spirit_truths] Message from Matthew

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From: Suzanne Ward [mailto:suzy@matthewbooks.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 7:29 PM

November 5, 2011

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.
Along with you, we have been observing the steady progress of the light as
the Occupy movement spread in the United States and on to other countries,
and the spirit of freedom that inspired “Arab spring” continues. Even people
who do not know that these major developments are due to the higher
frequencies along Earth’s ascension pathway do realize that your world is
significantly and rapidly changing.

And soon the momentum is going to increase. There are “time pockets” in the
celestial calendar that are especially advantageous for energy surges, and
one such will be in a few days, 11/11/11.  The surge, which for Earth will
be a forward thrust in her journey, will affect people differently. Those
who are unbalanced by being immersed in the low vibrations of negativity
will experience upsetting physical and emotional jolting.  Lightworkers,
including the millions who don’t identify themselves as such, will feel a
sense of upliftment as they flow in the accelerated pace of the universe.

Truths and reforms will be catapulting into your midst as there can be no
more delays in the highest universal council’s master plan to free your
planet of millennia of dominance by darkness.  That is why efforts to
strengthen the European economy will not prevent the imminent collapse of
the global economy, which has long been controlled by the Illuminati. It is
why local, state, provincial and national governments will accede to the
citizens’ demands for betterment of their lives, and why wars and other
violence will wind down.

For a bit longer the Illuminati will continue countering all progress toward
dramatic changes with such distractions and disruptions as their black ops
terrorism, stock market shenanigans, bribing or threatening politicians,
limited resumption of chemtrails in some areas, weather control, and of
course fear-filled disinformation.  Since the light continually is
intensifying on the planet, it is logical to wonder why they are able to
keep going. The answer is fear.

The many people who are fearful about what is happening in the moment and
what lies ahead unwittingly are aiding the Illuminati by emanating the fear
energy that those dark ones need to sustain their very being. With the
knowledge that the Golden Age on your near horizon already exists in the
continuum, you can feel serene—well, serene and excited!—and the high
vibrations of your feelings will radiate out into the world.  Earth’s
perpetual balancing motion will enable your light to reach those who need it
to overcome their fears.

Lightworkers’ steadfastness, the light from all who are awakening, and our
universal family’s services are fast weakening the Illuminati’s last
remnants of power.  In the coming year, their formidable forces that have
prevented US President Obama from fully acting on his light-filled mission
will be torn away and truths revealed about the extent of the power bloc
that has derailed or distorted his reform efforts.  It will become known as
well that behind the scenes he has been cooperating with the evolved souls
from other civilizations, and you will see his effectiveness in working with
other leaders to bring about stability and harmonious relations among all

The triumphant result of Earth’s free will choice to enter fourth density
very shortly before or after the end of 2012 has been assured from the
beginning of her ascent out of deep third density 70-some years ago.  In her
love for each and every soul, she would like all to accompany her, but this
is a matter of every person’s free will choice. Our awareness of individual
and collective consciousness of Earth’s residents lets us know that most of
them don’t understand free will. This topic has long been a matter of
philosophical and theological discussions, but without knowing the origin
and the purpose of free will, there cannot be any understanding of it.

This lack of knowledge has given rise to questions and comments sent to my
mother.  I asked her to locate some and insert them at this point in our

How can a merciful God let so many of His children suffer horribly? Why does
God give precedence to the free will of the dark ones over the free will of
light beings?  Why does God let terrible things happen to good people who
don’t deserve it? God is all-powerful and he could get rid of all the
darkness, so why doesn’t he? Free will doesn’t exist—life is predestined by
the karma we accrue. If God really is a loving God, why won’t He let efforts
to bring peace in the world succeed? Maybe what the Bible says about a
vengeful God is right, but not everyone is disobeying His laws so why do
billions have to pay for what a few are doing? And: The litany of horror
continues unabated. Every day we hear news of yet another
outrage—manipulation of people's minds, mass theft, invasions, imprisonment,
deliberate starvation, rape, child molestation, slavery, torture, even
attempted genocide. And still a thunderous silence from 'supreme HQ'.  Why?

Clarity about free will and karma is vitally important, not only because
many souls are searching for answers to those kinds of questions, but
because understanding the cosmic principles that govern life in this
universe is the key to ascending with Earth or bypassing this unprecedented

We shall tell you about free will, the right to choose, and its inseparable
component of manifestation, the ability to make whatever can be imagined;
how darkness came into what was intended to be the ultimate gift to all
souls; and karma, unlimited opportunities for souls to attain the balanced
experiencing needed to evolve spiritually and intellectually.

