Me: We live on an experimental planet where we have chosen to be in this time to learn , and to grow our souls.
Papasource and our creatorson Christ Michael Aton together with Starfleet , are displaying everyone and everything to also learn , and the good thing is that they have full control over the dark ones game.
Have faith and study the truth:
From minute two onward David
Icke gives a reasonable explanation of fractional reserve lending and its
incredible fraudulent basis EXCEPT that he fails to mention the clincher, which
is that apart from creating loan monies out of fresh air, the banks charge
interest (usury) on those loan monies BUT do not "create" the money needed to
PAY that interest! The result is that there is never enough money to pay the
interest on loans and as loans are the ONLY way that money is created, everyone
has to keep borrowing more money (ie going into deeper and deeper debt to the
banks) in order to pay the interest on loans previously taken out. It's a bit
like a dog chasing its tail except that the dog (debt) keeps getting bigger and
bigger such that it becomes like an elephant chasing its tail AND spinning ever
faster while doing it.
David Icke then explains how
the banksters orchestrated the Global Financial Crisis and have segued it into a global
economic crisis which is about to become a global economic collapse ie a Great
Depression which will dwarf the Great Depression of the 1930s. THIS IS ALL DELIBERATE AND INTENDED.
It is all part of the
banksters usual Hegelian modus operandi (Problem, Reaction. Solution) in which
they create a problem and escalate it until the target population (in this case
the whole world, but primarily the economically advanced Western nations)
demands a solution to the problem. At that point the banksters will arrange for
their puppet global governments to present a complete reset of the global
monetary system which will formally give a global Central Bank controlled by the
Rothschilds lead cabal the power to privately create and manage money and
monetary policy for every nation in the world. In effect, that power will make the
banksters' cabal global dictators with formal powers of life and death via
strarvation for any who challenge the monopoly.
Finally, David Icke discusses how Obama was
created as "the solution" to the problem created by Bush in his eight years in
the White House, thus how and why he is no different from Bush
since he serves the same masters. Typically, those who supported Obama
ncritically projected their own desires onto Obama without analysing, or ever
requiring him to explain what he meant by words like "Hope", "Change", "Yes we
can"and so on. Obama is a
cypher who literally reads his instructions from teleprompters written for him
by his handlers. And so those who supported him got what they wanted ie. someone who wasn't George
Bush Jn." style="display: none;"/>
writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
AbundantHope - All rights reserved
the banking system easy to understand with this video.... enjoy guys