(How do you know if the soul can be destroyed.)Thats a fair question, By Mahony Hawkenson.You won't see the soul as being destroyed, because, not by itself the soul can be destroyed, anyway. It has to have a very long history throughout your beginningness for this process to take place, re-incarnation is but only parts of the total sum of it's parts, all of you is not in all of you.In wholeness; You write your life in the manner best befitting you. It is you and you alone that is responsible for your own pathway, and if in the manner in which you decide to take the path of destruction, then it is inevitable that when you do not follow the divine laws of living in the truth and the way and life, through of which Jesus was meaning, then the path of that besets before you will be inevitable.The clues are encrypted in the bible, in which, perhaps you still have not quite got the gist of there true meanings, thats because i knew then and as i now know, that not all the truth was put into the bible from Creator as some information was taken away from it, as humans truth, was put into it, to only be to the scribers interpretations at best, that in their own way to describe their own interpretations of what God truly meant to say, that is however; unless they too were in the desert with Jesus when he was fully immersed in the Holy Spirit how can any man alone, know what happened in the desert, after Jesus was baptised by John the the Just. Then how can you make a satisfactory claim as to try to understand about the soul of which it can be destroyed or not. God alone has the Power of Life and Death. He determines and he who decides your next pathway or fate of your existence.If in the end, and if it is, only then, when all else has been best done for the soul, in life, that if you do not understand all its truth within the meaning of your own life in itself, then it is and only then, that the power of life that created it, would then inevitably take away you, from the book of life, but this depends, not by what i say but by the way, the experiencer should understood it to be so.My friend, it is not up to me, to decide how, and in which manner, a soul can be destroyed, why would you want to invoke this line of questioning anyways, but because you have challenged me to prove to you this theory, Inevitably in truth, i believe this to be a fair and normal question to ask. But i can only merely point out to you, the reasonings of such an act, and that it is not a good thing, God, said to me "Not to know too much", and sometimes knowledge in the wrong interpretation, belittles God and his Creations and his Holy Angels, and they are not moved by this statement, even to the best of its meaningfulness. Just that it just means to me, that as it is impossible for a soul to actually be vanquished, it is to me, very clearly pointed out, that i know it to be stated, all experiences that you have ever experienced will be at some degree be destroyed, But through Compassion and Mercy, wrongs can be inevitably be forgiven, but not alone, not by the soul itself. Without true meaningfullness, of sincereness in their expressions and actions, so therefore, it is to the best of what i gathered from the bible that it would be only your in-expereinces, of that which lead you to this point of which you could consider it a (turmoil), that was not made to be rectified, will be erased in memory, not the actual soul structure itself. So if you do not want to head down this path way of self destruction, then what could you do best for another life form that you want best done to you. Inside you, you must reach a compromisation in life, to get along with others and all other life forms for, if you want to truly live in divine peace and harmony. Become the Peace and Harmony in the physical world of form.You will have to live a miserable existence for a very long time, until you self realise that it is you, that the expereincer will want to experientially know and to what extent that made itself into being and what that is in you, that created this existence for you. In your mind and thoughts, to recorrect itself, over and over again, on some lower dense based realm level, until you grow up and try to grasp a new insight, then again and again and again, the wheel of karma will keep impressing and imprinting on your soul to change, and until you do, how can you create grasp, fashion and/or manifest the highest good for yourself; a new re-creation of your higher aspect of selfhood, into being, in the earthly form again. You are the canvas, and it is up to you to paint your own picture, the way you interpret life. And so it should be rightly so. You enslve yourself. Or you could believe that you are already free. Just recorrect your errors, and recognise your truth with your omniprescence. The power of the kingdom of heaven is with in you and well with in your grasp.So for you to ask me, as if i am God to know this question, then it is better to see the last verses in the end of revelations to get an incling idea of what it was