It all began with Creator’s first expression of Itself—the “Big Bang”—that
created the Christed realm and the archangels. Out of Creator’s infinite
love for Its first souls, at some point It bestowed upon them free will and
its inherent ability to co-create—they could use the energy of Creator’s
love-light essence to manifest whatever they could think of.  In the
beginning, this worked in perfect purity.  The archangels thought to make
the next realm of angelic beings, and using Creator’s energy, they produced
souls who, like themselves, were of only love-light energy and awareness.

After unknown ages, the archangels made gods and goddesses, some of whom
were pure energy like their co-creators and others had form potential. The
potential enabled the manifestation of materials with substance, or density,
that let souls produce whatever forms they could imagine, and they
co-created the universes that comprise the cosmos.  Creator selected the
gods and goddesses to rule over the universes, and one of the gods, whom
many of you call God, became the ruler of this universe.

Throughout those eons of co-creating, all manifestations whether of energy
only—the archangels, angels and some gods and goddesses—or in form, other
gods and goddesses and the universes—were of Creator’s pure love-light
essence.  And because all souls’ Beginnings are and eternally shall be in
Creator, It wanted all souls throughout the cosmos to have the same
privilege as the first ones, and It so decreed that the selected gods and
goddesses have the right and responsibility to establish laws governing
their respective universes, but they are bound to honor Its cosmic laws that
include free will.

Somewhere along the line, after creating materials for both humans and
animals were available, free will got out of hand—you know that as the story
of Lucifer and his band of fallen angels. They started combining the two
kinds of materials to produce intelligent half-human, half-animal creatures
such as the centaurs, satyrs, mermaids and mermen and others mentioned in
your mythology. Some were designed to do work that humans could not do or
didn’t want to, such as swiftly carrying messages or working underwater, and
others were made simply to be ferocious, like dragons on land or in the
seas.  Since there was then no DNA programming for aging, those intelligent
creatures could live in misery for thousands of your calendar years.

The more Lucifer and his followers delighted in making those kinds of life
forms, the farther they fell from the light.  When some realized that they
were misusing their gift of free will, they returned to manifesting in the
light.  Others kept producing the creatures of their deprived ideas,
creating denser and denser energy as their light kept dimming until only the
spark of connection to Creator that was their life force remained. The
negativity created by their thoughts and deeds and the agony of all the
creatures they made formed the massive powerful force field called the “dark

It is from that source that souls anywhere in this universe who have
proclivity toward greed, ruthlessness and lust for power become puppets of
that abject darkness.  In recent times this scientific principle of
interaction that is from Creator has become known as the law of attraction,
or “like attracts” like.  The energy of souls’ dark thoughts and desires
attracts the same kind of energy in that vast field of negativity and brings
it into the souls’ lives, their worlds and their worlds’ collective
consciousness.  That is what happened to Earth. After being populated, the
planet that once was known throughout this universe as a paradise and one of
God’s favored creations became engulfed in the negativity brought by those

Only Creator can amend Its laws, and in the case of free will, It has done
so twice. In antiquity, the densest, or darkest, souls used their free will
not only to capture weaker souls, but also to usurp those weaker souls’ free
will.  That created such an imbalance between the light and the darkness
throughout the cosmos that to regain the balance essential to keep the
motion of all bodies relatively steady, Creator decreed that the darkest
souls must restore to the captive souls their free will. And so they did,
but those souls that were so long deprived of exercising free will were
easily manipulated by the darkness until they started accepting the light
constantly offered.

Creator’s second exception is that never again can nuclear weaponry be used
in space because of the devastating damage this has done to souls—not
bodies, but souls—and if such is attempted, the ruler of that universe is
empowered to prevent it. That is why, by God’s authorization, our space
family near Earth has prevented the dozen or so Illuminati attempts at
nuclear terrorism since September 11, 2001.

In all other instances when free is used to intentionally cause havoc,
devastation, death and suffering, the rulers of the universes are not
permitted to interfere. So, while it may seem that God is allowing the free
will of dark ones to prevail over the free will of lighted souls, never is
that so!  He would like life on Earth to be in love and peace, but He cannot
stop those who are intent upon working against that kind of world. And
because every soul in this universe is a part of Him and He loves all of his
soul-parts unconditionally, He doesn’t side with one over another.

Mother, please locate parts of your talks where God explains this and insert
them here.

“In one stage of my Totality, I was purely light and love.  Then parts of my
creations descended into the darkness Matthew refers to, but they were
nonetheless inseparable parts of my whole.  And thus they remain.” ….

“As for ‘progress’ on Earth, I weep with each soul who is suffering in any
way and I rejoice with each soul who is feeling joy. I am the soul of all of
the ‘worst’ and all of the ‘best,’ so I cannot be inseparable from the ‘best
’ and not be inseparable from the ‘worst.’ Am I happy about what I see
happening on Earth? For those who are happy, yes, I am too. For those who
are worrying that their tyrannical power is diminishing, I feel that,
oo.”  ….

