The following two  quotes were part of President Obama’s 2008 victory speech, which seems to have gotten regrettably overlooked by those blaming Obama,  either gleefully or disappointedly.

"What began twenty-one months ago in the depths of winter must not end on this autumn night. This victory alone is not the change we seek – it is only the chance for us to make that change. And that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were.

"It cannot happen without you."

"So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism; of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but each other."

On the Night of President Obama’s election in 2008,  he acknowledged that this victory, was only the OPPORTUNITY for change.  He clarified for us the principle of Quantum Creation.
"We must ALL BE PARTICIPANTS to create the new vision.  We must all be AVAILABLE to be a part of the new reality.
All those who voted for Obama but are now among the "disappointed criticizers" . . .how involved have you been in "making the changes, that have been offered by the alternate system, as suggested by the Thrive Movement and the other alternate Systems that are offered as creative solutions?
How many of you continue to vote everyday, with where you spend your dollars?
Still using and paying credit cards?
Still using banks that are feeding and strengthening the Corporate /Elite support system?
Still supporting the wars with your tax dollars?
Still shopping at the corporate market place?
There is an alternate system, that those of us in the trenches have initialized, with hard work and research and time and effort and care and sacrifice of conveniences and faith in the Divine Plan.
Which system do you support?  The one that enslaves you?  The one that funds the war machine and the chemtrails?
The election is not the most powerful way that you vote, you know.
Continuing to vote with your money$ and beliefs and attention . . . for a system set up to enslave you, while complaining that someone else has not conquered the beast FOR YOU, is not being  responsible or realistic with regard to how the system has been rigged to own and defeat you.
Or did you EXPECT Obama to blaze into town like a one man army and clear out the good ole boy network that has been in place for  millennium . . . Clint Eastwood Style!

While you sit complacently WAITING TO SEE SOMETHING HAPPEN?
Expecting one man, who asked us to do our part . . .to do it for us, and then sit in judgment when we don't do anything, but criticize his inability to do his job and our job as well, is  complacent and fear/ failure based.

We have all heard about a network of parasite energy  beings; that by focusing on their name we empower them . . . so I won’t.  Yet the very same people who acknowledge  this  Ach----n Network; as an explanation for other maladies: fail to see how, expecting one man to prevail against a NETWORK of Greed, is a blame game, that we all should have risen above by now.
Let's look at the dynamic of how 50% of the population of President Obama’s, "field of all possibility" are inhabited by individuals that are smirking in the wings at his efforts, gloating at each and every opportunity to prove that they were right about what a fake/ failure he is. . . while smirking and gloating at every stumble or failing, that they have intentionally inflicted. Pardon my graphics, but it’s a lot like predicting that someone’s birthday party will be a disaster, and then crapping all over their birthday cake, and then smirking and gloating about how you were right!

Because those who  would rather smirk and be right  . . .then have," the field of all probability," give birth to the highest possible version of HOPE and PROSPERITY for us all, is not a higher ideal.
This is the kind of small minded pettiness that Obama asked us to rise above in the interest of what we TOGETHER  are capable of.
 To some, there seems to be a clear grasp of our "all being in this together "and "how we create What we Perceive to be true," but then, the need by some, to play out the Judgment and Us against them game of reality . . .  just can not seem to be be resisted.

To review; how many of those disappointed by Obama, who were once supporters, have made any effort to unplug from the beast? Or do you continue  to support it by using banks and credit cards and feeding the corporate beast/ matrix  by making your purchases?
You are either part of the solution or  . .  you have shirked your opportunity to do your part, judging yourself by your good intentions . . while judging Obama  by his (sabotaged) attempts to prevail. While you keep feeding the beast, because it is either to inconvenient to make the changes required of you or you have been partaking of the specter of fear which has been injected into your belief so powerfully that you say, "how can I walk away from my support of the credit card companies?"  "Without them my family and I will perish!"  Thereby making them your god and laying down your power before them  . . meanwhile you demonize one man for not being able to overpower the beast that you continue to empower, with your belief and your resources!
Do I know absolutely,  if Obama is a fraud or a, "would be" hero?
But I do know, that many of those condemning him have sat in judgment without absolute proof of what is in his heart; as to whether he has been held hostage by a well oiled   All  Powerful System . . or whether he himself is part of the problem?
Before you answer that one  . . . Dear Family of Light, ask yourself,  have you done all you could have, to be part of the solution? Or have you virtually taken no  risk and sat back and waited for something to be done for you?
Jesus/Buddha/ Ascended Masters/ Ashtar's Star fleet's / Mother Gaia/Christ Consciousness, (name your preferred Divine Selves’  Logos)  instructs us  not to judge or condemn, but, to join with our Preferred Version Of Reality and do our part, to raise up our reality  N2 the Highest Version of our preferred Greatest  Vision.
Divide and Conquer is hardly a new strategy . . .  Children of the Light!
What I see, is a whole lot of judging of what is in someone's heart, without actually knowing anything but what is fed to them . . . because fear and judgment  is a whole lot easier to  wield than Compassion, Participation and UnityWe give birth to what we want to believe, because that is where our faith is.
Before you jump on the band wagon of judgment and hatred   . . have you done your part to cut yourself off from the feeding tubes of the beast, which fuels the world you denounce?
Judging others by their accomplishments while judging yourself by your good intentions is a failed process . .  and you already  know that the "definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results."

