The following article by Mike Adams was transcribed verbatim from:
How Soon is Too Soon for Infants to Start Drinking Soda?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
(NaturalNews) If you really want to give your baby a head start in life by improving their social standing and guaranteeing their happiness, start feeding them Coca-Cola, Pepsi and other sugary carbonated beverages at the earliest age possible. Even babies as young as a few months old will enjoy the many benefits of soda pop.
Sound bizarre? That's the message the Soda Pop Board of America promoted back in the 1950's. Here's the actual text from a full-page ad:
(View the ad yourself at )
For a better start in life, Start COLA earlier!
How soon is too soon?
Not soon enough. Laboratory tests over the last few years have proven that babies who start drinking soda during that early formative period have a much higher chance of gaining acceptance and "fitting in" during those awkward pre-teen and teen years.
So, do yourself a favor. Do your child a favor. Start them on a strict regimen of sodas and other sugary carbonated beverages right now, for a lifetime of guaranteed happiness.
The Soda Pop Board of America
1515 W. Hart Ave - Chicago, IL
- Promotes Active Lifestyle!
- Boosts Personality!
- Gives body essential sugars!
Sound familiar?
This marketing of harmful products to infants and toddlers sounds eerily familiar to the marketing tactics exploited by Big Pharma and its psychiatric drugs today. The words are almost exactly the same: "A lifetime of guaranteed happiness" echoes the marketing of any number of drugs such as Ritalin, Concerta or other psychotropic drugs.
Soda companies, much like drug companies, have relentlessly tried to convince parents that forcing their products onto their children is a smart thing to do. Do you see how drinking soda was linked to "fitting in" during the teen years? It's clever, covert persuasion: Your child will be "cool" if you feed him soda pop as an infant. But if you don't, your child may be an outcast!
It's the same with psychiatric drugs today: If you don't put your child on Concerta or other mind-altering drugs, they won't succeed in school! Or they'll be hated by their teachers...
It's all the same mind-game marketing, just dressed up with new chemicals.
What about obesity?
Did you notice that the Soda Pop Board of America somehow neglected to tell parents that feeding their babies sugary carbonated beverages may result in:
• Obesity
• Diabetes
• Loss of bone density
• Dental cavities
• Nutritional deficiencies
These "side effects" of consuming soda pop are mysteriously never mentioned. (Gee, I wonder why?)
Similarly, modern-day drug companies never tell parents the truth about how psychiatric drugs may cause:
• Diabetes
• Suicidal thoughts
• Violent behavior
• Stunted brain development
In both cases -- soda pop companies and pharmaceutical companies -- their job is to mislead parents into feeding their children poisons that just happen to generate huge profits for the companies doing the advertising.
The whole point of much of the advertising that goes on today is to mislead and mis-inform parents so that they make purchasing and consumption decisions that stand in contradiction to their own interests.
Coca-Cola, Big Tobacco and Big Pharma
Throughout the short history of corporate dominance over consumer purchasing behavior, three industries stand out as the most insidious and harmful to the People: The soda companies (Coke and Pepsi), the tobacco companies and the pharmaceutical companies.
In each of these cases, these industries sell toxic, harmful products to the public but position them as being extremely good for you.
"More Doctors Smoke Camels Than Any Other Cigarette!" - This was an advertisement that ran for years in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Today, of course, JAMA no longer accepts money from tobacco companies because, after decades of denials, the AMA one day admitted that cigarette smoke probably wasn't good for your health. So they switched to accepting ads from companies selling a different kind of poison: Pharmaceuticals.
Now, JAMA runs ads for toxic pharmaceuticals that can (and do) kill people. And they defend that as perfectly reasonable and "safe," just like they once insisted that smoking cigarettes was a healthy habit!
If you really look hard at all the largest corporations, you'll quickly realize that most of them are in the business of selling you poison while calling it some sort of miracle:
• Tobacco companies sell poison in the form of cigarettes and chewing tobacco.
• Monsanto sells poison in the form of GM seeds that it calls an agricultural miracle.
• Drug companies sell poison in the form of medications and vaccines.
• Soft drink companies sell poison in the form of tasty beverages.
• Processed food companies sell poison in the form of convenient snacks.
• Cancer clinics sell poison in the form of chemotherapy and mammograms.
• Personal care product companies sell poison in the form of lotions and cosmetics.
It's all sold with the same covert influence tactics. As one of the original advertising "greats" described it, advertising is the science of engineering consent.
Corporations are masters at engineering consent. They can even get people to buy and consume products that are essentially poisons.
How soon is too soon to start those poisons? Well, why not during pregnancy? That's the new aim of the psychiatric industry: Drug all the pregnant women and make sure that babies are born already drugged.
If U.S. corporations could have their way, babies would be born with a cigarette in their mouth, a vaccine needle in their arm, Nike shoes on their feet, an iPod in their hands and a bag of Doritos tucked under one arm. Welcome to the world of unbridled advertising and consumerism, little guy!
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