is a way.
  • I've never been afraid of working and making the money I need for myself, I guess that partially comes from the fact that I couldn't live off of someone else's money, because most of my friends who don't work have someone who is supporting them in some way, I guess there is always a trade off in any relationship. I think in part, here in planet Earth the "work" of your life is part of the contact you have while you are here.....

    We are all here to serve in some way and working at a job or being in service to something is a part of that. That being said, I don't paticularly like the job I have but yet I am thankful for it, and I am dedicated to doing by best at it. I think the energy that you put out in this world comes back to you 10 fold.

    If you can make not finishing school and never working, work for you - that's great. If you aren't going to work - you may want to atleast consider finishing school one day, or getting some kind of creative college education or even some kind of healing class. There are always important lessons to be learned from any energy you exert in your life - and a sense of accomplishment from it.

    I know I have had times in my life that I didn't work - and it was amazing, so I won't condemn your philosophy, but I do think that school is very important. You have the power to choose what to believe no matter what they teach, it's still extremely important to get an education.


    ~Light to you Eiskel~ I wish you happiness!! :)
  • Perhaps there is no "career" that will ever satisfy because perhaps we are not meant to be contorted into something for the rest of our lives. School only gets you so far and so does a career - if you are not feeling the flow of such a path, it doesn't matter what you do as a career - you just will not feel the flow of such a path. If society was different, there would be the career path of "existing as a spiritual being" and that is all you would have to do and it would be accepted. Let's keep visioning :)
  • Know your spiritual nature in the moment... no matter the outward circumstance and follow your bliss!

  • Eiskel, there must be something YOU LOVE doing (that would also pay for the bills) so you never have to work for another day.
    • I hear you...still it is not easy to find the right directions to use these skills so they can provide you
      with income. there should be more information about this.
      There is also the end product sickness, even if i am good at something i till have to prove it over and over before someone might invest in me kind of thing...
  • ...i'm a cartoon animator/illustrator myself, and have worked for more than 10 years regularly in this industry... i quit it cause it was too time consuming for me, as u have already guessed that this work is sometimes...
    ...for now i try to find a well-payed job for what i really like to do, which is drinking juicy smoothies and having sex in tropical beaches by the South East seas...but im not very lucky so far.... (anybody if u know of any empty position for this job which i believe lies my true talent... u can buzz me)... ;)
    • You could become a very highly priced and classy escort in Miami? Demand smoothies?
  • Perhaps if you just took a moment to be in the present, you would come to see that there is no where you can, could, or would be, other than where loving Creator has placed you now to learn whatever it is you need to learn. I'm sure, in the next life, toiling over pizzas will be a fond memory of life. =)
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