Whether or not Obama is a gleeful participant or a leader who has asked us to do our part . . . while receiving mostly smirking and gloating or complacence  is not mine to judge.
I only know, that last time a movement showed up on this site, to stop empowering the beast : LIKE NOT USING AND PAYING CREDIT CARDS OR NOT USING BANKS (the feeder system for the beast that enslaves us . . )it didn't get much traction.
EXPECTING Obama to stroll into the mouth of the beast in   DC . . .  Clint Eastwood style, and single handedly behead the demon that most of his critics are STILL fearfully feeding makes no sense.
For Go(o)dness Sake Do Your Part before you judge others for not doing theirs . . we are all connected.  SEE?
Think about it next time you take no responsibility for your part.
We live in a quantum reality who/ what  have you been empowering???
It is hypocritical to continue to empower the vampire system with your support while simultaneously expecting Obama or anyone else to slay that beast for you.
Step up and empower movements and organizations like the thrive Movement, with your resources,  which doesn’t empower the beast, or don’t criticize what you yourself have failed to even attempt.
Take stock of your own efforts.
Be Real Be Honest
Be Peace
PS I have just found this article regarding  blame and judgment and I feel it is so powerfully true . . .blame /judgment never call forth anything but lower frequency outcomes.
Check your Heart before you point the finger.
Have you done your Part?

Not empowering a failed system is only the first step.  Creating and empowering an all inclusive Golden Age System, which operates by the dynamic of the Golden Rule, and the understanding of OUR limitless potential, will be where OUR COLLECTIVE OF ETERNAL SOULS WILL SHINE! 

Which will you choose separation/ fear Consciousness or Unity Consciousness?
Thank You
With Love

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  • Bravo, Faith!  Excellent post.  You have stated so succinctly what is in my Heart and the Hearts of so many others.

    Kat and Feather:  Love it!!  Just about the time I was getting sucked into hearing responses in my mind and ready to express, you so easily brought me back with the change of subject!!!  (and I love seeing different styles of alternative housing).

    It is sad to me that so many Hearts that still choose judgment, hatred and propoganda over Love and a desire to see a whole picture are still visiting this site... however, having said that (and that is not a challenge to those Hearts to respond to me with that same hatred and judgment; not interested), I am lifted and made to smile at also seeing the positive Hearts that are still here, continuing and daring to offer a different non-judgmental way of seeing things.  I truly applaud you members for not letting buttons get pushed and staying in a positive vibration, yet still trying to offer the possibility of peaceful and loving approaches to a subject.  You are better than I, since I am still learning how not to get my buttons pushed.  To those Hearts, giant kudos and Love to you for your part!!

    I agree 100% that it is up to us to participate in making changes.  Your specific points in the post about removing oneself from the systems is right on.  I would add that just as we need to remember that no leader - NO leader - can swoop in and make the big changes we desire in our country and the world, we should also remember that many of us as "the people" cannot expect this of ourselves.  Not in one big swoop.  Intent to remove from a system is Higher Purpose, but depending on the situation sometimes we too, must carry this change out in steps.  So, just as we can lend understanding to a leader's need to do that by steps, we must allow ourselves that too.  I would LOVE to make every change in my life and end my participation in systems that are coming to an end, but can I truly do that in one day?  I can recycle, buy organic, not take prescribed meds, educate my neighbors, etc., but I must remember to offer the Love and Understanding to myself if I feel unable to implement everything at once.  (I myself have not had a bank account or credit card for almost 20 years!)  Does that mean I don't really care or have a desire to participate and help solve the problems?  Of course not!!  So, any Vibrational Intent is still positive, as long as I continue each day to see new areas where I can make smaller changes and Love myself for each effort made.