meaning, there is more than one way the same words are interpreted. It all depends on the way in which you approach yourself from the context of the Bible, as the true spiritual seeker, wants it to have had it answered of a meaning of which all theories must be pondered on. You have to learn how to spiritually tune into your higher self. The God self in you, to know that, as your truth, is being the truth. You decide. All truths leads to the same destination, and thats home my friends, home.Go to www.christsway.co.za it talks about the destructive thoughts that create your own demise.You ask me as though the God in all of us knows with absolutism, and i say he/she does, but it is really you trying to debunk every word or thought or notation in others, but i say this too you; if you read you shall understand.Under the banner of free will?Your truth is to {Will} your own reality of Divine Creator into beingness, and the final outcome is undeviating and exacting!You have everything of all the tools within you to understand Gods truth in you made manifested.JESUS SAYSSome of my friends are like scholars with 3 characteristics.1. A discerning Intlelligence beyong what is natural to the brain.2. Wisdom without human aid, in as much as Jesus teaches them always inwardly.3. And that they are full of sweetness and divine love, within which, they defeat the devil.But however, nowadays, people go about their studies in a different way.1. They seek knowledge out of arrogance, in order to be called scholars.2. They seek knowledge, in order to keep and obtain riches.3. And that they seek knowledge, in order to win, honors and priviledges.Accordingly, when they go to their schools and enter their i will leave them, since they study because of their pride, where as i taught them humility. They enter, from within, out of greed, where i had no place to lay my head. They enter, in order to win priviledges, envious that others are more highly placed then themselves, where i was sentenced by Pilate and mocked by Herods: that is why i would be leaving them, because they are not studying my teachngs.However, because i am good and kind, i will give each one what he asks for, So he who ask for bread will get it, but he who will ask for straw, will be given straw. My friends ask for bread, because they seek and study the divine wisdom. just as straw is useless, and is food for the irrational animals, so too there is neither use for the wisdom of the world, that they seek nourishment for the soul. There is nothing from within their contextual hearts, but rather minute and small reputations and meaningless toil. FOR WHEN A MAN DIES, ALL HIS WISDOM WILL BE BLOTTED OUT OF EXISTENCE AND THOSE WHO USED TO PRAISE HIM CAN NO LONGER SEE HIM.Jesus says "I am like a Great Lord, with many servants, who on their Lords behalf, distribute to the people what they need. In this way the good and bad angels stand under my authority. The Good Angels minister to the people who study my wisdom i mean those who serve me, nourishing them with consolation and enjoyable work. The Bad Angels, assist the worldly wise. They inspire what they want in them and form their own will, inspiring along with a great deal of work. Yet, if they could turn their eyes towards me, i could give them enough bread they did not have to work so hard for, and they will still have enough of the world to satisfy them. These ones, they never get enough of the world, since they turn sweet into sour for themselves. But you my bride, should be like cheese, and your body like the mold in which the cheese is moulded, until it has the shape of the mould. In this way, your soul, which is as delightful and good tasting to me as cheese, must be tried and cleansed in the body long enough for body and soul to reach an accord to maintain the same form of continence, so that the flesh obeys the spirit, and the spirit guides the flesh towards every virtue.When anyone hears the message regarding the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one, {The self hood}, snatches away what was sown in his heart, this is what what sown a long the pathway.As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is he who hears the message and immediately receives it with joy, yet he who has no roots in hmself, but endures for a while, and when trials of tribulation or persecutions come on account of the message, immediately, he falls away.As what was sown among the thorns, this is he who hears the message but the cares of the world and the delight in riches chokes the message and it will bear no fruit in him.As for what was sown on Good soil, this is he who hears and receives the message and understands it, he indeed bears fruit, and yeilds, in one case a hundred fold, in another, sixty and the other thirty fold". Mathew 13v3.In these, words i can no longer do no more for you then for the stillness and equilibrium of your curiosity for the in obvious, that unless, until you do read these pages, and passages of the Christs way, www.chrstsway.co.za, then i can not, nor for any other soul