“You are worried that I’m taking sides, or better said, can’t take sides.
Then who better to set you straight, my child?  I am as much the gentleness
and searching and on the lighted pathway as you wish to be, yet there is the
part of me that equally is, and cannot deny, that soul whose interests and
actions and motives are what you call evil.  I am not separate from that
soul, and whatever that soul does and all of its effects, however ‘ungodly,’
as you think, become within my composite and are an inseparable part of me.
So, to say that I could ‘take sides’ of myself is just plain unscientific,
isn't it?” ….

“Would I like to see the TOTAL of Earth life in peacefulness, love, sharing,
caring and service one to another?  OF COURSE I WOULD!  But do I have the
power to snap a finger and have this be so?  You know I do NOT!  So I send
my love and light everywhere, to every soul, and I may as well rejoice in
the pockets of light rather than dwell in the pockets of darkness and weep,
you see.”

[The excerpts are from “Talks with God” in Illuminations for a New Era.]

Thank you, Mother.

The ultimate goal of every soul is reintegration with God and Creator, and
the return to our Beginnings requires balance.  In Creator’s infinite love
for all souls, It devised a means whereby they could regain balance after
becoming imbalanced by their free will choices.  This means is known as
karma.  It is a misperception that karma is punishment for being “bad” or a
reward for being “good.”  Karma is the scientific principle of cause and
effect whereby balance can be attained or regained. A preponderance of
negativity creates drastic imbalance, and whether in one soul or the cosmos,
the energy of light is what restores balance.

As a part of God, each of you affects the balance of the Oneness of All.
And this brings us to multiple lifetimes and the cumulative soul—or “parent
soul,” you could say—that is the composite experiencing of all its physical
lifetimes, or the personage lives that you call reincarnation. Each
personage is and always shall be its independent, eternal, inviolate
soul-self as well as being an inseparable part of the cumulative soul,
wherein each personage’s lifetime free will choices affect all the other
personages.  If their collective experiencing causes the cumulative soul to
get out of balance, karma is the opportunity for “future” personages to fill
gaps or strengthen weaknesses so the cumulative soul and all of its
personages can achieve balance and move forward in evolvement.

During the long ages when Earth’s planetary body and her successive
populations were embedded in negativity, duality and divisiveness reigned
and almost all personages incurred serious karmic lessons. For instance, a
person who gained wealth and position at others’ expense refused to help
ones who were impoverished; to balance that lifetime, the cumulative soul’s
next personage chose to experience severe deprivations. The same principle
applies to a bellicose, conquering mind-set.  But deep third density, where
darkness flourishes, is a hard taskmaster, and a cumulative soul could have
hundreds or more personage lifetimes learning to overcome the magnified
energies of greed, lust for power and cruel nature.

Now let us put free will, manifesting and karma into this unique time in the
universe when souls may accomplish in only one lifetime what otherwise could
take many, many more.  Billions of souls wanted to take advantage of this
unprecedented opportunity to complete third density karma so they could
spiritually and intellectually evolve into fourth density, and they chose in
their soul contracts to experience great hardships that would balance other
lifetimes.  A few individuals, comparatively speaking, could provide the
circumstances that would allow those masses of souls to experience their

We have recounted before that when that mass karma had been completed, those
individuals reneged on their agreement to join the light, so we aren’t going
to repeat the details. However, because it is uplifting to know, we do say
again that the many millions who endured more than they had chosen
petitioned at soul level to leave prior to completing their contracts, and
their petitions were granted.  Those souls are credited with contract
completion, and along with beaming light to the planet from Nirvana, they
are evolving spiritually.

Free will applies equally to circumstances far less profound than those
souls chose. In your pre-birth agreement, which is made with souls’
unconditional love for one another and is designed to benefit all who want
to share your lifetime, you chose your parents for genetic
inheritance—health issues, intelligence, talents and other innate
abilities—their ancestors, your siblings, degree of nurturing, culture,
geographic location, financial means, education. You chose your life partner
or partners, children, primary mentors, friends, antagonists and close
working colleagues. The matching-up of these many souls who are the most
important influences in your life is possible in the continuum, where all
lifetimes are happening concurrently.

To accomplish what you and all the other principle participants in the
agreement chose, some play harsh or hurtful roles to balance their
experiencing at the same time they’re offering you and others in the
agreement the opportunity to experience what you and they need to attain
balance. Persons who seem unreasonably stern, stubborn, mean-spirited or
unfair may be fulfilling their roles to the letter.

Regardless of the role each participant agrees to play, the soul’s messages
to the consciousness—conscience, instinct, intuition, inspirations,
aspirations—always are aligned with the individual’s soul contract that is
his or her part of the agreement provisions.  Ignoring those messages lets
the person detour in minor or considerable ways from the agreed upon role.
No one knows what is in his own contract or in anyone else’s, but you can
adhere to your “unknown” choices by acting and reacting according to the
messages’ guidance.