    One last thought:  I agree that it's good to educate others, to share information, to offer new knowledge, but there is a productive way and an unproductive way to do that.  We cannot require that others believe the same things we believe, see the same things the way we see them.  Even this action must be done in a Loving and Understanding way.  If we come in like a bull insisting others listen and agree with us, this does nothing.  A listener stops listening when that happens.  But we can offer viewpoints, information, etc. in a gentle, intelligent way, put it out there, and leave it be.  This allows the listener to ruminate and make their choice whether to embrace it or not, without feeling judged if they don't agree.

    I would love to see us all taking more pride in our ability to participate in big changes and stop blaming one person because it's not happening fast enough.  Want it to happen more quickly?  Then stop wasting energy and focus on the Vibration of blame, judgment, and your dreamed-of day that you will be proven right.  Maybe changes have not happened quickly enough because those of us that keep our sights on the goodness and focus on the positive and how to make it real have to keep battling the energy you put out into the world.  Let's stop talking so much, stop expecting one person to change the whole world, and start participating!

    John - hang in there Dude!!  : )  I have an awful lot of respect for you!

    Love to Everyone


  • Thank you for  b e i n g  You Faith... nice post. 


    Our Deepest Fear ~ By Marianne Williamson

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. 
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. 
It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.

    We ask ourselves
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? 
You are a child of God.

    Your playing small 
Does not serve the world. 
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking 
So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

    We are all meant to shine, 
As children do. 
We were born to make manifest 
The glory of God that is within us.

    It's not just in some of us; 
    It's in everyone.

    And as we let our own light shine, 
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. 
As we're liberated from our own fear, 
Our presence automatically liberates others.

    ( ( ( OneLoveEvolution247 ) ) ) 

    • Blessings and Thank you Stick! Beautiful Uplifting : Energy, Imagery, Music and Positive Helpful Words by Marrianne Williamson . . .a True Beacon for Unity and Compassion Consciousness !
      I send you my Gratitude and Blessing . . .
      Be Peace Brother
  • Great post, Faith!  Your post is not even about if Obama is of the light or dark, it's in our power and in our hands to make the changes.  As you mentioned about the speech that is all but forgotten, one man can't do it all but all of us together can.

    There is something in the Declaration of Independence that people have missed for decades, a fail-safe clause that our fore-fathers put in there for a government gone corrupt...

    "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

    As the energies increase, it is raising the consciousness and awareness of the people.  The corruption will become apparent and exposed.  This will follow with their removal of office. 

    • Thank you Darryl.  And thank you  for your objective conclusion.  This is indeed about taking our power back.

      Which when we spend more of our time with Nature and uplifting art or music . . helping others less fortunate or helping someone who is just alone and needing to feel cared about . . . with Gratitude for the opportunity to "BE THE CHANGE" 

      We engage a portion of the field of ALL POSSIBILITY THAT WAS JUST OUT OF OUR FIELD OF VIEW . . BEFORE!

      Blessings to you Darryl . .

      And to Everyone who seeks change, and would prefer that it showed up graciously and: "for the good of the whole"I hope you will consider remembering this INSIGHT  about Energy Entrainment that I am hoping and Intending for you to grasp . . as I said I can not claim ownership, of this BIG IDEA  but have had much experience and a great deal of success with just how Powerful this tool can and shall be!

      gratitude Lovelight and Blessings to all!

    • Darryl:  Oh God I hope so!

  • Feather Winger:  Yes, we have to realize that this country is supposed to be run by WE THE PEOPLE not some PSYCHO PRESIDENT!

  • Some are of the belief that Obama is simply "stepping aside" until the time comes when he can really shine. It is unfortunate, but I would answer the question posed in the title to this with an unflinching "Create solutions".


    I do believe that Obama entered his first and second terms with high hopes and true goals to help humanity, and has been all but curbed by the cabals (with disinformation against him spread out on various alternative news and spiritual websites being one of the biggest obstacles). It's sad to see bills passed that were apparently signed by him like the Monsanto Protection Act, and makes me wonder if he has not simply "given up" for now and is waiting for the right time to emerge and help humanity.


    It's been said that the tyrannical bills being passed right now will not have an effect in the future we are heading into but nevertheless, it's good to remain vigilant.


    Just like every other person on this Earth, Obama's true colors will show in the time ahead; whether they are bright and shiny or dim and in need of Light. Either way, the massive bickering over this man that has taken place fruitfully in the past will certainly be something for us all to laugh about in the future.


    Much Love!


    Wes :)

    • oy

  • Has President Obama really let us down?-is this a joke?

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