being, can seep into your heart and conciousness, what you were lead into being true or correct.Until the day you become enlightend like Jesus was, when Jesus went out into the desert, how then can any meaningful words, has yet to penetrate through your harsh realities of your wayward minds.I Mahony has been enlightened when i was 16, i know to the depth of my being that until you read the christ letters, your mind in this earthly consciousness can not yet even begin to penetrate a higher consciousness thought of the divine father-divine mother reality.You too could be living in two universe in the one complex simultaneously all at once. But it is up to you to go find out your truth.I am here to give you a head start for when i was young, when i was soul searching, there was none of the information given to me, that there is now. But in the end, the realisation to life is and can only be self realised, in you.God said to me "Its not what the world can do for you? Its what you can do for the world."So with me, do not look for the answer to death, for in life, there is always death, but in death there will always, be life. Therefore, do you want to destroy yourselves, or see death as a natural thing and move on from this meanial idea of suicidal tendencies of destruction. Has there ever been any love in this notion. Think Love, Life and Live. Rejoice and be Glad in it.The question is; how do you interpret what you think life is.Will the Will of the Creator and all Will be Well!.You won't see the soul as being destroyed, because, not by itself the soul can be destroyed, anyway. It has to have a very long history throughout your beginningness for this process to take place, re-incarnation is but only parts of the total sum of it's parts, all of you is not in all of you.In wholeness; You write your life in the manner best befitting you. It is you and you alone that is responsible for your own pathway, and if in the manner in which you decide to take the path of destruction, then it is inevitable that when you do not follow the divine laws of living in the truth and the way and life, through of which Jesus was meaning, then the path of that besets before you will be inevitable.The clues are encrypted in the bible, in which, perhaps you still have not quite got the gist of there true meanings, thats because i knew then and as i now know, that not all the truth was put into the bible from Creator as some information was taken away from it, as humans truth, was put into it, to only be to the scribers interpretations at best, that in their own way to describe their own interpretations of what God truly meant to say, that is however; unless they too were in the desert with Jesus when he was fully immersed in the Holy Spirit how can any man alone, know what happened in the desert, after Jesus was baptised by John the the Just. Then how can you make a satisfactory claim as to try to understand about the soul of which it can be destroyed or not. God alone has the Power of Life and Death. He determines and he who decides your next pathway or fate of your existence.If in the end, and if it is, only then, when all else has been best done for the soul, in life, that if you do not understand all its truth within the meaning of your own life in itself, then it is and only then, that the power of life that created it, would then inevitably take away you, from the book of life, but this depends, not by what i say but by the way, the experiencer should understood it to be so.My friend, it is not up to me, to decide how, and in which manner, a soul can be destroyed, why would you want to invoke this line of questioning anyways, but because you have challenged me to prove to you this theory, Inevitably in truth, i believe this to be a fair and normal question to ask. But i can only merely point out to you, the reasonings of such an act, and that it is not a good thing, God, said to me "Not to know too much", and sometimes knowledge in the wrong interpretation, belittles God and his Creations and his Holy Angels, and they are not moved by this statement, even to the best of its meaningfulness. Just that it just means to me, that as it is impossible for a soul to actually be vanquished, it is to me, very clearly pointed out, that i know it to be stated, all experiences that you have ever experienced will be at some degree be destroyed, But through Compassion and Mercy, wrongs can be inevitably be forgiven, but not alone, not by the soul itself. Without true meaningfullness, of sincereness in their expressions and actions, so therefore, it is to the best of what i gathered from the bible that it would be only your in-expereinces, of that which lead you to this point of which you could consider it a (turmoil), that was not made to be rectified, will be erased in memory, not the actual soul structure itself. So if you do not want to head down this path way of self destruction, then what could you do best for another life form that you want best done to you. Inside you, you must reach a compromisation in life, to get