How I see the oil spills

Earlier today I was boiling water to make spaghetti, I watched the oil bubbles circulate around in the boiling water. Of course my mind instantly tries to make connections on a universal level creation of our universe and how it orbits around the center ect. After I was done with my childlike imaginary vision a thought suddenly entered my mind. For a while now I have been trying to make a connection between all the oil spills, the Gulf, China, and now my backyard. (Michigan) The only real evidence I have to prove my theory is the fact that the bp president sold shares before the incident, exposing "Somebody" as desperate and profit hungry. On a global scale, oil spills increase demand, and lower prices for a little bit, but then they spike and prices go up. It would be ignorant to assume that most oil companies dont work together on some level and there must be some group of people that are involved with certain "Strings" and events that follow. Just like the financial crises it seems to me that to many events nowadays are "Staged" but society is so trodden with fear they dont have the capacity to figure it out, "PROFIT" Higher demand at some point will mean more trading and greater profit. With almost half the eastern seaboard of the states soaked with toxins and carcinigens, more people will be seeing doctors, needing more drugs for this and that "PROFIT" if your poor and you dont have health care you get ill and will probibly die off, less assistance to the poor means guess what "PROFIT" You dont need to be a visionary in todays world to see that something is not right, I came across a video posted by daytuner about the intelligence officer who thinks along these same lines, the government sees people as a commodity, it seems like a numbers game at this point. Somehow over the course of democracies evolution a parasite has attatched itself to this pure concept and turned it into a control base for ignorant decison making, like religeon. If we dont shed light into this dark matter the parasite will no doubt kill its host and move onto the next host. My alarm clock went off a long time ago, is everyone else still in dreamland?

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  • Hi CoMdr, Well I guess I shouldn't refer to "everyone" as not being awakened, its a good thing we have open access to sights like this without total government control, I did hear about the missing reserve, and also the zionist thoery that they all took a sick day. I completly agree in the aspect of global revolution, but not in a violent sense with bloodshed and destruction but more of a silent peaceful revolution of concentrated thought and amplified belief. Kind of along the same lines as your harmonic convergance event that Im assuming took place, too bad I missed it, but I was 4. Its interesting because I could see the faint outline of the number 7 in the clouds this morning. The small things I notice always fill me with hope and a larger unkown part of my soul speak deeply as I believe everything in our universe is relative, like some trancendental algorythym promoting inner peace. One of the greatest aspects of life in my opinion is both timing and oppourtunity (time and place) and alot of the time when people tend to give up is right before they reach "hypothetical" salvation. Instead of goodbye cruel world I would say Hello to a new one. In regards to ascension, and the lhc, and gfol these ideas were created by the same people who pull the strings// once again I have little proof, but im not going to seek out evidence for this, as this will just create more anger, working against what I believe in. I just think when the time is right and my conciousness is no longer needed at these coordinates, I will move on, like many souls before me. This is what I'm sticking with untill some large spaceship materializes above me and says "Hey Jackass, somebody here wants to talk to you..!
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