With that understanding, rather than feeling resentful, bitter, judgmental
or angry—emotions that emit the low vibrations that cause imbalance—you can
feel patience, gratitude and forgiveness.  Not only will those qualities
impart light that helps you stay in balance or regain it, but their high
vibrations will reach those persons and may soften their behavior and
attitudes—doing so may be exactly what you all had chosen in the agreement.
To use your expression, that is a “win-win” situation.

Now we shall address a different sort of question about free will and then
queries about other issues. Absolutely there is free will in Nirvana!
Creator’s law pertains to every soul regardless of its location in the
cosmos or whether in a physical civilization or a spirit world. Nirvana
residents have the advantage of their cumulative soul’s knowledge, and since
balanced experiencing is the aim of all personages, free will choices in
their soul contracts are based on that knowledge.

Is the darkness still in control after we die?  Darkness never is in
control unless a person invites it!  Experimenting with dark ideas such as
satanic practices, giving into the temptations of greed and dishonesty,
striving for ever-greater power and obtaining it through tyranny are wide
open invitations to the darkness. This is vastly different from a soul
agreeing to play a harsh or hurtful role in a pre-birth agreement.

No, ascending with Earth doesn’t require knowing what civilization you are
from or how evolved your soul is.

Yes, a soul contract may be amended for a longer physical lifetime than
originally chosen.  A soul would request additional time only if it saw an
enhanced opportunity to evolve spiritually; and since all requests are made
at soul level and are granted or denied at that level, persons cannot know
if they are living longer than originally chosen.

Will beloved pets be able to go with people who make it to the Golden Age?
Animals have soul contracts too, and some have lifetime duration clauses
that will end prior to Earth’s entry into fourth density.  But overall, the
purity of spirit in all Earth’s animals is their ticket to go along.  More
obvious changes are happening in their nature than in humans, many of whom
are still bogged down in duality. There are increasing instances of
cross-species friendship, and even animals you consider predator and prey
are starting to meet peaceably when extreme hunger isn’t in the picture.  At
one time all animals lived peaceably together and with people, and they will
so again during Earth’s Golden Age.

First density life forms cannot be seen in third density worlds, but unless
they are primitive life in the depths of Earth’s seas, you can see second
density forms. Often these are minute flying insects that are extremely
short-lived, but during that time they serve a purpose in the food chain.
For souls in the basest level of Nirvana who accepted the light continuously
beamed—and it is only a pinpoint because those souls have an intense fear of
light—a tiny short-lived insect may be the emergence out of a first density
form. Evolving through those lower densities can take many thousands of
years in linear time and nearly countless life forms, and in second density,
often evolvement is through the insect world where the higher orders have
quite an amazing span of instinctive capabilities.

There won’t be three days of darkness on the planet before Earth’s Golden
Age begins.  That three-day period is associated with the theory that the
planet will enter the photon belt, and your planet isn’t going to be
anywhere near that belt.

When will model communities be ready?  Because so much has to take place in
the months prior to the end of 2012, including economic recovery after the
collapse so funding will be available, it’s likely that no large communities
will be ready until the Golden Age is underway. Many individuals and groups
around the world have been inspired to establish spiritually-based
communities.  Those that are planned to be self-sustaining will include
everything necessary for ideal living, from education to health care and
farming to cultural resources.

Without addressing the specific issues being questioned, we state that no
dire-sounding prognostications or predictions will come to fruition; only
ideas, plans and activities that are energetically aligned with the
prevailing light intensity can reach  manifestation.

If we knew exactly when the crews who are roving in your skies are going to
land, it would be our great joy to tell you. However, since we cannot in
this moment do that, what we can say with assurance is that it won’t be much
longer—a great deal must be accomplished during the next year and their
on-site assistance is part of it. Our family members overhead and those in
your midst are in constant contact and all are diligently serving to help
you bring to an end the long era of Illuminati control.

Your steadfastness in the light is bringing ever closer that day of meetings
and greetings with your brothers and sisters.  Then you will see for
yourselves how greatly you are loved and honored by them—and all other light
beings in this universe—and the swiftness with which Earth will be restored
to her Eden self.  The months ahead will be more joyously dynamic than you
can imagine!



Suzanne Ward


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  • i don't need S.E.T.I they show up in front of me. Why go search for extra terrestrials when yet you can go ask them to show up to you.....Banks are not evil it is the contents of it's misrepresented wealth status and power, that is the problem because it creates blocked energies from flowing throughout the world. The greedy people are like a damn in the river eventually it has to give way. The truth shall set the flood gates open

    besides that is way off the point to the message above.

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