along with others and all other life forms for, if you want to truly live in divine peace and harmony. Become the Peace and Harmony in the physical world of form.You will have to live a miserable existence for a very long time, until you self realise that it is you, that the expereincer will want to experientially know and to what extent that made itself into being and what that is in you, that created this existence for you. In your mind and thoughts, to recorrect itself, over and over again, on some lower dense based realm level, until you grow up and try to grasp a new insight, then again and again and again, the wheel of karma will keep impressing and imprinting on your soul to change, and until you do, how can you create grasp, fashion and/or manifest the highest good for yourself; a new re-creation of your higher aspect of selfhood, into being, in the earthly form again. You are the canvas, and it is up to you to paint your own picture, the way you interpret life. And so it should be rightly so. You enslve yourself. Or you could believe that you are already free. Just recorrect your errors, and recognise your truth with your omniprescence. The power of the kingdom of heaven is with in you and well with in your grasp.So for you to ask me, as if i am God to know this question, then it is better to see the last verses in the end of revelations to get an incling idea of what it was meaning, there is more than one way the same words are interpreted. It all depends on the way in which you approach yourself from the context of the Bible, as the true spiritual seeker, wants it to have had it answered of a meaning of which all theories must be pondered on. You have to learn how to spiritually tune into your higher self. The God self in you, to know that, as your truth, is being the truth. You decide. All truths leads to the same destination, and thats home my friends, home.Go to www.christsway.co.za it talks about the destructive thoughts that create your own demise.You ask me as though the God in all of us knows with absolutism, and i say he/she does, but it is really you trying to debunk every word or thought or notation in others, but i say this too you; if you read you shall understand.Under the banner of free will?Your truth is to {Will} your own reality of Divine Creator into beingness, and the final outcome is undeviating and exacting!You have everything of all the tools within you to understand Gods truth in you made manifested.JESUS SAYSSome of my friends are like scholars with 3 characteristics.1. A discerning Intlelligence beyong what is natural to the brain.2. Wisdom without human aid, in as much as Jesus teaches them always inwardly.3. And that they are full of sweetness and divine love, within which, they defeat the devil.But however, nowadays, people go about their studies in a different way.1. They seek knowledge out of arrogance, in order to be called scholars.2. They seek knowledge, in order to keep and obtain riches.3. And that they seek knowledge, in order to win, honors and priviledges.Accordingly, when they go to their schools and enter their i will leave them, since they study because of their pride, where as i taught them humility. They enter, from within, out of greed, where i had no place to lay my head. They enter, in order to win priviledges, envious that others are more highly placed then themselves, where i was sentenced by Pilate and mocked by Herods: that is why i would be leaving them, because they are not studying my teachngs.However, because i am good and kind, i will give each one what he asks for, So he who ask for bread will get it, but he who will ask for straw, will be given straw. My friends ask for bread, because they seek and study the divine wisdom. just as straw is useless, and is food for the irrational animals, so too there is neither use for the wisdom of the world, that they seek nourishment for the soul. There is nothing from within their contextual hearts, but rather minute and small reputations and meaningless toil. FOR WHEN A MAN DIES, ALL HIS WISDOM WILL BE BLOTTED OUT OF EXISTENCE AND THOSE WHO USED TO PRAISE HIM CAN NO LONGER SEE HIM.Jesus says "I am like a Great Lord, with many servants, who on their Lords behalf, distribute to the people what they need. In this way the good and bad angels stand under my authority. The Good Angels minister to the people who study my wisdom i mean those who serve me, nourishing them with consolation and enjoyable work. The Bad Angels, assist the worldly wise. They inspire what they want in them and form their own will, inspiring along with a great deal of work. Yet, if they could turn their eyes towards me, i could give them enough bread they did not have to work so hard for, and they will still have enough of the world to satisfy them. These ones, they never get enough of the world, since they turn sweet into sour for themselves. But you my bride, should be like cheese, and your body like the mold in which the cheese is moulded, until it has the shape of the mould. In this way, your soul, which is as delightful and good tasting to me as cheese, must be tried and cleansed in the body long enough for body and soul to reach an accord to maintain the same form of continence, so that the flesh obeys the spirit, and the spirit guides the flesh towards every virtue.When anyone hears the message regarding the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one, {The self hood}, snatches away what was sown in his heart, this is what what sown a long the pathway.As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is he who hears the message and immediately receives it with joy, yet he who has no roots in hmself, but endures for a while, and when trials of tribulation or persecutions come on account of the message, immediately, he falls away.As what was sown among the thorns, this is he who hears the message but the cares of the world and the delight in riches chokes the message and it will bear no fruit in him.As for what was sown on Good soil, this is he who hears and receives the message and understands it, he indeed bears fruit, and yeilds, in one case a hundred fold, in another, sixty and the other thirty fold". Mathew 13v3.In these, words i can no longer do no more for you then for the stillness and equilibrium of your curiosity for the in obvious, that unless, until you do read these pages, and passages of the Christs way, www.chrstsway.co.za, then i can not, nor for any other soul being, can seep into your heart and conciousness, what you were lead into being true or correct.Until the day you become enlightend like Jesus was, when Jesus went out into the desert, how then can any meaningful words, has yet to penetrate through your harsh realities of your wayward minds.I Mahony has been enlightened when i was 16, i know to the depth of my being that until you read the christ letters, your mind in this earthly consciousness can not yet even begin to penetrate a higher consciousness thought of the divine father-divine mother reality.You too could be living in two universe in the one complex simultaneously all at once. But it is up to you to go find out your truth.I am here to give you a head start for when i was young, when i was soul searching, there was none of the information given to me, that there is now. But in the end, the realisation to life is and can only be self realised, in you.God said to me "Its not what the world can do for you? Its what you can do for the world."So with me, do not look for the answer to death, for in life, there is always death, but in death there will always, be life. Therefore, do you want to destroy yourselves, or see death as a natural thing and move on from this meanial idea of suicidal tendencies of destruction. Has there ever been any love in this notion. Think Love, Life and Live. Rejoice and be Glad in it.The question is; how do you interpret what you think life is.Will the Will of the Creator and all Will be Well!.

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  • when not in a body, an extremly highly evolved soul may choose to end it's consciousness into nothingness. it has happened and the opportunity is there for everyone, but this is of extreme rarity and is something you can not descide to experience when we are in a evolutionary prosses. souls that has made that choice is of the highest consciousness and has experienced a multitude of multiverses and feels like it has experienced everything that is to experience, but nothingness.

    you sertanly do not need to fear any harm to your soul in any way at any time, everything is well and as it should be.

    thank you.
    • thanks, i agree
  • You know Baron, flashstorm, and Aidan Ada. I did not know that and i have not yet received any higher special gifts, but i had to do the hard work the old fashion way. I gathered what i can as like you would have a psychologist gathering information to a psychiatrist.

    I read the bible and the chrsitsway.co.za and everything i could, to get up there to understand the truth, and you know what, i think i did a pretty good darn job if you all come up with positive, quwstions too.

    Hey if i can believe and not have the gift of higher realm insight but just believe anyway than i can only say that how much more can a sceptic be if they only just had knack to just believe just because you can and the power of will to do so.

    Why do i say that I will the Will of the Creator and All Will Be Well. For.
  • the soul or astral body which contains the personality eventually disintegrates on the astral plane after death. This soul can also be destroyed by a sufficiently powerful spiritual power. The mental body or spirit of an individual is immortal. Yet under very special circumstances can be destroyed although this is ultra rare. The akashic body or higher spirit of an individual cannot be destroyed, it is the divine aspect of the human and is infinite and eternal not to mention omnipresent.
  • The soul/ or spirit or consciousness is and always has been "eternal".
This reply was deleted.

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